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Modern supercomputers, Georgian supercomputer project and usage areas

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1 Modern supercomputers, Georgian supercomputer project and usage areas
Authors: Bekar Oikashvili Archil Prangishvili Zurab Modebadze

2 Areas of usage for supercomputer
Aeronautics Auto Industry Space Technologies Military Seismology Weather Forecast Several visualizations (global warming, analysis, other) Development of nuclear technologies other

3 Supercomputer usage in different countries

4 First supercomputer: cdc 6600
Was created in 1960s and was used by CERN and Lawrence Radiation Laboratory; Performance: 3 MegaFLOPS; For comparison today’s desktop computer has average peak performance of 50+ GigaFLOPS;

5 Modern supercomputers

6 Vendor systems share on market

7 The most powerful supercomputer today: sunway taihulight
The compute system is composed of 40 Cabinets

8 The most powerful supercomputer today: sunway taihulight

9 sunway taihulight specifications:
Physical location: National Supercomputer Center, China CPU: Shenway-64 (Sunway SW26010) RAM: PB Total Nodes: Total Cores: Performance: PetaFLOPS Operating System: Sunway RaiseOS (Linux based) Power consumption: MW Price: Million US Dollars Active from: June 2016 Purpose: Oil prospecting, life science, weather forecast, Industrial design, drug research, …

10 sunway taihulight specifications:
Developer: NRCPC, China Processor: Sunway SW26010 (4th generation Sunway) Architecture: Shenway-64 Instruction Set Core count: Cores (Many core 64 bit RISC) Process Technology: N/A Performance: TeraFLOPS

11 Modern supercomputer processor types:
Homogeneous model includes in itself only one type of processor: Heterogeneous model includes in itself two or more different types of processors: + =

12 Difference in performance between processor types:

13 From heterogeneous back to homogeneous ?

14 Georgian supercomputer project
Name: GeoGrid System (working name) Phisical location: Niko Muskhelishvili Institute of Computational Mathematics, Tbilisi, Georgia Architecture: Intel Xeon (Skylake) Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing (gen 2) RAM: TB (DDR 4) Storage: PB Interconnect: Intel Omni-Path (100 Gb/s) Performance: TerraFLOPS Operating System: Scientific Linux

15 Intel xeon phi (knights landing)
The newest and one of the most advanced processors for parallel calculations; Two forms: Co-processor or Host processor; Self boot processor; Binary Compatibility with Xeon: Runs all legacy software. No recompilation; 14nm HPC Intel Xeon Phi; 8 billion transistors; 72 Silvermont (Atom) cores on single physical crystal; 6 DDR4 channels with 384GB Capacity; 4 threads per core; 16 GB Memory built-in crystal. 3 modes: Memory, Cache, Hybrid; 3+ TeraFLOPS (double-precision floating point performance) per socket;

16 Intel xeon phi blade (knights landing)

17 Intel xeon phi blade chassis (knights landing)

18 Intel xeon (skylake) The next generation Xeon;
CPU form: Host processor; Cores: up to 28 cores with Intel HT Technology; 14nm HPC Intel Xeon; 6 DDR4 channels with 1.5 TB Capacity; Scalability: S2, S4, S8; Omni-Path support; 1 TeraFLOPS (double-precision floating point performance) per socket;

19 Geogrid usage areas Connect to CERN Tier 3 network;
Deploy weather forecast system (WRF); Deploy HPC platform for scientists, students and researchers for different tests and modellings; Platform for scientific research applications;

20 Thank you Questions ???

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