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Awareness of vitamin D deficiency states and recommended supplementation doses: Survey of faculty and staff at a medical school  J.E. Agens, G.T. Galasko,

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Presentation on theme: "Awareness of vitamin D deficiency states and recommended supplementation doses: Survey of faculty and staff at a medical school  J.E. Agens, G.T. Galasko,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Awareness of vitamin D deficiency states and recommended supplementation doses: Survey of faculty and staff at a medical school  J.E. Agens, G.T. Galasko, A.V. Purandare, J. Lin  e-SPEN Journal  Volume 7, Issue 6, Pages e215-e218 (December 2012) DOI: /j.clnme Copyright © 2012 European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism Terms and Conditions

2 Fig. 1 MD recommended daily dose of vitamin D. Doses of vitamin D in International Units recommended by MDs for both prevention (represented by the darkly shaded bars) and treatment (represented by the lightly shaded bars). Chi-Square analysis showed MDs recommended significantly higher doses for treatment of deficiency compared to doses they recommended for prevention of deficiency (p < 0.001). e-SPEN Journal 2012 7, e215-e218DOI: ( /j.clnme ) Copyright © 2012 European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism Terms and Conditions

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