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PD GROUP B-ELIEVE Monday March 20, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "PD GROUP B-ELIEVE Monday March 20, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 PD GROUP B-ELIEVE Monday March 20, 2017

Plickers Thumbs Up/Down Fist to Five Traffic Light Cards Traffic Light Board Mini Whiteboards Key Characteristics: Assessment is quick Data is gathered from ALL students Data is used to inform/adjust instruction Next Steps can be differentiated for different levels *CATCH AND RELEASE

Circulating to: Look Carefully at What Students are Writing Listen Carefully to the Questions Students are Asking Monitor Student Discussions Make use of the Clipboard Key Characteristics: Planned Carefully in Advance Must be Weaved Seamlessly into the Lesson Not Meant for Behavioral Purposes Uses a Variety of Techniques *GLOSSARIES*

Specifically Designed Questions Exit Tickets Differentiated Learning Activities Differentiated Student Work Products Self and Peer Assessment Conferencing ELICITING INFORMATION OF STUDENT UNDERSTANDING Key Characteristics: Different From Questions Used to Build Understanding Seek to Reveal Students’ Misconceptions vs. Designed to Deepen Understanding 2. Criteria for Learning are Clear 3. Are able to explain the Characteristics of High-Quality Work

5 THIS... IS... SPARTA!!!!!

6 Battle of Thermopylae Greek City-States vs. Persian Empire 480 BC
King Leonidas / King Xerxes

7 Athens & Persia In the early 400s BC, the Greek city-state of Athens came into conflict with the Persian Empire over Greek colonies in Ionia, which were located in Persia

8 Conflict Begins After Athens sent aid to Greeks living in Ionia, the Persian emperor Darius decided to invade Athens

9 Battle of Marathon The Persians and Greeks clashed at a town called Marathon The Persians were defeated, which was unexpected as they outnumbered the Greeks Furious at the defeat, Darius’ son Xerxes aimed to get revenge and planned another attack ten years later in 480 BC

10 The Battle Of Thermopylae
One of the initial battles of the second invasion A huge Persian force fought against a much smaller group of Spartans, who were aiding Athens Although greatly outnumbered, the Spartans held the Persians back This gave Athens valuable time to prepare for the Persian invasion and ultimately led to a Greek victory One of the most famous battles in history for how the Spartans fought 300

11 Central Historical Question
Over the past centuries, historians have argued over how many Persians participated in the Battle of Thermopylae. Our task today is to look at four different sources and address the questions: HOW MANY PERSIANS WERE AT THE BATTLE OF THERMOPYLAE?????????

12 Lesson Objective: SWBAT Infer How many Persians were at the Battle of Thermopylae, by Using Historical Evidence to Support their Argument

13 Information Needed For Educated Response

14 Make sure to use historical evidence
FINAL CLAIMS Make sure to use historical evidence EXTENSION: What other types of evidence might you consult to further investigate this question?


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