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McDowell County, West Virginia

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1 McDowell County, West Virginia

2 Jennifer Graham, LOREN WElLS West Virginia University Extension Service Annetta Tiller Unicare Rebekah Hall Americorps VISTA

3 McDowell County WV 46% of children live with NEITHER biological parent
48% no leisure time physical activity (#1 in WV) 42% under federal poverty level 55th in WV (with 55th being worst) for child and family well being #1 in deaths due to diabetes & #2 diabetes prevalence #1 in poor health in WV population 21,326 median household income $21,967 We have some problems, geographic isolation, lack of specialized healthcare services, poverty, BUT McDowell County people are strong, kind, resilient, like all Appalachians

4 Task forces Healthy Lifestyles Chronic Disease Management
HOPE Coalition Healthy Lifestyles Chronic Disease Management Family Issues Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Child & Domestic Violence Prevention Loren and I chair

5 Healthy Life styles Task Force
Supper in a Sack Eating Smart Being Active Chronic Disease Self Management Rethink Your Drink Cooking Matters at the Store Farm to School & Farmers Markets Gentle Yoga McDowell on the Move

6 Eating Smart Being Active
Lessons Get Moving! Plan, Shop, $ave Fruits & Veggies: Half Your Plate Make Half Your Grains Whole Build Strong Bones Go Lean With Protein Make a Change Celebrate! Eat Smart & Be Active Eating Smart • Being Active is a curriculum developed for low-income adults. Nutrition and health information have been updated through the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 and MyPlate to reflect the latest nutritional science. The curriculum incorporates the latest nutritional information based on these guidelines and also includes teaching methods that have been proven to be most effective with adults. Eating Smart • Being Active is an evidence based, nutrition education and obesity prevention curriculum. The curriculum won a national award from the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (NEAFCS) and is featured as a resource in the September/October 2010 issue of the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior (JNEB). The Eating Smart • Being Active Cookbook also won the 2012 Award for Publication Excellence. Each lesson contains physical activity, food activity and tasting, and tips for food safety, saving money, and parenting related to the topic of the lesson. Lessons include: Get Moving!, Plan, Shop, $ave, Fruits & Veggies: Half Your Plate, Make Half Your Grains Whole, Build Strong Bones, Go Lean With Protein, Make a Change, and Celebrate! Eat Smart & Be Active. Evidence based nutrition education program Here are the titles of the lessons in the curriculum. The lessons teach the main messages of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPlate. Curriculum: hands on activities participants actively engaged in learning materials are appropriate reading level based on proven adult learning theories each lesson contains physical activity food activity & tasting tips for food safety, saving money, and parenting related to the lesson topic Although the curriculum is based on nutrition information, it is not a detailed nutrition class. Rather, the emphasis is on skills needed to make healthy choices. For instance, rather than teaching which vegetables and fruits are good sources of which nutrients, the curriculum teaches how to include a variety of vegetables and fruits every day and how to save money when buying them. It teaches how to read food labels and compare them to decide which bread is made from whole grains, or which product is higher in fiber or lower in fat, for example. Research indicates that “hands-on”, “learner-centered” activities are both effective and enjoyable. People learn best when they can practice the skills they have learned. The lessons in Eating Smart • Being Active are activity-based to ensure that participants have opportunities to practice these skills. In the lessons, the educator acts as a facilitator rather than an expert. The participants help each other learn. Throughout the lessons, participants work with each other to complete activities and find “their” answers. The curriculum is based on learning theories which have proven successful with adult learners.

7 Supper in a Sack

8 Supper in a Sack locally purchased groceries for a well-balanced evening meal for a family of four provides nutrition that’s critical to the development of healthy bodies and strong minds Recipes include 1 fruit and vegetable 1 lean protein  1 low fat dairy 1 whole grain When paired with other meals at school, the Sack Supper rounds out the daily nutritional requirements for children. Such a simple program has such a powerful impact, because it helps kids stay focused, get their homework done, and stay on track with other children.

9 Chronic disease self management
techniques to deal with problems such as frustration, fatigue, pain and isolation appropriate exercise for maintaining and improving strength, flexibility, and endurance appropriate use of medications communicating effectively with family, friends, and health professionals decision making how to evaluate new treatments

10 Did it make a difference?
80% participants showed improvement in one or more food resource management practice (i.e. plan meals, compare prices, does not run out of food or uses grocery lists) 57% participants showed improvement in one or more nutrition practice (i.e. plans meals, makes healthy food choices, prepares food without adding salt, reads nutrition labels or has children eat breakfast)

11 positive changes Grains Fruits Vegetables Dairy Protein Fats
45% 30% 50% 55% 60%

12 Grocery store tours

13 Cooking matters at the store
During the grocery store tour, participants are empowered with 4 key food skills: reading food labels, comparing unit prices, finding whole grain foods, and identifying three ways to purchase produce Food Challenge where participants buy a healthy meal for a family of 4 for under $10 Participants take home recipes, shopping tips, a reusable grocery bag, nutrition based incentive items, and $10 worth of healthy groceries During the 1.5 hour grocery store tour, participants are empowered with four key food skills: reading food labels, comparing unit prices, finding whole grain foods, and identifying three ways to purchase produce. CMATS ends in a $10 Challenge where participants buy a healthy meal for a family of four, for under $10. Participants take home a booklet with recipes and shopping tips, a reusable grocery bag, nutrition based incentive items, and $10 worth of healthy groceries.

14 Farmers markets and grocery stores
Set up beside Taco Man and fresh squeezed lemonade Past years every week in different locations Five Loaves and 2 Fishes a local food bank, organized local farmers markets each month I also do grocery store food demonstrations/tastings based on sale papers that week and grocery stores

15 Rethink your drink Supper in a Sack Community Events Health Fairs
Farmers Markets Gentle Yoga Energy Express McDowell on the Move McDowell 4H Camp Riverview High – HSTA Commission on Aging Kimball Elementary

16 Gentle Yoga provided a training for 12 local leaders representing all 4 districts of McDowell County provide supplies, advertise, pay instructors, and reimburse mileage locations include Bradshaw, Iaeger, Keystone, Kimball, Northfork, Raysal, War, and Welch

17 Gentle Yoga

18 School Gardens Sandy River Middle School Mount View High School
Fall River Elementary Southside K-8 in process: Anawalt & Welch elementary schools

19 School Gardens

20 Mcdowell on the move 2004 Welch Walks 2016 McDowell on the Move
Award winning artist who designed logo Wearing tshirts Concord University communications/media student filmed a commercial 6 weeks in the Spring Walking

21 online, radio, and tv commercials
McDowell Moves 6 week walking program participants log steps online 3 walking trails (beginner, intermediate, advanced) marked with signs Rethink Your Drink hydration stations group and individual competitions with prizes Based on 2004 welch walks Walkability assessment online, radio, and tv commercials

22 Mcdowell on the move

23 Marketing Outreach Specialist
Unicare Marketing Outreach Specialist Annetta Tiller

24 What’s coming in 2017? McDowell on the Move FARMacy
Pop Up Farmers Market & Grocery Stores

25 For More Information WVU Extension – McDowell County PO Box 860 Welch WV (304) telephone (304) fax We’re on Facebook: West Virginia University Extension-McDowell County

26 Thank You ADCTP! and a special thanks to McDowell County FACES

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