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Heat & Temperature A- Particle Speed: 1- Gas fastest. 2- Liquid fast.

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Presentation on theme: "Heat & Temperature A- Particle Speed: 1- Gas fastest. 2- Liquid fast."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heat & Temperature A- Particle Speed: 1- Gas fastest. 2- Liquid fast.
I- Kinetic Theory of Matter: States that all matter is made up of small particles that are always in motion. A- Particle Speed: 1- Gas fastest. 2- Liquid fast. 3- Solid Slowest.

2 B- Temperature: is the. measure of the average
B- Temperature: is the measure of the average kinetic energy of all the particles in an object or material. 1- Particles at high temp. have more K.E. 2- Particles at lower temp. have less K.E .

3 C- Heat: is the amount of energy transferred
from one place to another. 1-One object at the same temperature as another has more energy if it has more particles or more mass. 2-More heat can be transferred from a large objects than smaller ones at the same temperature

4 II-Measuring Temperature:
A-Thermometer: is used to measure temperature. All thermometers have two reference points. 1-point at which pure water freezes. 2-point at which water boils. (scale between the points called degrees.)

5 the idea that the color of light, given off by a glowing objects
B-Optical Pyrometer: works on the idea that the color of light, given off by a glowing objects depends on it’s temperature. Measures radiant. l- warm objects = reddish color. 2- hot objects = yellowish color. 3- very hot objects = blue color.


7 C-Thermograms: used to
measure infrared light (which is invisible) to show heat lose in buildings.


9 III-Measuring Heat: devise used to determine a
A-Calorimeter: is an inclosed devise used to determine a materials ability to take in and give off heat. THIS IS KNOWN AS SPECIFIC HEAT. 1-Water has a high specific heat it takes in and gives off heat slow.


11 IV- Producing Heat: A- Heat Source: is anything that gives off heat directly or indirectly. 1-The sun is the main source of energy 2-Heat moves from regions of high temp. to regions of low temp..


13 B-Forms of energy that produce heat. 1-Electrical energy: electricity
passes through coils to produce heat. 2-Chemical energy: produces heat by combustion is the process of burning or exploding. 3-Mechanical energy: heat is produced by friction.

14 V-Energy Transfer: between them.
A-Conduction: is the movement of energy from a heat source to an object, by direct contact between them.

15 1-The particles in any material move. and bump into each other. When
1-The particles in any material move and bump into each other. When you heat up an object the particles move faster bumping into each other transfering energy or heat to the object it touches.

16 2-Conductor is any material which. heat or energy passes through
2-Conductor is any material which heat or energy passes through easily. 3-Insulator is any material which prevents or slows down the movement of heat or energy.

17 B-Convection: is the transfer
of energy or heat when a large mass of liquid or gas moves from one place to another.

18 1-Convection Current: movement. of materials in a flow caused by
1-Convection Current: movement of materials in a flow caused by temperature differences. Hot air rises cool air sinks.

19 C-Radiation: is the transfer of energyin a wave.
1-More energy reaches you from radiation then through conduction or convection. 2-Dark colors are goodcollectors of radiant energy.



22 VI-Expansion and Contraction:
A-Expansion: is an increase in the size of a material. 1-Materials expands when the particles in them heat up and bump into each other.

23 B-Contraction: is a decrease in the size of a material.
1-Materials contract when the particles in them are cooled down. 2-Water contracts until it reaches 40 C, when it reaches C then it expands.


25 C-Thermostat: is a devise that has two different metal strips each expands and contracts at different temperatures. Turning the furnace on and off.

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