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The RISE initiative in 2016-2017 Strenghtening Learning, Collaboration and Programmatic Adaptation (CLA) SAREL’s support to the RISE initiative in 2016-2017.

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Presentation on theme: "The RISE initiative in 2016-2017 Strenghtening Learning, Collaboration and Programmatic Adaptation (CLA) SAREL’s support to the RISE initiative in 2016-2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 the RISE initiative in 2016-2017
Strenghtening Learning, Collaboration and Programmatic Adaptation (CLA) SAREL’s support to the RISE initiative in

2 SAREL: Sahel Resilience Learning Project
One of three new programs launched under the RISE initiative: REGIS-ER, SAREL (2014) REGIS-AG (2015) in both Niger and Burkina Faso, complementing ongoing FFP Development Food Assistance projects (3 in Niger, 2 in BF since 2012/2013), (Tier 1) Build on Tier 1 AND other USG-funded development (sectorial), humanitarian and resilience programs that contribute to resilience building in the same zone: Tier projects in Niger, 7 projects in Burkina Faso Draw on lessons learned and adaptations already underway USG-funded and non-USG-funded programs and initiatives Need to share, learn, leverage and integrate (SLI) scarce humanitarian and development resources: build on H/D gains to reduce humanitarian caseloads through coordinated collaboration Need to accelerate, expand, scale-up resilience- enhancing best practices, innovations and models

3 Resilience learning for whom?
USAID/Senegal (COR, CLA Team) USAID/Niger and USAID/Burkina Faso Gov Niger: High Commission for 3N (Nigeriens Nourish Nigeriens) Gov Burkina Faso: Min. Agric/SP-CPSA 31 RISE partner IPs (Tier 1 + other Dev, Hum, Res) in Niger and Burkina Faso contributing to the RISE initiative Non-RISE actors: other NGOs, CSO, research institutions/ universities, UN agencies, other donors, CSOs, producer organizations, women/youth associations, think-tanks Other Sahel and AGIR countries with similar agro-ecological, CC, recurrent shocks and stress challenges (Mali, Chad, Sudan, etc) Sahel resilience Community of Practice (COP): 500+ members form various institutions, countries, regions, expertise with common interest on resilience thinking, practice and programs

4 SAREL’s CLA Approach

5 Mechanisms for learning, collaboration, coordination in 2017
Quarterly thematic Collaboration and Coordination on Resilience (CCR) in Niger and Burkina Faso: COPs CCR Forums RISE M&E Specialists RISE and non-RISE CCR Forums: Gender and Resilience Community of Practice Government-led (3N, SP/CNSA) CCR Forums on expansion and scaling-up evidence-based best practices, enhance collaboration and coordination CCR themes: Livelihood, governance/NRM and Health-nutrition-WASH, expansion/scaling-up of BPs, multi-sectorial integration, shock responsive strategies/mechanisms, strategic collaboration and coordination, joint action plans/MOUs, measuring resilience, other emerging themes

6 Documentation of knowledge, evidence-based resilience-enhancing best practices in 2017
Technical support to RISE partners document and leverage what works, doesn’t work, results, lessons learned, collaboration: SAREL’s 6 types of knowledge products Technical support to design quick studies/operational research to demonstrate success with data/evidences beyond success stories and M&E reports Comparative analysis of resilience-enhancing good practices Global resilience thinking, innovation, analysis on resilience, resilience measurements, resilience blocking factors, Monitoring the adoption, expansion, scaling-up of best practices, harmonization, collaboration and coordination for better and joint impact (top line indicators)

7 Tools for Collaboration, Coordination, Dissemination
Mapping (SAREL data, collaboration with other partners to produce maps, data at village level, GIS data, regular updates and sharing) to improve collaboration, coordination, monitoring Resilience Project Sheets (RPS) Resilience Good Practice (RGP) Evidence-based resilience best practices (ERBP) Comparative Analysis (harmonization, RISE Collaboration Mail-groups: Niger, Burkina Faso, both SAREL KM Portal

8 Sharing, accessing, (re)searching knowledge, experts, evidences for better decision-making, programmatic adaptation based system: mailing list of 500+ members of the Sahel Resilience Community of Practice (SR CoP) and Gender and Resilience Community of Practice (sub-group of SR Community) Web-based system: KM Portal – to be launched soon Thematic e-discussions (crowd-sourcing) on thematic issues Blogs for peer-support, share events, any ideas at any time from anywhere Common knowledge base: collective intelligence to make better decisions, better results, collective coordinated impacts

9 Assumptions of CLA success: participation and use of tools, mechanisms, systems by RISE partners, USAID, Gov Sharing data for mapping and using data for collaboration, coordination in same or different geog. zones Using templates to share BP: Resilience Good Practice Using templates to share key project info on progress, results, lessons learned: Resilience Project Sheets Using physical and electronic platforms to collaborate, coordinate, share experiences, ideas, evidences on what works, doesn’t work, lessons learned, evidence/data, studies, etc with during CLA forums, workshops, eD, among the SR Community Using the SAREL Knowledge Management Portal: knowledge (data)base to centralise resilience learning, best practices, collaboration, coordination, M&E data, workplans, etc…

10 Assumptions of CLA success: participation and use of tools, mechanisms, systems by RISE partners, USAID, Gov Making informed decisions on strategic collaborations, coordination, programmatic adaptations to invest in (harmonization of practices, similarities, differences, converging and diverging strategies, techniques, technologies and compare best results and strong evidences of success) Adopting the CLA culture within projects and institutions to adapt strategies, practices, indicators to emerging knowledge, experience, evidences, lessons learned Adapting programs, strategies, practices, collaboration, coordination in future workplans, programs to innovate and achieve better and joint impact

11 Thank you

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