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“Trump to hold first news conference as President”

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1 “Trump to hold first news conference as President”

2 President Donald Trump will hold his first news conference as commander in chief Friday. Joining Trump will be British counterpart Theresa May for a Q&A with the press at the White House. Joint news conferences with a foreign leader are typically part of the schedule when a foreign leader visits. Trump and May, who took office in July, both have strong political incentives to make the visit a roaring success. The Prime Minister is telling Britons their country will be a robust global trading power once it has exited the European Union, and a free-trade pact with the US is the most important pillar of that plan. Trump also has an interest in talking up a trade deal. The envisioned agreement with Britain is exactly the kind of bilateral pact that the Trump administration says is the model for US trade policy going forward. Trump will field questions at a time when his foreign policy vision and tone is being heavily scrutinized, particularly after a fight with Mexico that resulted in the Mexican president canceling his visit to the White House.

3 In Other News To grow human organs within animal bodies has long been the dream of scientists wanting to provide transplantable hearts, lungs, kidneys and other organs for patients in need. A glimpse of possible success in this elusive goal was seen Thursday. Using stem cell technologies, researchers generated human cells and human tissues in the embryos of pigs and cattle. Their research appeared in the journal Cell. While the world becomes more wired through laptops, tablets and mobile phones, a mountain of electronic waste — or e-waste — is also growing. The greatest contributor to that stock of e-waste is Asia, according to a report published last week from United Nations University. A significant proportion of that waste is likely helping to grow an international black market for recycling, says Ruediger Kuehr, the lead author on the report. Asia is the highest overall producer, though the per capita production of e-waste is highest in the United States, Europe and Oceania. The Americas produced about 26 pounds per inhabitant in By comparison, Asia produced 8.1 pounds per inhabitant and Africa 3.74 pounds.

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