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Security Issues With Mobile IP

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1 Security Issues With Mobile IP
Randa Allafi Shorooq Alaskar Alluri Vinod Harish Kumar CS Group #2

2 Introduction Increased growth in mobile networks as well as mobile devices is as a result of increased need of information anywhere we go. For that matter, it can be concluded that, computing in the mobile sector is as a result of the reconciliation between the improvement in the sector of computing and communication. The end goal is to provide seamless and high-tech computing environment for people and organizations who use mobile while networking (Alkhawaja& Sheibani, 2011).

3 Introduction security happens to be among the most challenging task as far as mobile IP is concerned. For familiarity purpose, mobile users are allowed by mobile IP to change their attachment to the public frequently without losing the so called connection which is said to provide users with many advantages.

4 Reply Attack It happens to be possible for a mobile device to prevent denial of service attack using authentication. However, it becomes impossible for the same authentication to prevent or protect a mobile device from reply attack. This is because, the one who is attacking already has copy of the valid request message registration.

5 Reply Attack It is considered that, a malicious host is capable of obtaining a copy of valid registration request, where he stores it with an aim of replying it at a later date. In this matter, he ends up registering a bogus care-of- address for the mobile node which is harmful to technological security.

6 Denial of service attack
This is an attack that can be caused when an attack sends an enormous number of packets to a host that causes it to crash. In such a moment, it becomes impossible to exchange any useful information with the host when these nuisance packets are being processed.

7 Denial of service attack
The Denial of Service in the case of Mobile IP happens when the attacker begins to manipulate the registration of a care of address for a certain device. When the attacker gets access to the mobile IP network, it is possible to attack the network from any location.

8 Passive Eavesdropping
This is a situation where a person who is not authorized gains access to network infrastructure which is wired or even a wireless one. Most of the time, the goal is to steal information. In this case, the attacker listens to the traffic that is being transferred between the home agent and the mobile device.

9 Passive Eavesdropping
Preventing passive eavesdropping in Mobile IP calls for encrypting all of the traffic that is in transit. This can happen through encrypting traffic through a foreign link such that the attacker is unable to understand the texts.

10 Solution for the Mobile IP Security Issues Using IPsec.
To begin with, IPsec. Happens to be an end to end scheme working to give privacy together with authentication services for the purposes of security. This Suite provides general frameworks with security algorithms that allows proper security measures during communication.

11 Solution for the Mobile IP Security Issues Using IPsec.
Generally, home and foreign agents happen to be fixed entities. Or that matter, they use IPsec authentication as well as its encryption so as to protect the registration of Mobile IP messages together with forwarding and reversing tunnel traffic. This process is completely independent of Mobile IP and only depends on ability gained from the work station.

12 Questions !

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