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Your Immune System Versus Microbes!

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Presentation on theme: "Your Immune System Versus Microbes!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Immune System Versus Microbes!
A lesson plan by Marissa Acciani

2 Objectives Students will be able to:
Identify key cells of the immune system and describe their basic functions Describe a pathogen of choice or invent one using a "wanted" poster List ways to prevent illnesses, including vaccines, hygiene practices, and wellness practices  Observe the harmless bacteria that live on the skin Act out a battle  between the immune system and a pathogen

3 Georgia Science Standards
Lesson may be most appropriate for 5th grade; however, I have listed others that could fit as well Grade 2: S2L1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the life cycles of different living organisms. Grade 3: none, open for suggestions Grade 4: S4L1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the roles of organisms and the flow of energy within an ecosystem. Grade 5: S5L4. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about how microorganisms benefit or harm larger organisms. 

4 Resources Used: Activities, ideas, and/or videos from
“Your Body Battles a Cold” by Vicki Cobb “It’s Catching: The Infectious World of Germs and Microbes” by Jennifer Gardy Google images for pictures Nature video

5 My Lesson Plan On Te’s Teach with blendspace website
Will also be presented in the following attachments

6 Contact Information Marissa Acciani Department of Infectious Diseases University of Georgia, Athens (919)

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