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Saratoga Amateur Radio Association

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1 Saratoga Amateur Radio Association
Emergency Response Overview Don Steinbach AE6PM Saratoga Amateur Radio Association May 3, 2017 SARA Emergency Response Overview

2 Objectives Review our emergency response methods & procedures.
Make sure we are all on the same page. Identify open issues. Provide background information relating to emergency communication as it applies to Saratoga. SARA Emergency Response Overview

3 Saratoga ARES/RACES A current amateur radio license is required.
Saratoga residency is not required. No formal training is required. Members should participate in the weekly net and the quarterly drills to maintain operating proficiency. Should be able to program/reprogram radio, or follow instructions to do so. Net Control experience is a plus. CERT training is a plus. Familiarity with ICS is a plus. Registration as a DSW for Saratoga is required for RACES participation. See Jim Yoke, Michael Taylor or Monica LaBossiere to be sworn in. SARA Emergency Response Overview

4 What We Do Design and maintain the ham radio communication facilities at the Saratoga EOCs. Provide radio communication to/from the EOC within Saratoga and with the Santa Clara County EOC. Provide the commuication between CERT teams and the EOC. Provide and maintain a ham radio repeater system. Maintain the Traveler Information System transmitter (1610 AM) as required. Support other entities on an as-requested/non-interference basis. SARA Emergency Response Overview

5 EOC Comm Capability The primary EOC is located at the City Administration Building. The backup EOC is located at the Fire Station downtown. Both EOCs are equipped to communicate with: Local amateurs on 2-meter and 70 cm fm voice The County EOC on 2-meter fm voice The County EOC on 220 MHz packet The County EOC via the EOC radio net on 39 MHz Amateur radio stations and the State OES on HF Requires installation of a temporary antenna. Neither EOC has a permanent HF antenna. SARA Emergency Response Overview

6 FD Lobby Comm Capability
Santa Clara County Fire plans to provide a portable communications system at every fire station. This will be in a public area, with a CERT and a RACES volunteer on scene. The intent is to interact with the public where residents are likely to look for help (e.g., the local fire station). Makes the best use of available SCCFD facilities immediately after a disaster. Station is empty, firemen are out on call. Will have the same basic communication equipment as the EOC. CERT volunteers will interact with the public; RACES volunteers will manage the voice and data comm equipment. SARA Emergency Response Overview

7 Emergency Response Three step process: Notification What’s happened?
Activation Get serious. Deployment Where to go, what to do? SARA Emergency Response Overview

8 Notification If your bookcase falls over in an earthquake, consider yourself notified. Some events are not so obvious to everyone (hazardous material spill, fire). You will be notified via Everbridge (telephone). AlertSCC is no longer being used. Have you registered with Everbridge? Notification is NOT activation unless accompanied by an Activation Number from a government agency. Do not self-deploy to a particular location (including the EOC). Could encounter potentially unsafe/unknown situation. Telephone notification tree with City and within ARES/RACES is TBD. SARA Emergency Response Overview

9 Activation Only an entity with whom you are registered may activate you. Saratoga/County/Cupertino, etc. are separate entities. An “Activation Number” will be issued by that entity. Record it! We have never done a top-down activation like might happen in an emergency. SARA Emergency Response Overview

10 Activation (Cont) ARES/RACES activation will probably be coincident with CERT activation if the incident involves Saratoga. Monitor the SARA 2-meter repeater (K6SA) output frequency on MHz if you suspect something is going on. This is your best source of local information. Has backup power system. Others with high-power base or mobile stations will fill in if the repeater is down. Instructions will be given on this frequency. SARA Emergency Response Overview

11 Activation Issues Spontaneous Untrained Volunteers
There are about 300 licensed amateurs with a Saratoga zip code in the FCC database. Many of them will want to help – this is good. May show up on the repeater. May show up at the EOC. Ok to use them for status reports from home, but must be DSW-badged to be deployed in any RACES activation. Will be referred to volunteer registration area, same as any other volunteer. We need have a handout/data package for all communicators. SARA Emergency Response Overview

12 Emergency Communications Go-Kit Data Package
Santa Clara County ARES/RACES Go Kit Checklist Santa Clara County OES ARES/RACES Frequency List Modified Mercalli Scale ICS Forms Used in Communications (List) ICS 205 RACES Communications Plan ICS 211A Check In List (Communications) ICS 213 Message Form ICS 214 SCCo ARES/RACES Unit Log ICS 309 SCCo ARES/RACES Comm Log ICS 310 SCCo ARES/RACES On-Site Assignment Sheet ICS 314 Windshield Damage Survey EOC Logistics – Supply and Services Request Assignment maps Emergency Communications Net Control Script Suggestions SARA Comm Personnel Roster SARA Emergency Response Overview

13 Deployment Deployment occurs only after a formal activation.
Possibilities: As part of your CERT team. Probably because of a telephone notification. As requested from the Saratoga EOC. Requests originate from the EOC Logistics Section. Assignments are disseminated to hams via Saratoga Net Control. Don’t report to the EOC unless/until requested. Some areas have a standing request for amateur radio support. We need a rapid deployment plan to place hams there as soon as it is safe to do so. SARA Emergency Response Overview

14 Deployment (Cont) If not assigned to a CERT team, you might be asked to travel to one of the following: Saratoga EOC Saratoga Corp Yard Base Petersen Base Saratoga Fire Station Saratoga Sub Acute Hospital Saratoga Retirement Community Our Lady of Fatima Villa American Red Cross SARA Emergency Response Overview

15 Deployment (Cont) Don’t accept any assignment for which you feel untrained or uncomfortable. We are registered (for DSW purposes) as Communicators. We are not authorized to climb antenna towers or trees or work on roofs. Being a Communicator doesn’t come with special priveleges. If you are asked to do some task which is within your capability and is safe – do it. If a police officer or fire fighter directs you to do a task, and you perform that task even though it’s outside your field of registration as a DSW, you will be covered. SARA Emergency Response Overview

16 Nets & Frequencies Saratoga City Santa Clara County
SARA Emergency Response Overview

17 Emergency Nets Saratoga City Net
Official traffic within the city. Typically between field communicators and the city EOC. County Resource Net (Level 1) For immediate use after an event to quickly gather a snapshot of conditions around the county. (Level 2) City EOC check-ins and referral to city nets. Provides info as to what agencies are activated and how to contact them. Also info for unaffiliated hams. (level 3) Requests for responders, make assignments, track travelers. Coordination of mutual aid. County Message Net Official traffic between cities and other served agencies to and from the Op Area EOC. County Command Net Official traffic between Op Area command staff and between EOCs. SARA Emergency Response Overview

18 Emergency Nets (Cont’d)
Packet Data Net Handles most of the formal message traffic to and from the County Op Area EOC and logistics traffic between cities and other agencies. Similar to County Message Net except messages sent via packet. EOC Net The local government radio net between city and county EOCs. Not an amateur frequency but frequently staffed by amateur radio operators. SARA Emergency Response Overview

19 SARA Net Frequencies Normal operation (duplex): 146.655(-) PL 114.8
(+) PL (linked) Repeater failure – stay on repeater output: ( ) simplex PL optional Contingency (simplex) ( ) simplex, no PL ( )simplex, no PL HF MHz USB SARA Emergency Response Overview

20 County Net Frequencies
County Resource Net AA6BT (+) PL 100.0 W6ASH (-) PL (linked) N6NAC (+) PL (linked) County Message Net W6TI (+) PL 110.9 County Command Net (WB6ZVW) WB6ZVW (+) PL 100.0 County Packet Net W1XSC MHz W4XSC These assignments can change! See for current county-wide frequency list. SARA Emergency Response Overview

21 Issues/Actions/Q & A Personnel
Contacted 94 people via /Yahoo about tonight’s meeting. Received 1 acknowledgement. The rest is here in this room. Had 42 CERT hams in early 2012. That group is now 28 (down 14). Maybe 4 or 5 new folks added recently. Aviva, Jeff, Tim, Bryan … Suggestions? Badging Available 2:00 to 4:00 Fridays when City is working. Contact Lori McKenna Don needs to provide updated RACES list. SARA Emergency Response Overview

22 Issues/Actions/Q & A (Cont)
2M Repeater Try running net using reduced power. Could extend battery life without impacting coverage. SARA Emergency Response Overview

23 Related SARA Documents
Presentations Two-way Radio Basics 101 Two-way Radio Basics 102 Emergency Communication for Saratoga Emergency Communication for Saratoga (II) SARA Emergency Response Overview Documents Saratoga CERT Radio Communications Plan Saratoga Amateur Radio Association Emergency Communication Plan (in work) SARA Emergency Response Overview

24 Reference Material SARA Emergency Response Overview

25 ICS Forms ICS 205 – RACES Communications Plan*
Record frequencies to be used. ICS 211A – RACES Check In List ICS 213 – ARES RACES Message Form* Use this when a precise record of a message is required. ICS 214 – ARES/RACES Unit Activity Log* Record arrival time and all events. ICS 309 – ARES/RACES Communications Log* Record messages handled. ICS 310 – ARES/RACES On-Site Assignment Sheet ICS 314 – Windshield Assessment Survey * Keep these current while on assignment. Forms can be downloaded from SARA Emergency Response Overview

26 Departure Checklist  _____ HT or other radio programmed with the frequencies in use _____ Current DSW Badge _____ Copy of amateur radio license _____ Spare battery for HT _____ Perform comm check with EOC _____ Go Kit _____ Pick up a supplemental forms package ICS 205 (min qty 5) ICS 211A (min qty 5) ICS 213 (min qty 10) ICS 214 (min qty 5) ICS 309 (min qty 5) ICS 310 (min qty 1) ICS 314 (min qty 5) SARA Emergency Response Overview

27 Go Kit (12-Hour) Amateur Radio license. Driver’s license.
DSW badge for requesting agency. Personal supplies/snacks/water. CERT graduates already have this. Remember prescription medication. Radio programmed with local frequencies Spare battery pack for radio Cheat sheet for radio Pad and pencil or pen Flashlight Safety vest & hard hat SARA Emergency Response Overview

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