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Application Deadline March 1

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1 Application Deadline March 1
Particle Engineering Research Center Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates The University of Florida Particle Engineering Research Center is pleased to announce a unique opportunity for undergraduate students to participate in hands-on research at the leading Center for Particle Science and Technology. Summer research positions include a stipend, on-campus housing, and a travel allowance. Students will work on critical issues in particle research using state-of the-art equipment. The ERC invites sophomores, juniors, and non-graduating seniors to apply for this research experience. This program is designed for engineering students as well as students from other related fields (physics, chemistry, microbiology, computer science, etc.). Dates: May 24-August 2, 2003 Funding: $2,900 stipend, on-campus University Housing, & up to $500 for travel Applications: To apply, please send: 1. Completed application Two letters of recommendation Official copy of transcript Eligibility: Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing in college and will not have graduated before participation in this program. Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the U.S. or its possessions Women, minorities, and the disabled are encouraged to apply. Apply for any of the following Projects: Particle Size Analysis of High Aspect Ratio Metal Particulates: This project will use a recently developed high aspect ratio gold platelet standard and similar high aspect ratio copper rods to evaluate how different techniques are affected by shape. The particulate systems will be analyzed by image analysis.Majors: CH, ChE, MSE, PH Image Analysis and Laser Diffraction: This project explores the relationship between images and diffraction patterns of a fixed array of fine particles. Both images and diffraction patterns will be captured using laser illumination and a CMOS detector on an optical bench. Using Fourier analysis, the relationship between diffraction patterns taken at different focal lengths and the image at the focal plane will be explored. Majors: ChE, MSE, PH. Production of High Aspect Ratio Metal Particulates for Army Obscurants: Obscurant smoke clouds must scatter or adsorb light in a variety of spectral regions. This project is to design high aspect ratio conductive (metal) particles that can be incorporated into army formulations for obscurants. The project includes aspects, crystallization, light scattering, particle size analysis, optical and electron microscopy and computerized image analysis. Majors CH, ChE, MSE, PH Application Deadline March 1 Effect of Particle Size and the Range of Electrostatic Repulsion on the Viscosity of Dispersions: The rheological behavior of colloidal dispersions will be investigated in relation to particle size, volume fraction of solids, and the range of the repulsive forces between the suspended particles to investigate this effect in relation to volume fraction of solids and the range of the ion-electrostatic repulsion between the particles. Majors: All ENG, CH, PH. Development of a Novel SiO2-TiO2 Composite for Hg Emission Control From Combustion Sources: Emitted mercury is transformed into toxic methyl mercury and bio-accumulates through the food chain, causing serious health and environmental concerns. This project seeks to develop a novel SiO2-TiO2-Fe2O3 composite that has synergistic adsorption capacity, photocatalytic oxidation and magnetic separation to capture mercury in combustion flue gas. Majors: Env. Eng, ChE, MSE, CH, ME. Soil Remediation Through Micro-Foam Injection: Fuel oils can contaminate soil due to accidental spills, leakage from storage tanks, etc and if untreated can lead to serious water contamination. Among the most promising techniques for soil decontamination is foam injection. The objective of the project is to evaluate the efficiency of a micro-foam injection process in soil remediation by conducting experiments in packed columns. Appropriate majors: MSE, ChE, Env. Eng. Cohesive Powder Testing Using a New Uniaxial Powder Tester: Failure to design reliable powder handling equipment and processes results in unwanted downtime of plants. A new Uniaxial Tester has been built and will be used by the student to test several powders. The tester will be compared with commercial testers and different phenomena of powder behavior will be investigated. Majors: ChE, ME, MSE, Civil Eng. Temperature Induced Gelation in Colloidal Dispersions: The goal of this project is to perform a systematic investigation on the role of different variables such as polymer molecular weight, adsorption density of the polymer, particle size, and volume fraction of the particles on structure development and temperature induced gel formation in colloidal dispersions. Majors:All ENG, CH, PH. Experimental Mathematical Study of Caking Mechanisms of Powders: Bulk powders can cake during storage causing flow problems in process equipment as well a while on the shelf. This project will develop a diffusion and crystallization model of the phenomena including caking tendencies of the powder, the stress strain during a caking event, and the strength of the crystal growth between particles. Majors: ChE, ME. Send Applications to: Education Coordinator PERC PO BOX Gainesville, FL 32611 Tel: Fax: Nucleation and Crystal Growth: This project deals with nucleation and crystal growth and calcium oxalate crystals that are believed to be contributing mechanisms to kidney stone formation. The effect of organic (proteins) and inorganic species in urine on kidney stone formation will be studied. Spectrophotometers, laser diffraction particle size analyzers, and atomic force microscopes will be used for data generation. Majors: MSE, ChE, CH.  Nanoscale Particles for Blood: This study involves synthesis of nanoscale particles for blood detoxification. Techniques such as particle characterization, surface modification, and protein adsorption as well as blood coagulation testing will be used to detect oversized particles. Majors: MSE, ChE, CH.

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