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Peer Assessment Feedback

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1 Peer Assessment Feedback
Remember this is someone else's work Kind (but honest) Focus on good work and be positive. EXAMPLES The best paragraph is…because… The best sentence is… It was great how you… There were lots of facts such as… Specific (be precise) Pick out specific words and sentences. Give an exact idea of where and when improvement can occur. Go into depth and explain what you mean. EXAMPLES In the…paragraph you could have… Use evidence to support your idea… Helpful (…so that…) Give helpful examples and ideas how they can improve. EXAMPLES Perhaps next time you could… Make sure you proof read your work To improve try to use more/less… Proof read your peers work. Underline any spelling mistakes and mark any grammar mistakes using the OAC marking guide. Write your name at the bottom of your peers work Marked by… RAG Effort Pride Marking Guide Sp – Spelling mistake. x3 – Write out correct spelling 3 times. CL – Change this to a capital letter. P – Correct this punctuation error. // - Start a new paragraph here. Ww -Wrong word – the word is spelt correctly, but it has the wrong meaning. e.g. two, to and too Exp -poor expression – This may mean that you have used slang or that what you have written does not make sense . Do you have any questions for them? How do you think they can improve their work? Use success criteria and grade descriptors. Highlight any keywords used. Have they met the success criteria? How?

2 What Went Well Even Better If
I like this work because … You could have explained _____ in more detail by …. The part of work today that you explained well was … because Check your spelling of these words … write them out three times below This work meets the LO because … Peer assessment placemat Remember! Be honest but don’t be hurtful! You could have used these keywords … to develop depth of detail when…. I like the way you presented … The part of … could improve on is … … is well written because . Good keywords you used include … to help explain…. To fully meet the LO you could …

3 What Went Well Even Better If
You have accurate graph skills because… You could have explained _____ in more detail by …. The part of work today that you explained well was … because Check your spelling of these words … write them out three times below This work meets the LO because … Peer assessment placemat Remember! Be honest but don’t be hurtful! You could have used these keywords … to develop depth of detail when…. I like the way you presented … The part of … could improve on is … … is well written because . Good keywords you used include … to help explain…. To fully meet the LO you could …

4 What Went Well Even Better If
A new thing I learned is … One thing I need to improve on is … New keywords that I learned today include … Keywords that I need to be able to use include … Self assessment placemat Use these to self assess or talk about what you have learned. I have met today’s LO because … Something I need to revise at home is … Something I enjoyed today was … Spellings that I need to learn include … Something I already knew before the lesson was … To better meet the LO I could have …

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