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Change Leadership There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in.

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Presentation on theme: "Change Leadership There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Change Leadership There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. Nicolo Machiavelli - The Prince.

2 Agenda Welcome Explore the Challenge of Change
Reflect, Question, Debate, Learn, Have Fun Barry Wright’s home page

3 My Background                    

4 F.O.R.M. Groups of Two Introduction
Task: Interview a “new” colleague and introduce them to the rest of the group FORM Family Occupation Recreation Message (how are we similar)

5 Approach Problem based learning Sofna College has a problem
Task: What do we need to know about leading change to solve this challenge? What skills do you need to have to be a successful change agent? What pitfalls do you need to watch out for as you implement a change initiative? Come up with a “list of learning” points

6 Why Should Anyone Care About Change?
Change is emerging as a key organizational topic—if not the key organizational success topic. There is clearly a need for improvements how to undertake successful change. The track record of change efforts is not good. The ability to enact change successfully sets leaders apart from managers / followers.

7 Change – How prevalent? A recent study n=309 HRM executives
100% were going through – merger, acquisition, divestiture, global competition, restructuring Life Skill for you

8 The Case for Change This is why Organizations change Why we Change…
RIM “Can I keep my BB?” President O - $200.00 2012 “I want an iPhone!” The World – $7.36 2013 “Mmmmm – BB10” – $14.80 Friday “What else do you have?” – $ 12.75 This is why Organizations change Why we Change… That s/he not busy being born – is busy dying It’s alright, Ma (I’m only bleeding) Bob Dylan

9 Reflection: Change Wisdom
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” Charles Darwin

10 Quick Question? Who are you now?
Session Goal – 3 C.A.L.L.

11 Exploring the need for change
What is organizational change? Organizational change occurs when an organization restructures resources to create value and improve effectiveness.

12 Forces of change Task: What forces are causing our organization to change? Economic Political/Legal Technology Social/Demographic Other?

13 Question: What distinguishes good change from bad?
(or effective change from ineffective) Open question – One group

14 Change Views / Theories
Linda Ackerman Developmental change – improvement of what is presently happening (fine-tuning / incremental) Transitional change – old state – transitional state – new state (evolution) Transformational change – emergence of a new state, unknown until it takes shape (revolution / radical)

15 Incremental vs. Radical Change
Continuous progression Paradigm-breaking burst Affect organizational part Transform entire organization Through normal structure and management processes Create new structure and management Technology improvements Breakthrough technology Product improvement New products, new markets

16 Robbins Planned First-order Second-order Intentional and goal oriented
Linear and continuous Second-order Multidimensional, multilevel, discontinuous, radical

17 Sofna College Jan Walker (solid background) New Head of Sofna College
Starts work tomorrow Has done her homework (and now you get to do yours) She has a challenge

18 Task: Read case individually Two teams join together (perspective)
Case method approach Identify salient problems Identify constraints and key organizational values Draw from theories, principles, models to guide your journey Determine “best” solution(s) – with supporting reasons Provide an action plan!

19 So Jan Walker … What are you going to do? (Change Plan)
Tomorrow (to start the journey) First 90 days (actions) 6 months (What will be your plan / vision) What are your milestones / small wins? (for the two years) Group presentation: 5 minutes to sell your approach

20 Reflection Break “We must become the change we want to see” (Mahatma Gandhi) “When you are through changing, you are through” (Percy Barnevik, former CEO, ABB) “You can’t stop the waves but you can learn to surf” (various attributions)

21 Change Leadership Journey:
“Insights to Stand Upon”

22 Lewin’s Three-Step Change Model
Unfreezing Movement Refreezing Unfreezing: getting ready for change GOAL - minimizing resistance Moving: Making the change GOAL - changing people (individuals and groups); tasks; structure; technology Refreezing: Stabilizing the change GOAL - reinforcing outcomes, evaluating results, making constructive modifications Material pertinent to this illustration is found on pages Unfreezing: getting ready for change minimizing resistance Moving: Making the change changing people (individuals and groups); tasks; structure; technology Refreezing: Stabilizing the change reinforcing outcomes, evaluating results, making constructive modifications

23 Unfreezing the Status Quo
Desired State Driving Forces Restraining Time Material pertinent to this illustration is found on pages

24 Lewin’s Force Field Steps
Describe Current Situation Describe Desired Situation Identify where current situation will go if no action taken List forces driving change to desired / restraining forces Discuss all the forces – can they be changed? Which are the critical ones? Determine if you can negate the restraining / enhance the driving Recognize that changing one might impact the others (both positively and negatively)

25 Apply Task: Start a force field analysis of your SOFNA change.
Let’s chat.

26 Unfreezing Arouse dissatisfaction with the current state
tell them about deficiencies in organization Activate and strengthen top management support need to break down power centres Use participation in decision making get people involved Build in rewards tie rewards to change/use recognition, status symbols, praise to get people to go along

27 Moving Establish goals
e.g. achieve retention targets at end of next year Institute smaller, acceptable changes that reinforce and support change e.g. procedures and rules, job descriptions, reporting relationships Develop management structures for change e.g. plans, strategies, mechanisms that ensure change occurs Maintain open, two-way communication This material is found on page

28 Refreezing Build success experiences Reward desired behaviour
Set targets for change, and have everyone work toward targets Reward desired behaviour GOOD - reward behaviour that reinforces changes BAD - reward old system (e.g., people relying on old systems while change is going on) Develop structures to institutionalize the change Organizational retreats, appropriate computer technology, performance appraisals that examine change efforts Make change work This material is found on page

29 Punctuated - Equilibrium Model

30 Kotter’s 8 Steps for Leading Change
1) Establish a Sense of Urgency 2) Form a powerful guiding Coalition to Mobilize Commitment 3) Create a Shared Vision 4) Communicate the Vision 5) Empower Other to Act 6) Plan and create Short-Term Wins 7) Consolidate Gains and Produce more Change 8) Institutionalize or Anchor new ways of doing things in company Culture

31 Task: Educate Each Other
Divide up the 8 Steps Review the Article on your topic Share with your colleagues the lessons learned (3-5 minutes)

32 Back to the Case Start your journey What needs to be focused upon?
Start your journey (Lewin; Kotter’s 8 steps) Sense of Urgency Powerful coalition Vision Short term wins (Milestones)

33 Commercial courtesy of Kouzes & Posner
Model the Way Inspire a Shared Vision Challenge the Process Enable Others to Act Encourage the Heart Managers do things right Leaders do the right things

34 K & P Define Leadership “The art of mobilizing others to want to struggle for shared aspirations.” What do these words mean to you?

35 Leadership Lesson 1:Model the Way
“I would never ask anyone else to do anything that I was unwilling to do first.” Gayle Hamilton – Director, Pacific Gas and Electric Company Leaders set the example, people first follow the person then they follow the plan. Credibility is key

36 The Credibility Factor: What do followers want?
Honest - consistency Forward Looking - vision Inspiring - cheerleader, excited, passion Competent - record of achievement Credible - trustworthy

37 Credibility Insight First Law of Leadership
“If we don’t believe in the messenger, we won’t believe the message

38 How do you know when you see a credible leader?
They practice what they preach They walk the talk They put their money where their mouth is They follow through on their promises Their actions are consistent with their words LLL - They do what they say they will do

39 Leadership Development
Opportunity for working as a team. Practice the new “handclap” Do it all at the same time What was this about!?

40 Reflection Time You are driving and as you turn the corner you drive into fog – what do you do?

41 Message: Inspire a Shared Vision
You first need to develop a clear vision of and then for your future

42 HINTS: Strategic Visioning
Henry Mintzberg debunks popular approaches to strategic planning as overly analytic Mintzber hints: in order to be effective, he claims, strategy should involve intuitive glimpses of possibility The anticipatory principle--the development of imaginative capacity to form possible images of future states--suggests that perhaps the most potent vehicle for transforming human systems is our ongoing projection of a future image (vision)

43 Clear Vision – on a clear day you can see forever
Visions are about possibilities, desired futures. Discovery Points Janusian Thinking (Past/Future) Discover the Theme – what are you passionate about? Imagine the Ideal – what is the best that could happen? Elevator pitch – quick sell

44 Enlist Others Develop a shared sense of destiny
Listen deeply to others - what excites them? Find the common ground Discover and appeal to a common purpose A chance to be tested, to do something well, do something positive, a chance to change the way things are Give life to vision by communicating expressively Use powerful language – use the three peat, speak from the heart, image-analogy-feel,

45 Dr. King Let’s read (out loud) the “I have a Dream” speech
Then deconstruct it

46 Language of leadership
Jay Conger How things are framed makes a difference Focus on intrinsically appealing goals and values Accent the positive Highlight the significance of the project Who are the key antagonists Highlight why it will succeed Use analogies, stories, metaphors to make your point Allow your own emotions to surface when you speak

47 Step 3 - Challenge the Process
Picasso Manet Pollock VVG

48 To Challenge the Process Experiment and Take Risks
Question Status Quo: Encourage possibility thinking Set up little experiments Make it safe for others to experiment Accept that failure will happen – learn from it Eliminate firehosing Work with ideas that sound strange

49 Lesson 4: Enable Others to Act
Small Wins

50 Knight - Show something (but visible to others)
is happening (Ravenswood School District) One hop at a time Seek Small Wins AA Wt Watchers - Incremental Change (but visible to others)

51 5 - Encourage the Heart Recognize Contributions Cheer Key Values
Coach for Performance

52 Reflective Process Think about a time where your contributions were recognized. How did it make you feel? Share those experiences with your colleagues. Were there some commonalties?

53 Cheering About Key Values
Aircraft Carrier “the lost wrench” What did the Captain do? What does this story reinforce?

54 Coaching for Performance
Performance Management System One – on – one (with your stars) Listen and watch actively Set goals collectively Provide specific feedback (PEP) Gain a commitment for needed change

55 Back to the Case: Who Are you Now? C.A.L.L.
Model the Way Inspire a Shared Vision Challenge Process Enable Others to Act Encourage the heart CIEME Lead

56 Commercial Break Think about what disturbs you, how you are being changed by the times in which we live, and how you can best cope with the times in which we live

57 Exploring personal readiness for Change
Tolerance for Change Test Please read the following statements. Circle the letter that best describes how you would feel in response to each statement. A I would enjoy this very much, it’s completely acceptable B This would be enjoyable and acceptable most of the time C I would have no reaction to this feature one way or another D This feature would be somewhat unpleasant for me E This feature would be very unpleasant for me

58 Examples I would like to live in a foreign country for a while.
It is more fun to tackle a complicated problem than to solve a simple one. What we are used to is always preferable to what is unfamiliar (R). Many of our most important decisions are based on insufficient information. Teachers or supervisors who hand out vague assignments give one a chance to show initiative and originality.

59 What do these exercises tell us about ourselves?
Magic wand exercise List any three things you’d like to change instantly about your job, your workplace or yourself. What’s stopping your from making those changes? What do these exercises tell us about ourselves?

60 Individual Reactions to Change
Stages: Shock – perceive it as a threat Defensive – cling to old ways Loss of Confidence Disrupted Habits Fear of the unknown Loss of Face Loss of Control / Security Individual resistance

61 Individual Reactions 3. Acknowledgement – sense of grief and sadness but start to be open to making things work 4. Adaptation and Change – ready to establish new routines and help others.

62 Cynics: Reichers et. al.

63 Communication: Barrett

64 Sources of Resistance to Change
Problem is if we treat all resistence as a level 1 Level One Level Two Lack of Information Personal Reasons Honest Disagreement Emotional Issues cognitive emotional

65 Power of Emotional Appeals
Emotional Arguments – danger, loss, unpleasantness, risk Metaphors – machine, family, turn out the lights Emotional Modes – pictures, slogans, music, colour Humour – appropriate / un Display emotions – smiles, speech tone, expressive

66 Change Agent Task Your group maybe asked to present their emotional appeal In a group, prepare an emotional argument to persuade Canadians to change our flag to …

67 Back to the Case Insights? CALL?


69 What is Motivation? Motivation
The processes that account for an individual’s level (intensity), direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal Level/Intensity: how hard a person tries Direction: where effort is channeled Persistence: how long effort is maintained This material is found on page

70 Influencing Individual Behavior and Motivation
One of the paradoxes that leaders face is what motivates one person might not motivate another. This occurs because of the “Law of Individual Differences”

71 Motivators Needs Intrinsic Extrinsic
Individuals have needs that, when unsatisfied, will result in motivation Intrinsic A person’s internal desire to do something, due to such things as interest, challenge, and personal satisfaction. Extrinsic Motivation that comes from outside the person, such as pay, bonuses, and other tangible rewards. This material is found on page

72 SMART Goals Specific (self set) Measurable Attainable
Referred to regularly (reward) Time dependent

73 Back to the Case Insights? CALL?

74 Commercial Break Yea not busy being born, is busy dying.
Robert Zimmerman (aka Bob Dylan)

75 Reflection Questions How are you shaping the path?
What critical forces that are causing you to change? How will you dissatisfy people from the current state? What driving forces do you need to Enhance? Restrain? What’s the feeling? What is your sense of urgency? Who is in your Powerful Coalition? What is your vision – few words? What’s your key value(s)? How are you communicating with your people? What hot spots are you focusing on? What’s your first small win?

76 So Jan Walker … What are you going to do? First Day First 90 days
Vision Milestones

77 Now the edgy stuff Chaos Theory Bumping into things Tipping Points
Grendel’s Mother Darkest at Dawn We live in a political world

78 From Strategic Planning to Strategic Learning
Most strategy books emphasize prescriptive steps in the planning process The revolution in strategy that we see emerging is one that values inclusive dialogue over rational planning, active experimentation over analysis Brown and Eisenhardt (1998) and others have demonstrated that while ongoing incremental improvements are essential, they may not be enough High-performing organizations operate at the edge of chaos, improvising and learning as they go

79 Try this with me Pick Two people in our group (don’t tell anyone)
When I say GO – try to move so you are standing an equal distance between them GO What is this all about?

80 Tipping Point Leadership Kim and Mauborgne HBR, 2003
Bill Bratton – Police Leader Cognitive Hurdle Get people to agree on current problem (face-to-face with problems) Bratton began requiring that all transit police officials-beginning with himself-ride the subway to work, to meetings, and at night

81 Tipping Point Resource Hurdle
Focus on “hot spots” and bargain with partner organizations (concentrate resources) de-emphasizing or virtually eliminating some traditional features of transit police work while increasing emphasis on others or creating new ones - introducing mobile processing centers known as "bust buses."

82 Tipping Point Leadership Kim and Mauborgne HBR, 2003
Motivational Hurdle Put the stage lights on and frame the challenge to match organizations values Bratton had selected precinct commanders called before a panel of the senior staff (the selected officer was given only two days' notice, in order to keep all the commanders on their toes). The commander in the spotlight was questioned by both the panel and other commanders about the precinct's performance (KEY: based on fair processes and known goals: "block by block, precinct by precinct, and borough by borough.

83 Tipping Point Political Hurdle
Identify and silence internal opponents and isolate external ones Bratton's alliance with the mayor's office and the New York Times isolated the courts which had opposed his zero-tolerance policing out of fear that it would clog court schedules. And, large cars.

84 Grendel’s Mother (Beowulf)
Hero – Beowulf Grendel – monster who eats men Beowulf mortally wounds Grendel Happy days Grendel’s Mother Visit her lair New tools

85 Change’s path The learning curve Successful Change Change Doubt Point
Failed Change Escalating Commitment or Darkest before the Dawn?

86 Change Agent as Politician
Cutler, Maritz Agenda Setting - create an agenda for change - “plant seeds” - provide vision Map Political Terrain - determine channels of informal communication; identify principle agents; analyze internal/external mobilization; anticipate others strategies Network and Build Coalitions - ID relevant relationships; assess who might resist; Cultivate relationships; Develop other approaches too Bargaining and Negotiating - positional versus principled bargaining;

87 What Effects Are Changes Having?
There are many effects of change: One effect is that change begets more change. A second effect is that so much change has prompted an increasing amount of cynicism about change. A third effect is growing stress on individuals and their families.

88 Change and Stress Stress major factor in our lives. Ipsos-Reid of 1500 Canadians (2001) found that 62% reported experiencing a great deal of stress on the job. Workplace stress was bad enough to cause 34% of those surveyed to say that it had made them physically ill. Discuss causes of stress in your world (right now).

89 Managing Stress ... You Current Level of Functioning Force Field Lewin
Driving Restraining Forces Forces (Stressors) (Resiliency) (Reactions) Force Field Lewin You

90 Managing Stress…. Stressors Reactions Resiliency Enactive Proactive
Reactive Eliminate stressors *Permanent *Long time Develop resiliency *Long term *Moderate time Learn coping skills *Short term *Immediate

91 Stress Management Technique
Learn a relaxation technique “Progressive Muscle Relaxation”

92 Stress Model Hans Selye Stress Du-stress (-) Eu-stress (+)

93 Final Exam … Why is change so hard to enact?
Who would you rather spend an hour in conversation with – Lewin or Kotter? Why? Explain the old Russian proverb – the mind can carry on a conversation with the body that ends in death. What are your 3 CALL?

94 Leading Change Barry Wright, PhD
(905) ext 5034 BarryatBrock

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