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Q054 We were real sorry that your team lost the big game. There's always next year for a comeback! Change ... real > really your > you're There's > Theirs.

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Presentation on theme: "Q054 We were real sorry that your team lost the big game. There's always next year for a comeback! Change ... real > really your > you're There's > Theirs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Q054 We were real sorry that your team lost the big game. There's always next year for a comeback! Change ... real > really your > you're There's > Theirs No change needed Winning answer! The adjective sorry needs an adverb, not an adjective, to modify it. Really is the adverb form. Use you’re only if you can logically substitute you are. You cannot in this sentence. There’s is the contraction for there is, which makes sense here. Theirs is a possessive pronoun, which is not logical in this sentence. Oh, yes, there is indeed an error!

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