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Presentation on theme: "OLWEUS CLASS MEETING 02/23/17"— Presentation transcript:

It’s almost time for March Madness…. Let’s talk about Good Sports , Bad Sports… Which one are YOU?

2 Opening Activity – Warm-Up Questions
NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Opening Activity – Warm-Up Questions “It is your response to winning and losing that makes you a winner or a loser.” - Harry Sheehy, athletic director and coach

3 Opening Activity… Discuss each question first, and then advance to the next slide to see possible answers… 1.) What is sportsmanship?

4 Answer Warm-Up Question # 1
Sportsmanship is being respectful of your teammates, your opponents, other competitors, all the coaches, the officials, and yourself.

5 Warm-Up Question # 2 2.) What are some examples of good sportsmanship?

6 Answer Warm-Up Question # 2
Playing fair, following the rules, sharing the “field,” being humble and gracious when we win, congratulating others when they win, keeping anger in check and demonstrating a good attitude when losing.

7 Warm-Up Question # 3 3.) Is it more important to win or to be a “good sport”? Explain your point of view.

8 Answer Warm-Up Question # 3
Emphasize that behaviors of individuals reflect on the team or group, on the school, and on the community and affect how everyone enjoys the activity.

9 Quotes from famous athletes… their take on sportsmanship
“I’ve never scored a goal in my life without a pass from someone else.” – Abby Wambach, U.S. Women’s Soccer champion Quote # 2: “If you react the same way to winning and losing, that’s a big accomplishment. That quality is important because it stays with you the rest of your life.” – Chris Evert, professional women’s tennis champion Quote # 3: “You can’t win unless you learn how to lose.” – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Quotes from famous athletes… their take on sportsmanship Discuss the following for each quote on the left: a.) What does this quote mean? b.) Can you give examples of what the quote is talking about, in sports or any other kind of competition?

10 Good Sports / Bad Sports Scenarios
Read each scenario and discuss the questions on the next slide: Scenario # 1: Patrick was the school’s modified soccer team. He wanted to play offense so he could score a lot, but the coach assigned him to play a defensive position instead. Patrick often complained to the other defenders about those playing offense. Without making a plan with the coach, he decided that today he would try to score from the defense. He was so focused on trying to score that he didn’t play his position well. The other team scored twice because he wasn’t where he was supposed to be. The other defenders were angry with him, and when the team lost 2-0, they blamed it on Patrick. Patrick said it was all the fault of the offense because they didn’t score enough.

11 Scenario # 1 Discussion Questions
Discuss these questions: What are the examples of poor sportsmanship in this scenario? (Not just Patrick’s.) What are the examples of good sportsmanship in this scenario? Why do you think Patrick behaved the way he did? What were the consequences of Patrick’s actions? What could be the consequences for the next game? If you were on Patrick’s team, what could you do to support Patrick to become a better sport?

12 Scenario # 2 Louis and Ray had been playing on different AAA baseball teams in the same league for the past three years. Louis’s team usually won all of their games and Ray’s team rarely won any. The two teams were warming up and getting ready to play each other. Ray was complaining about losing all the time and how he knew they were going to lose. He said, “Our team stinks!” over and over. The warm-up had started out fun, but Ray’s grumbling was affecting everyone. Another boy on Ray’s team told the other teammates not to listen to him and just have fun. “It’s hard to have fun when you always lose!” Ray said.

13 Scenario # 2 Discussion Questions
What are the examples of poor sportsmanship in this scenario? What are the examples of good sportsmanship in this scenario? What were and could have been the consequences of Ray’s actions? How does the negative attitude of one person impact others? What could team members do to help Ray make changes that help both Ray and the team? What could adults do to help? It’s hard to lose all the time, but it happens. If you’ve ever been on a team like that, what can you do to maintain your good sportsmanship?

14 Scenario # 3 The Pikeville Panthers were playing the Ringland Rangers in high school football. A lot of the middle school kids went to the games. When the Rangers’ bus pulled up to the field, a group of high school kids started yelling at them, saying things like “Here come the losers! You guys are pathetic! Your team stinks!” They teased them about their uniforms and even their haircuts. Some of the middle school kids joined in. The athletic director told the kids to stop taunting the other team or leave.

15 Scenario # 3 Discussion Questions
What are the examples of poor sportsmanship in this scenario? Describe the behavior—what’s going on? Are there examples of good sportsmanship in this scenario? What? What could be the consequences of the actions of the kids who were yelling? What was the experience like for the away team, the Rangers? What beliefs might they have about the Panthers, the home team? How could the behavior of the kids who were yelling affect the whole school and the team? What kind of cheering or yelling is okay at a football game or other sports event?

16 Post-Scenario Discussion Question # 1
Discuss each question and then advance to the next slide to see possible answers. 1.) Competitions always have winners and losers. What do many people like about competition?

17 Possible Answers - Discussion Question # 1
Pride in team or community, recognition, motivation to work harder, going for a prize or title that is a goal

18 Post-Scenario Discussion Question # 2
2.) What are some aspects of competition that can be difficult?

19 Possible Answers - Discussion Question # 2
Having to compete against friends; feeling nervous, anxious, or pressured; sense that losing is unacceptable; possibly feeling bad about yourself or your performance.

20 Post-Scenario Discussion Question # 3
3.) We will all have disappointments and frustrations when we work hard for something and don’t et it. What strategies have worked for you to deal with disappointments and frustrations in a healthy way?

21 Possible Answers - Discussion Question # 3
Keeping a positive attitude, remembering this is just one event, remembering this event is not the only thing I do well, talking about disappointments, planning to try again, taking a break, looking for something else I am good at, making a plan for how I can achieve my goals, giving myself a pep talk, exercising , practicing harder, cutting myself some slack, talking to friends about how I feel, looking for inspiration, remembering we’re all human. (Remember, it’s important to reduce stress, build resilience if you experience failure, and identify concrete ways you can reach your goal.)

22 Wrap-Up Good sportsmanship is an important part of any competition whether you are a competitor or a spectator. It’s natural to experience a wide range of intense emotions, including disappointment, anger, and frustration, both in yourself and others, when things don’t go as you’d like. It’s also tempting to gloat when you win or achieve something important to you. Look for inspiration from others to build your inner strengths, and wisdom to guide you when you struggle to be a “good sport.” And remember to talk with someone you trust when you need support through these difficult experiences that can come with competition. Think about why you’re playing or competing. Most of the time, we get involved for fun, to learn, to be with other people who share our interests, or just for the experience. Remember the words of coach Harry Sheehy: “It is your response to winning and losing that makes you a winner or a loser.”

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