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RESOLUTION GSC-8/5: Radio Microphones

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1 RESOLUTION GSC-8/5: Radio Microphones
GSC9/GRSC_009 SOURCE: GRSC Task Group on Radio Microphones TITLE: Draft Standard for Radio Microphones & Cordless Audio AGENDA ITEM: GRSC 5.4 CONTACT: Brian Copsey RESOLUTION GSC-8/5: Radio Microphones the elaboration of a single specification for radio microphone products that could be used on a global basis; 11/05/2018 GSC-9, Seoul 1

2 History Following GRSC 8 a meeting was convened at ETSI in October 2003 consisting of some 20 representatives from GRSC members. The meeting produced some interesting discussion and an outline document on “Radio Microphones” including “Cordless Audio“ devices as they have a similar specification and distribution to radio microphones. The group has since worked electronically. GSC-9, Seoul

3 Different Regional Approaches
It was recognised that regulatory regimes have different ways of presenting testing requirements to manufacturers, for example Europe has separate standards for EMC whilst other regions include these within the main standard. GSC-9, Seoul

4 Task Group Decision It was therefore decided to produce a single standard, recognising that it was the common testing methods and parameters which are important, not the way the document would be split up by various regulatory regimes. GSC-9, Seoul

5 Parameters The Task Group considered the different parameters in use by GRSC member countries and has taken an informed view of their values, against their ability to cause interference to other users of the radio spectrum when producing the consolidated documents. GSC-9, Seoul

6 Results Draft GRSC 001: International Technical Characteristics and Test Methods. Part 1: Wireless/Radio Microphones in the 25MHz to 3GHz Frequency Range. Part 2 Cordless Audio and Consumer Radio Microphones in the 25MHz to 3GHz Frequency range. GSC-9, Seoul

7 Action Required Recognising that the Regional variations should be kept to a minimum to retain the advantages of World harmonisation. Also recognising that these devices travel the world and it may be better to have a common specification for spectrum planning purposes!) PSO’s are requested to consider parallel approval/publication of these standards. Within ETSI it is proposed to raise Work Items in TC ERM to approve this specification as an EN. GSC-9, Seoul

8 Future Activities of Task Group
It is proposed that the TG continue in its present form to coordinate any issues or changes that are brought to light as the standards are approved/published. It is proposed that the specification should be kept updated on the GRSC website along with any Regional variations. GSC-9, Seoul

9 Thank You The Task group thanks you for the opportunity to produce these documents GSC-9, Seoul

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