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LIU – EVM status and next steps

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1 LIU – EVM status and next steps
Slides prepared by S. Prodon (Friday night) and checked/commented by GP Di Giovanni and K. Hanke LIU-PSB Contribution to overall CtC 2016 budget situation EVM budget trends 5 December 2016

2 LIU-PSB contribution to overall LIU CtC
In 2015 prices Workpackage Description Cost to Completion (Material + M to P) [kCHF] LIU-PSB 5 Power Converters 21,435 LIU-PSB 4 RF systems 13,281 LIU-PSB 9 LINAC4 to PSB transfer line and PSB injection systems 7,752 LIU-PSB 6 Beam  instrumentation 3,755 LIU-PSB 15 Civil Engineering 3,266 LIU-PSB 10 PSB Extraction system and PSB-PS transfer line 3,045 LIU-PSB 3 Magnets 2,956 LIU-PSB 12 Electrical Systems 2,718 LIU-PSB 13 Cooling and Ventilation 2,351 LIU-PSB 8 Vacuum System 1,768 LIU-PSB 14 Installation, Transport and handling 1,015 LIU-PSB 23 Half-Sector Test Project + Stripping Foil Test 900 LIU-PSB 7 Beam Intercepting Devices 803 LIU-PSB 1 Management 536 LIU-PSB 11 Controls 330 LIU-PSB 17 Interlock systems 244 LIU-PSB 21 Commissioning and Operation 145 LIU-PSB 20 Survey 48 LIU-PSB 2 PSB Beam dynamics 35 Total 66,380 groups MCHF EPC 21.6 RF 13.3 ABT 11 BI 3.8 SMB 3.2 MSC 3 EL 2.7 CV 2.4 VSC 1.9 HE 1 STI 0.9 Others 1.7 LIU-PSB : ~37% of the LIU CtC 5 December 2016 Klaus Hanke LIU-Project team meeting

3 LIU-PSB budget situation per group for year 2016
5 December 2016 Klaus Hanke LIU-Project team meeting

4 Klaus Hanke LIU-Project team meeting
LIU-PSB Budget trends Data extraction : OK overall OK OK OK have only recently started to look into budgets… not OK but small figure OK 5 December 2016 Klaus Hanke LIU-Project team meeting

5 Klaus Hanke LIU-Project team meeting
LIU-PSB Budget trends Data extraction : A lot of open commitments on BC 99238 The total charged is still below the budget not OK and large figure The money has been committed but will not be charged to the budget code this year, it includes the orders for the transfer line magnets and yokes/coils for the new INJ and EXT bending magnets. overspending is linked to the advancement of some activities/procurements: Mechanical parts fabrication in RF workshop (including tools) Procurement of raw materials and parts for contracts to be executed in 2017 Procurement of electronic parts Fabrication of vacuum interfaces between cavities and magnets OK not OK and large figure OK not OK and large figure 5 December 2016 Klaus Hanke LIU-Project team meeting

6 Klaus Hanke LIU-Project team meeting
LIU-PSB Budget trends Data extraction : not OK not OK OK Pour une raison inconnue, la personne qui a rempli le budget 2016 a mis 984 kCHF à la place des 1300 kCHF que j’avais demandé (voir mon mail joint). C’est pour ça que tu vois un dépassement du budget 2016 En outre, l’engagement 2016 de 1180 kCHF n’a pas encore été payé car nous avons quelques différends avec l’entreprise qui bloquent la facturation En ce qui concerne le budget non utilisé, il a été provisionné en 2017 comme tu peux le voir dans le EVM baseline v3 The budget increase for 2016 (charged to budget code) is in the order of 35%. There are two specific jobs (J and J ) with high commitment (60kCHF + 25 kCHF) which will be charged during 2017; in 2016 they appear as open commitment budget. Payment budget = 46 kCHF Charged to budget code = 68 kCHF Open commitment = 85 kCHF 5 December 2016 Klaus Hanke LIU-Project team meeting

7 Klaus Hanke LIU-Project team meeting
LIU-PSB Budget trends Data extraction : LIU-L2B 5 December 2016 Klaus Hanke LIU-Project team meeting

8 Klaus Hanke LIU-Project team meeting
LIU-PSB EVM status for year status at the 2016 CSR and on 1st December 2016 2016 CSR 1st Dec. 2016 SV = -3,567 kCHF CV = -164 kCHF SV = -3,054 kCHF CV = +225 kCHF [1] Schedule Variance (SV) = Earned Value (EV) – Planned Value (PV) [2] Cost Variance (CV) = Earned Value (EV) – Actual Cost (AC) 5 December 2016 Klaus Hanke LIU-Project team meeting

9 EVM status metrics – 2016 CSR
In kCHF Comment Schedule Variance -3,567 BE-BI: Cables and electronics for beam loss monitors not yet delivered (new electronics not yet validated). SV = -500 kCHF. BE-CO: Control infrastructure: hardware for LS1 and LN4 signals not yet purchased. SV = -120 kCHF. BE-RF: Amplifiers, cavities and ancillaries production for RF consolidation not yet started. SV = -500 kCHF. TE-ABT: Foil handling system (mechanical parts & vacuum equipment) not linear: only 2 sets over 8 (WU from Jun-15 to Nov-16); BI.BSW magnets: reporting by unit, not all components received (vacuum chambers, coils, yokes) and assembly not yet started; delays in the purchase of prototype hardware for electronics and controls for kickers. SV = -1,150 kCHF. TE-EPC: Transformer and strip line for booster injection septa converters not yet purchased; booster injection stripping foil chicane converters series assembly and tests not yet started; delays in the delivery of 20 kA, 6kA and 3.4 current transducers; LHC600A-40V power racks and modules for booster injection not started; power cables for booster MPS not yet purchased. SV = -950 kCHF. Cost Variance -164 TE-ABT: Components for foil handling systems and BI.BSW magnets received but not reported as general reporting by unit. CV = -400 kCHF. EN-EL: delays between the commissioning of equipment and the payment of the invoice. CV = +300 kCHF. 5 December 2016 Klaus Hanke LIU-Project team meeting

10 EVM status metrics – 1st Dec. 2016
In kCHF Comment Schedule Variance -3’054 Cost Variance +225 5 December 2016 Klaus Hanke LIU-Project team meeting

11 Klaus Hanke LIU-Project team meeting
Summary Since the re-baselining which was done before the CSR we seem to overspend slightly (before we were heavily underspending) The overall situation is OK and everything is under control Sylvie is doing a great job updating the EVM data with each WP holder. There have been n (n>>3) new baselines in the last couple of days. It is not possible that our WP holders interact with two different teams for these matters. We are very happy to give this responsibility to Sylvie. 5 December 2016 Klaus Hanke LIU-Project team meeting

12 Spare Slides or Slides which I don’t understand
5 December 2016 Klaus Hanke LIU-Project team meeting

13 LIU-PSB budget situation for year 2016 (PSB + L2B)
5 December 2016 Klaus Hanke LIU-Project team meeting

14 LIU-PSB example for the biggest variances
5 December 2016 Klaus Hanke LIU-Project team meeting

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