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Math Curriculum Elementary Grades

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1 2008-2009 Math Curriculum Elementary Grades

2 Accessing Links The curriculum document has hundreds of links to useful documents and sites. Anything that is underlined in blue is a link. Connecting your computer to the internet will make all links on this CD active and accessible. To access the links, click on the mouse and the page will open.

3 Support Pages Prior to the curriculum you will find the following pages: Curriculum Overview: provides an explanation of the curriculum framework Math Works Homework: links to a folder of daily homework assignments that review skills Year-long math sequence Quarterly Overview: a brief description of each unit Calendar: a place to plan out the unit

4 The New Math Curriculum
The curriculum contains three main parts: Assessments Knowledge & Skills Learning Plan

5 The New Math Curriculum
The curriculum contains three main parts: Assessments Knowledge & Skills Learning Plan

6 Assessments Concept Assessments Unit Assessments
All questions are aligned to the VSC assessment limits. Note: The August math benchmark will be the same assessment as the previous grade in June.

7 Concept Assessments Informs you immediately if a student has mastered the concept Provides a variety of questions that students should be able to know and do Contains both multiple choice and BCR formats (teacher choice) Takes minutes to administer Not required by the Math Office (teachers decide which assessment and method is most appropriate based on individual student needs)

8 Unit Assessments Includes questions from all concepts in the unit
Designed in MSA/Stanford format

9 Multiple Choice Question Bank
This link will be active as we develop our OARS databank of multiple choice questions. Download new versions of the curriculum for updates.

10 Other Ways to Assess Will include performance-based assessments and projects in the future

11 Tracking Sheets Are linked to each concept
Provide a place to record results of concept assessments Allows teachers to choose the type of recording system to use + or – Percents Check marks Shading

12 The New Math Curriculum
The curriculum contains three main parts: Assessments Knowledge & Skills Learning Plan

13 The heart of the what to teach
Knowledge & Skills The heart of the what to teach Time Range Concept with prerequisite skills VSC objective with assessment limits Vocabulary Enduring Understandings Essential Questions Concept Knowledge Error Intervention

14 Time Range This is only a suggested time frame.
Fill in the calendar so that all skills will be taught and mastered by the time of each benchmark.

15 Concept and Prerequisite Skills
The concept is the topic or idea that you want students to know and understand. It gives ideas how to scaffold the skill for student mastery. Before you start the new concept make sure students know the prerequisite skills.

16 VSC Objective Maryland Voluntary State Curriculum is a mandate for all Baltimore City teachers. This means our first priority is to ensure all students know and understand each and every objective in the VSC. Objectives with assessment limits are tested on the MSA. If you click the VSC Objective link, it will take you to where more information can be found about the objective.

17 Vocabulary The vocabulary list includes words that students need to know and understand - not just the definition. Our new link in this box is to a Vocabulary Activities Folder where you can find strategies to teach vocabulary.

18 Enduring Understandings
These understandings guide and frame the teaching of the concepts. They are the BIG IDEAS that we want our students to remember 40 years from now. A few are included with each concept. You can add more.

19 Essential Questions These are opened ended questions with numerous correct answers. The process of answering these questions helps students develop a context for learning the concepts. There is usually one sample to get you thinking about what you want to have students focus on during the lesson. You and your students may want to create your own questions.

20 Concept Knowledge This section includes basic math knowledge necessary to understand the concept.

21 Error Intervention Identifies problems students might have and possible ways to prevent them from happening

22 The New Math Curriculum
The curriculum contains three main parts: Assessments Knowledge & Skills Learning Plan

23 The Learning Plan The “how” of teaching
You decide HOW to teach each concept. Included are various activities and strategies that you may wish to use to motivate the students, introduce, teach, or reinforce each skill. More ideas can be found in your textbook or on the Math Works course site. Additional strategies will be added to the curriculum document throughout the year as teachers contribute additional ideas.

24 Various resources are identified:
Math Works supplemental materials Sections from the adopted math textbook United Streaming videos Websites

25 Resources United Streaming
To access this resource you will need to enter your E-number as the ID and bcpss1 as the password

26 Accommodations A on the Learning Plan page indicates an appropriate accommodation for a student with an IEP or any student who may need other strategies to master the concept. These activities can be used to differentiate instruction. The accommodations link will take you to a special education accommodation tracking sheet where you will find specific suggestions. *

27 Gifted and Enrichment Links are provided to Scott Foresman workbook enrichment activities or Connected Math investigations that are appropriate for the concept. More activities will be developed throughout the year such as Arts Integration activities and projects.

28 The New Math Curriculum
We hope that you find these materials useful. This is our first draft. Please us with ideas and suggestions for change at

29 The New Math Curriculum
Remember to check TSS and download updated copies of the curriculum regularly. Click here to download the most recent version

30 A very special thank you to the hundreds of dedicated educators in Baltimore City who spent thousands of hours to create this awesome curriculum and related materials so that all of our students will be successful in math.

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