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The Value of Person-Centered Planning

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1 The Value of Person-Centered Planning
Module Two The Value of Person-Centered Planning

2 1 An Overview of Person-Centered Planning 2

3 What is the History of PCP?
PCP has been required by the Michigan Mental Health Code (MMHC) since 1996 3 Self-Determination Peer Project

4 What is the Michigan definition?
“Person-centered planning” means a process for planning and supporting the individual receiving services that builds upon the individual's capacity to engage in activities that promote community life and that honors the individual's preferences, choices, and abilities. MCL (g) 4 Self-Determination Peer Project

5 What Does Michigan Law Require?
“The responsible mental health agency for each recipient shall ensure that a person-centered planning process is used to develop a written individual plan of services in partnership with the recipient. . . ” MCL 5 Self-Determination Peer Project

6 What is the purpose of PCP?
A systematic way to generate an actionable understanding of a person with a developmental disability as contributing community member What does that mean? 6 Self-Determination Peer Project 6

7 What is the purpose of PCP?
The purpose of PCP is to get people the lives they want in the community 7 Self-Determination Peer Project 7

8 How did PCP start? PCP started in various places across the county as support people with developmental disabilities worked with their support people to determine the kind of lives they wanted to live in the community Self-Determination Peer Project

9 What are the PCP Values and Principles?
Every Individual is presumed competent To direct the PCP process Achieve his or her goals and outcomes Build a meaningful life in the community 9 Self-Determination Peer Project

10 What are the PCP Values and Principles?
Every individual Has strengths Can express preferences Can make choices 10 Self-Determination Peer Project

11 What are the PCP Values and Principles?
The individual’s choices and preferences are honored and considered If not always implemented 11 Self-Determination Peer Project

12 PCP Values and Principles
Through the person-centered planning process, a person: Maximizes independence Creates community connections Works toward achieving his or her chosen outcomes 12 Self-Determination Peer Project

13 PCP Values and Principles
Every individual contributes to his or her community and has the ability to choose how supports and services enable him or her to meaningfully participate and contribute 13 Self-Determination Peer Project

14 PCP Values and Principles
An individual’s cultural background is recognized and valued in the person- centered planning process 14 Self-Determination Peer Project

15 2 Person-Centered Planning: Essential Elements 15

16 PCP is: (Essential Elements)
Person-Directed Person-Centered Outcomes-Based Information, Support and Accommodations 16 Self-Determination Peer Project

17 PCP is: (Essential Elements)
Independent Facilitation Pre-Planning Wellness and Well-Being Participation of Allies 17 Self-Determination Peer Project

18 Person-Directed The individual: Directs the planning process
Decides when and where planning meetings are held Decides what is discussed Decides who is invited 18 Self-Determination Peer Project

19 Person-Centered Planning Process focuses on the person
NOT THE SYSTEM, NOT THE PERSON’S FAMILY GARDIAN OR FRIENDS It focuses on the person getting a life that he or she wants Focuses on what he or she can do The process is used whenever the person wants or needs it 19 Self-Determination Peer Project

20 Outcome-Based The plan should have goals and a plan for achieving those goals An outcome is a way to measure progress or achievement 20 Self-Determination Peer Project

21 Information, Support & Accommodation
Information on options for everything in which the person has interest Support to assist the individual to participate and make choices Accommodation to assist the individual to address a barrier related to a disability 21 Self-Determination Peer Project

22 Wellness and Well-Being
Issues of health, wellness, well-being and coordination with health are discussed So a person can live the live he or she wants Plans to address these issues are made (can be done in a outside of PCP meeting) 22 Self-Determination Peer Project

23 Participation of Allies
Through pre-planning, The individual selects friends, family members and others To support him or her through the PCP Process Allies may need to be cultivated 23 Self-Determination Peer Project

24 3 Person-Centered Planning: Pre-Planning 24

25 What is Pre-Planning? An agenda for the meeting is planned
There needs to be enough time to plan (such as invite people) 25 Self-Determination Peer Project

26 What is Pre-Planning? The following things are decided:
When and where the meeting will be held Who will be invited What will be discussed and not discussed, What accommodations are needed Who will facilitate the meeting Who will record what is discussed at the meeting 26 Self-Determination Peer Project

27 4 Person-Centered Planning: Independent Facilitation 27

28 What is an Independent Facilitator?
Chosen by the individual and serves as the individual’s guide (and for some individual’s their voice) throughout the process making sure his or her hopes, interests, desires, preferences and concerns are heard and addressed. 28 Self-Determination Peer Project 28

29 What is an Independent Facilitator?
someone you choose and hire to help you with your person-centered planning process independent from the system has training in PCP 29 Self-Determination Peer Project 29

30 5 Person-Centered Planning: The Process 30

31 What the Person-Centered Planning Process Can Focus on?
Jobs Housing Transportation Education and Training Hobbies Community Activities Friendships and Relationships Wellness and well-being 31 Self-Determination Peer Project

32 What are the parts of the process?
Pre-Planning Meeting or Meetings What else? 32 Self-Determination Peer Project 32

33 What happens at a PCP meeting?
The things that a person wants to do and the life he or she wants to have are discussed Goals are identified A plan for to happen for the person to achieve those goals is developed Specific services and supports needed are identified Everyone’s roles and responsibilities are decided 33 Self-Determination Peer Project

34 What is the difference between a process and a meeting?
34 Self-Determination Peer Project 34

35 How often should PCP be used?
Whenever a person need or wants it When needs change When goals change When there is a problem of any kind At least once a year 35 Self-Determination Peer Project

36 How can PCP be used to problem-solve?
PCP is the best way to address a problem It involves the person’s allies More people come up with more and different and better solutions 36 Self-Determination Peer Project

37 How can PCP be used to develop an Individual Budget and Arrangements that Support Self-Determination? Develop an IPOS Develop an Individual Budget based on the IPOS Discuss how the arrangements are going to be implemented (such as direct hire or contracting with an agency) 37 Self-Determination Peer Project

38 How can PCP be used to develop an Individual Budget and Arrangements that Support Self-Determination? Identify providers Assign roles and responsibilities 38 Self-Determination Peer Project

39 What if The Person Does Not Want Someone Involved?
A person can choose who to invite to the PCP process A person can also choose who not to invite 39 Self-Determination Peer Project 39

40 What if The Person Does Not Want Someone Involved? Exceptions:
Someone from the CMH needs to be involved to authorize services and supports Legal Guardians have the right to be involved, but: (next page) 40 Self-Determination Peer Project 40

41 The Role of the Guardian in PCP
The Michigan Medicaid Provider Manual states: Care should be taken to insure that these goals are the goals of the individual first, not those of a parent, guardian, provider, therapist or case manager, no matter how well-intentioned. MH/SA §17.1 p. 104 41 Self-Determination Peer Project 41

42 What Are the Roles of People Who Help?
The Person Do Pre-planning Identify goals Pursue those goals Keep people in the loop 42 Self-Determination Peer Project 42

43 What is the Role of the Independent Facilitator?
Run the meeting(s) for or with the person Advocate for the person as much or as little as he or she wants Assist with pre-planning process Be person’s voice as much or as little as her or she wants Make sure that the person’s plan reflects what he or she wants 43 Self-Determination Peer Project 43

44 What is the Role of the Supports Coordinator?
Obtain authorization for Services and Supports Develop the Individual Plan of Service Monitor services and support Provide individualized help to the person 44 Self-Determination Peer Project 44

45 What is the Role of SD Peers in PCP ?
Teach people about the process Answer questions Assist with pre-planning Help person express him/herself Assist with implementing the plan Problem-solve 45 Self-Determination Peer Project

46 6 Individual Plan of Service 46

47 What is an Individual Plan of Service?
The formal paperwork that results from the PCP process The plan is reviewed on a routine basis as part of regular conversations The plan is reviewed at least once a year Reviews work from the existing plan A new plan is developed if the person wants one 47 47 Self-Determination Peer Project

48 What’s in an Individual Plan of Service (IPOS?)
A description of the person’s: strengths abilities goals plans hopes interests and preferences 48 Self-Determination Peer Project

49 What’s in an Individual Plan of Service (IPOS)?
The person’s outcomes and how progress toward achieving those outcomes is measured The services and supports the person needs to work toward or achieve the outcomes 49 Self-Determination Peer Project

50 What’s in an Individual Plan of Service (IPOS?)
The amount, scope, and duration of medically necessary services and supports authorized by CMH The estimated cost of CMH services and supports authorized 50 Self-Determination Peer Project

51 What’s in an Individual Plan of Service (IPOS?)
The roles and responsibilities of the individual, the supports coordinator or case manager, the allies, and providers in implementing the plan 51 Self-Determination Peer Project

52 7 SD PEER

53 What is an SD Peer? A person who has been trained as a peer mentor or certified peer support specialist Who also has training in self-determination Who can be hired by a person to help him or her with using arrangements that self-determination 53 Self-Determination Peer Project 53

54 How Can a SD Peer Help? An SD Peer:
has used arrangements that support self-determination has received training in self-determination 54 Self-Determination Peer Project 54

55 How Can a SD Peer Help? An SD Peer:
understands how arrangements that support self-determination works can help a person figure out self-determination 55 Self-Determination Peer Project 55

56 Thank You

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