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Presentation on theme: "BEHAVIOUR DISCIPLINARY PROCESS"— Presentation transcript:

By : Shady fouda Mohammed Khan

2 Mohammed Shady Phase System Incident Report (Class/Duty)
Assembly Protocol Reflections Sheets

3 Minor Behaviour / Incidents
WARNING 1 Minor Behaviour / Incidents Inappropriate verbal language used Not following class/bus rules Not completing class work Disrespecting students Disrupting teaching/learning Property misuse Consuming food/drink in class Computer use violation Physical contact/altercation Dress code violation Lack of classroom equipment Mobile phones, earphones exposed Verbal reminder and student name recorded on the board (PHASE 1) WARNING 2 Green reflection sheet handed to student by teacher WARNING 3 Negative issued, Parent Contact Community Service (By Teacher) (PHASE 2)


5 Minor Behaviour / Incidents
Inappropriate verbal language used Not following class/bus rules Not completing class work Disrespecting students Disrupting teaching/learning Property misuse Consuming food/drink in class Computer use violation Physical contact/altercation Dress code violation Lack of classroom equipment Mobile phones, earphones exposed PHASE 3 2nd negative in a week or 3rd in a term Immediate after school detention (Yellow Reflection Sheet, Given by Coordinator) PHASE 4 3rd negative in week or 4th in a term Suspension Room - with work provided Parent - Student Contract4 with 2 week Parole Orange Reflection Sheet (Deputy Principal) PHASE 3 2nd negative in a week or 3rd in a term Immediate after school detention (Yellow Reflection Sheet, Given by Coordinator) PHASE 4 3rd negative in week or 4th in a term Suspension Room - with work provided Parent - Student Contract4 with 2 week Parole Orange Reflection Sheet (Deputy Principal)



8 Major Behaviour / Incidents
Abusive language towards an individual Cheating during assessment Disrespecting teacher Vandalism of school property (including bus) Fighting/physical aggression Theft Truancy / Leaving school grounds Bullying (Cyber/Physical/Verbal) Sharing AIC media online Use of prohibited substances/items Inappropriate relationships PHASE 5 Breach of Contract & Major Incidents – 3 days Suspension (Principal) with work provided Re-entry phase: Parent - Student Contract with 4 week Parole Counselling & Assembly Presentation PHASE 6 Further Incidents Suspension At the discretion of the Principal Repeat Steps 4 - 5 PHASE 7 Continued breaking of the school rules & conditions of contract Enrolment Reviewed (Discretion of the Executive Principal)

9 Assembly protocol Teachers must arrive at assembly by 8.25 AM and Coordinators at 8.20 AM. Teachers are to be active and not passive in assembly. Allocated teachers (ideally who teach the cohort) are to assist each coordinator with: Greeting and congratulating students for positive behaviour and work ethic. Ensuring lines are straight and even numbers are distributed between lines per year cohort. Ensuring no students are talking in the middle and rear of the lines. Alert the Coordinator of any uniform breaches Disciplining students who are talking or disruptive Encourage recitation. During the dismissal of students from assembly, escort students outside to collect bags and hurry to class Teachers must not be talking while prayers/duaas are recited. Teachers must not be engaged in photocopying or other activities during assembly time.

10 Major incident reporting

11 Yard duty behaviour slip
Yard Duty Behaviour Slip To be submitted to coordinator Date/Time: Duty Location: Student Name: Student ID: Student Year: Reason (circle) Lateness Behaviour Littering Other (Please specify): Brief Comment:


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