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Summary Neta A. Bahcall Princeton University

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1 Summary Neta A. Bahcall Princeton University
The Warm/Hot Universe Summary Neta A. Bahcall Princeton University

2 The Hot Universe: Clusters
Powerful tool for Cosmology Powerful tool for Tracing Large Scale Structure Structure Formation; ICM, gas, baryons, & Evolution The Warm Universe: IGM, Clusters/Groups Where are all the baryons? Tracing the IGM and Large-scale Structure Cosmology Soft excess in Clusters; Groups Test MOND

3 Clusters: Powerful Tool for Cosmology
Cluster Mass (Temp) Function and its Evolution   Ωm Ω  Baryon (Gas) Fraction and its Evolution  Ωm Ω  Baryon Acoustic Oscillations using Clusters  Ωm Ω  (‘Standard Ruler’) M/L Function  Ωm Cluster Shape   Ωm 

4 Cluster Abundance and Evolution
 Powerful method to determine m , 8 , w 8 = Amplitude of mass fluctuations ncl (z~0)  8 m0.6 ~ 0.35 ncl (hi z)  Breaks degeneracy  m= and 8= Need accurate Mass calibration for precision cosmology  8 (galaxies)(obs) ~ 0.9 If Mass ~ Light (on large scale)  8(m)~ 0.9

5 Mass-Function SDSS Clusters (Bahcall, Dong, et al ‘02) Best-fit MF: m=0.2 and 8=0.9

6 Ωm -  (Clusters MF)

7 Cluster Abundance Evolution  8 (Bahcall & Bode)

8 Cosmological Constraints (Bahcall & Bode) (from Low and Hi redshift cluster abundance)
Low z Hi z

9 Evolution of Cluster XLF (Mantz etal 08)

10 Dark Energy Task Force ‘07
Clusters Stage II (current) error-bars W vs DE Stage III (next) Pess. Optim.

11 Dark Energy Task Force: Stage-3 Comparison

12 Dark Energy Task Force: Stage-4 Comparison (Space)

13 Cluster Method: DETF Strong statistical benefits
Largest systematic errors (vs. SN, BAO, WL?) Need to control systematics due to non-linear astrophysical processes (baryon physics; baryon evolution; ICM; etc) Need accurate and reliable Mass calibration (accurate comparisons of lensing, X-ray, SZ, Opt) Clusters: Important method when combined with SN or BAO (which measure only d(z)), in order to test both DE and GR (CL measure both d(z) and gravitational growth)

14 m from Baryon Fraction
b/m = h=0.7 (Clusters; CMB) b = (BBN; CMB)  m =

15 Baryon Fraction vs. Scale ( 0.18) (Bahcall & Martin ‘07)

16 Evolution of Cluster Gas Fraction (Allen et al 07)

17 Cosmology: Evolution of Gas Fraction (Allen 07)

18 Comlogical constraints from Gas Fraction (Allen etal 07)

19 Baryon Acoustic Oscillations: SDSS (Eisensteain etal 05)

20 BAO: Cluster Correlation Function (Bahcall and Soneira 1983)

21 BAO: Cluster Correlation Function (Bahcall and Soneira 1983)

22 Mass-to-Light Function (Bahcall, Lubin & Dorman ‘95; Bahcall and Fan ‘98)

23 Cluster M/L Function from SDSS (Sheldon et al 07)

24 Cluster M/L : SDSS Ω m= 0.2

25 Shape and Alignment of Clusters
 The Shape of Clusters  Alignment of Cluster Pairs  Evolution of Shape & Alignment  New Tool in Cosmology:  Cluster Ellipticity  Superclusters: Filaments or Pancakes?

26 Evolution of Cluster Ellipticity <E> versus Redshift and Mass (Hopkins, Bahcall, etal ’05)
0.6 <E> 0.5 0.4 0.3 1 2 3 Redshift

27 Cluster Ellipticity   (Ho, Bahcall, Bode ‘06)

28 Clusters Shape and Alignment
Clusters are Triaxial > More so at earlier times <Ecl> ~ 0.3 to (z ~ 0 to 3) Strong Cluster Alignment to ~100 Mpc Alignment and Ellipticity increase with z  New Tool in Cosmology: <Ecl>  8 m w

29 Clusters: Tool for LSS, Structure Formation and Evolution, ICM, baryons
Large Scale Structure (CF, Pk, SCs) Evolution of baryon fraction; gas vs. gal Baryon Fraction vs. Mass or T ( heating, cooling, winds) ICM Physics; Cooling, heating, AGNs, non-thermal Soft excess emission in clusters Substructure; merging clusters; high-velocity mergers (e.g., Bullet Cluster) Ellipticity and alignment of clusters vs. z

30 The Warm Universe Where are all the baryons? Tracing the IGM
Tracing the Large-scale structure, SCs Evolution of the warm IGM and its LSS Groups of galaxies; Mass-Function Cosmology: comparison with LCDM Other…

31 Superclusters: Filaments or Pancakes? (Wray, Bahcall, Bode, etal ‘06)
1 1D - Filaments 3D - Spherical a3/a2 Triaxial 2D - Pancakes a2/a1 1 0.6

32 Summary The Hot Universe: Clusters
Powerful tool for Cosmology (Ωm Ω  ) Need accurate Mass calibration and baryon evolution! Powerful tool for Tracing Large Scale Structure Structure Formation; ICM, gas, baryons, & Evolution The Warm Universe: IGM, Clusters/Groups Where are all the baryons? Tracing the IGM and Large-scale Structure Cosmology Soft excess in Clusters; Groups Test MOND


34 Dark Energy Task Force: BAO


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