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Water quality characterization of the Pebble prospect area in Southwestern Alaska Comparison of PLP and independent science team scope, methods, and results.

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Presentation on theme: "Water quality characterization of the Pebble prospect area in Southwestern Alaska Comparison of PLP and independent science team scope, methods, and results."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water quality characterization of the Pebble prospect area in Southwestern Alaska
Comparison of PLP and independent science team scope, methods, and results Kendra Zamzow, PhD Center for Science in Public Participation, Chickaloon, AK WAISC, Dillingham, AK March 2012

2 Site location

3 Independent team: what, why
Stream sampling field chemistry (oxygen, pH, temperature) Analytical chemistry Metals, ions, cyanide, radioactivity, etc discharge Why Potentially impacted region extends beyond the claims of the Pebble Limited Partnership (PLP) Some rivers had no baseline water quality data PLP data is in pdf table format, limiting review options * Note Jamie’s hydrographs showed 2009 had the biggest spring melt of any year ; this affects the chemistry The independent study was funded by the Nature Conservancy

4 Scope: geographic area
44 stream sites Nondalton 31 stream sites Iliamna Nondalton PLP Iliamna PLP EBD section 9.1.4, 9.2.3, Figure 9.1-2, 9.2-1 TNC TNC report Table 1, Figure 2

5 Sampling methods TNC PLP Field data and lab analytical data
May 2009, June 2009, June 2010 Field data and lab analytical data Monthly Composite samples across the stream (DH-48, DH-81) Filter at the end of the day Peristaltic pump disposable tubing and filters Filter on the bank (accurate representation of dissolved and “total” metals)

6 Sampling methods TNC PLP Triplicates or quadruplicates
QA/QC Triplicates or quadruplicates 100%-20% of the sites Trip blanks Equipment blanks Temperature blanks Duplicates and triplicates 14% of the sites No information on trip blanks equipment blanks temperature blanks

7 Data Presentation

8 Results - Field parameters (TNC)
Analyte May 2009 June 2009 June 2010 Temperature (C) 0-15 (1.5) 1-16 (8) Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) na 8-15 (12) pH 5.4 – 7.2 (6.7) (7.2) Specific conductance (uS/cm) 11-47 (34) 9-97 (51) Range and median, TNC data only

9 Results – metals (TNC) Waters in and around the proposed Pebble Mine site have very low concentrations of metals Copper is elevated near the ore body A few sites had elevated aluminum, manganese, iron, cadmium, lead. None of these were elevated in the main rivers Metal concentrations increased briefly during ice break-up


11 Copper – Seasonal differences
Blue – 0 to 1.8 ug/L Red – 4-6 ug/L Orange – 1.9 to 3.9 ug/L No color – no analysis Copper standard – 1.8 ug/L at hardness 15 mg/L

12 sites sites Alkalinity (soft water) concentration
Dissolved organic material (plant matter) sites Box plots based on PLP Environmental baseline document Appendix 9.1B concentration sites

13 Trace elements meet water quality standards gross alpha, gross beta
Antimony Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Cyanide Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Uranium Zinc meet water quality standards Cadmium, Total Copper, Total and Dissolved Lead, Total gross alpha, gross beta Antimony Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Cyanide Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Uranium Zinc

14 Summary: Clean, cold water
Low metals. Some higher near ore deposit. Independent data is in agreement with PLP data. Little ability to buffer acid or mitigate metal toxicity. A small increase in metals will be noticed

15 Questions? Tsin’aen Camai Thank you Kendra Zamzow CSP2

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