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The Royal Docks Community School

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1 The Royal Docks Community School
Student Bulletin Tuesday 27th February (Week B) Assembly Theme: Every little counts It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen. John Wooden

2 Message from the Head Teacher
Year 11:  Gold Certificate and Best in Year – Elena Moga. Silver Certificate – Bao-Tran Pham. Bronze Certificate: Agne Pasvenskaite, Opemidileoluwa Olukoya, Auste Klimauskaite, Chelsea Vu. Year 10: Gold Certificate and Best in School – Yulin Zhou. Silver Certificate – Milot Dvorani, Darral Boye-Moses, Tobi Ibrahim. Bronze Certificate – Hussain Gondal, Mahraz Abdullah. Selected Year 10 and 11 pupils were entered for this year’s United Kingdom Intermediate Maths Challenge, a very difficult paper. Congratulations to the following students who showed that they are among the brightest mathematicians in their age group in the country.

3 Message from the Head Teacher
Ms Datta will be attending school every Tuesday and Friday lesson 1 and 2 to teach Year 10 and 11 in preparation for their music GCSE. Congratulations to the pupils on the attached spreadsheet who have attained reading/spelling ages of  18 years 11 months and above on the whole school computerised reading/spelling assessment. You will now be beginning an A Level reading programme led by Ms Taylor in the library.

4 Message from the Head Teacher
Year 11 there are now 43 days until your first exam!

5 Please see below the proposed dates for the second round of Mock exams
Maths – 1hr 30 mins Science – 1 hour Monday 27 February Lesson 5 Monday 6 March Lesson 5 Friday 3rd or 10th  March Lesson 4 Tuesday 28 February Lesson 5 Tuesday  7 March Lesson 5 Wednesday 1st or 8th March Lesson 6

6 Message from Miss Tinsley – Citizenship teacher
February is LGBT History Month. Well done to all the Year 9 students that have completed some excellent work this week on homophobic bullying, standing up for people’s rights and devising ways to combat discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community.

7 Examples of influential LGBTQ+ people and their fields of expertise

8 Mindfulness sessions are on Tuesdays at 2:30pm in the Studio.
Message from Miss Tinsley – Head of Year 8 Mindfulness sessions are on Tuesdays at 2:30pm in the Studio. Don’t forget! We can all learn something from Mindfulness, such as thinking before we respond, concentrating on our breathing to help calm us when we are feeling stressed or angry, and acknowledging how other people have made us feel without reacting negatively.

9 Message from Miss Tinsley – Head of Year 8
To help ensure you attend my detentions or to help you find me at the end of the day to show me your reports, here is a timetable to show where I will be: Break Lunch After School Monday N50 KS3 Office (Drama Office) Tuesday Canteen Wednesday Thursday Week B assembly Friday

10 Message from Miss Tinsley – Head of Year 8
Year 8 Conduct Summary (referrals minus achievement points – since September) Congratulations to 8K – you are above the line, which means you have more achievement points than referrals!!! Well done  A E G K S T V W

11 Year 8 Attendance – last Half Term
Message from Miss Tinsley – Head of Year 8 Year 8 Attendance – last Half Term Congratulations 8V - amazing attendance! Let’s try to all make this next Half Term really good one! 8A 93.2% 8E 94.2% 8G 95.7% 8K 88.4% 8S 94.7% 8T 90.2% 8V 97.5% 8W 85.9%

12 Year 8 Attendance – last Half Term
Message from Miss Tinsley – Head of Year 8 Year 8 Attendance – last Half Term This is OK, Year 8 – we were second, which is super, but we were below the target of 96%. 7 93.0% 8 93.2% 9 93.4% 10 91.3% 11 91.4%

13 Message from Miss Tinsley – Head of Year 8
Front Desk 8T and 8V are on Front Desk as follows: Monday 27th – 8T - Brooke and Ashim Tuesday 28th – 8T - Alex and Meitha Wednesday 1st – 8V - Anna C and Presian Thursday 2nd – 8V - Younes and Demeika Friday 3rd – 8V - Ramin and Nileta New rule: referrals & report = no Front Desk Duty If you are on report or you receive any new referrals for Persistent Disruption, Insolence Directed at a Teacher, Not Adhering to the Hands Off Policy or ANY Level 3 or 4 referrals, you will NOT be allowed to do Front Desk.

14 Message from Miss Tinsley – Head of Year 8
Are you getting involved?! There are many different activities taking place this year – have you joined in yet? On the next slide is the current timetable; why not challenge yourself to join in?

15 Yr 7 girls football (Sports Hall) Zumba – Girls only (Gym)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Before school (7.30am am) Yr 7 girls football (Sports Hall) Zumba – Girls only (Gym) Year 7 Trampolining (Sports Hall) Lunchtime (1.00pm pm) All years Basketball (Sports Hall) Key Stage 3 Dodgeball Choir (N56)  Key Stage 3 Boxing Yr 7 & 8 Girls Football Drama Club (1:15pm start - Studio) Key Stage 3 Trampolining Dance club (1:15pm start – Studio) Yr 10 Boys Football Yr 7 & 8 Art Club (1pm start – E52) After school (3.30pm pm) Yr 10 Football (astro) DebateMate (3:30pm – 4:30pm – E13) Year 8 Football (astro) Year 7 Boys Football International Food Club (3:15pm - 4:45pm – E06) Year 9 Boys Football

16 Message from Miss Tinsley – Head of Year 8
Homework Year 8s should be getting at least one piece of homework every night and it should take you from twenty minutes to one hour to complete. Don’t forget, you can use the Library after-school to help you get your work done. There are computers there, it is quiet and the books contain so much information to help you.

17 Message from Miss Tinsley – Head of Year 8
Make every lesson count You have been provided with a green leaflet explaining what outstanding behaviour is. You should have this in your blazer at all times and you should be following the rules exactly. Please ensure you are working hard every lesson to fulfil your potential. Am I HELPING the class to learn, or am I STOPPING the class from learning?

18 Message from Miss Tinsley – Head of Year 8
Treat EVERY WEEK like it is ANTI-BULLYING WEEK. You KNOW what bullying is. It is being rude or cruel about others. It is pushing or hitting others. It is talking about people behind their backs. It is encouraging others to make fun of people. It is sending rude messages to or about others. You KNOW BETTER. Make it stop and use your power for good! School is should be a calm, positive and safe place to be; this means YOU have to play your part to keep it that way by being nice to others.

19 Message from Miss Tinsley – Head of Year 8
Behaviour – reminder We have a ‘Hands Off’ policy – it means hands off AT ALL TIMES. There are no exceptions outside the classroom, especially when you are on the corridors at Break and Lunch, lining up for class or waiting in line for your lunch. No hugging, no high fives, no linking arms, no holding hands, no slapping, no grabbing each other, no pushing, no play fighting. The only times in lesson that there might be any physical contact would be in a practical lesson, like Drama or PE. Other than that, please keep your hands to yourself.

20 Message from Miss Tinsley – Head of Year 8
Behaviour – reminder When you are in school uniform and: on public transport, on the street walking home, waiting at a bus stop, in a shop, You are representing our school. Your behaviour matters because you are the public face of our school. We have received complaints from members of the public about TRDCS students and their behaviour on the buses and DLR – it’s embarrassing for the school and for your family to have to be told that you have been banned by TFL! Please ensure that you are demonstrating a good image of our school at all times, because any complaints from the public about your behaviour will be dealt with severely by the school.

21 Message from Miss Tinsley – Head of Year 8
Reports - reminder On Monday during L1, Front Desk will bring you your report. Keep the report safe for the whole week and get every lesson signed. If you lose your report, YOU MUST get another AND get every lesson re-signed. Give the report to your class teacher at the START of the lesson, but remember to collect it at the end. If you are on Green report, you must see your TUTOR at the end of EVERY day (even Mondays and Wednesdays). If you can’t see your Tutor, then you should see me. They will sign the report in the bottom left hand box.

22 Message from Miss Tinsley – Head of Year 8
Reports If you are on Amber report, you must see Ms Payne at the end of EVERY day (even Mondays and Wednesdays). If you are on Red report, you must see either me, Mr Nichols or Mr Ross (depending on which name is on your report) at the end of EVERY day (even Mondays and Wednesdays). If you are on a Pre-PSP or PSP report, you must see me or Ms Payne at the end of EVERY day (even Mondays and Wednesdays). You also have to get an adult that you live with to sign your report EVERY DAY to show that they have read the report. They will sign the report in the bottom right hand box.

23 Message from Miss Tinsley – Head of Year 8
Reports On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, your Tutor will check that your report is signed for every lesson, by the person you are on report to AND your parent/carer. If it is NOT fully signed, they will keep you after school for twenty minutes each time. On Friday, you ALL must come to me at 3:10pm, so I can see how the week has been – I will be in the Canteen. You have to complete two FULL weeks on report before you can come off report. If you get another referral whilst on report, you will remain on report.

24 The equipment you need to be successful in Year 8:
Message from Miss Tinsley – Head of Year 8 The equipment you need to be successful in Year 8: Big enough to fit an A4 folder/book



27 DEBATEMATE IS BACK! If you are interested in improving how you argue, improving your English speaking skills, improving your structured writing skills, or being a general all round legend then come to DEBATE MATE - Tuesday 3:30 – 4:30 - Room E13

28 For more information, speak to Ms Clarke.
Wednesday Lunch Time For more information, speak to Ms Clarke.

29 ART CLUB E52 – Every Friday Lunchtime ( 13h to 13h30 ) Year 7 & 8.
If you are interested, sign up in the Art office with Ms. You. Limited spaces

30 Equipment for Sale Basic school equipment will now be sold in school. This includes pens, pencils, rulers, rubbers and sharpeners and can be purchased as individual items or in mini sets. Each item is priced at 10p. Set prices are: pen/pencil/ruler - 25p. Pen/pencil/ruler/rubber/sharpener – 40p. The items can be purchased from breakfast club from 7.30am to 8.20am daily or Internal Exclusion room at break time, lunchtime or after school. If staff or students would like other basic equipment to be sold in school, please let Mrs Haylett, the School Business Manager know. 16G USBs will be on sale in the Library at a price of £3.00.

31 Messages from the Library
The library is open Monday to Thursday from 8am to 4.30pm. Friday it is open from 8am to 3pm. The library is there for you to use. There are 13,000 non-fiction books in the library that will have the answers to your homework. Every subject you study has books in the library you can use to improve. In the library you can: Read Use the non-fiction books for your school work Read daily newspapers and quality magazines Use the computers for your school work Do your homework

32 Message from Student Support Office
Students are not allowed in the main office at any time unless supervised by a member of staff. On Friday afternoons lost property will be by the student entrance as you leave so you can search for any items that may belong to you. Any lost PE kit will be given to the PE department so please check with your PE teacher if you have lost anything. You can still check for lost property daily,  at break times, lunch times and afterschool, this is kept in the medical room. Smaller items such as purses, keys, phones please check with the main office. Please be aware that every half term the remaining lost property will be given to charity, so please check for your items as soon as possible. If you cannot gain access to the Lower North wing please report to the student window. Students to check for lost PE kit in the PE office. If you need to check at any other time then you must be accompanied by a teacher.

33 Message from Ms Bigg – Student Welfare
Any student having to take medication must have had it handed to medical with a note from their parent/carer at the beginning of the day. Any student given medication to medical will have a note to say they have to take it at a certain time. No student should be carrying medication around with them.


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