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Para Empezar- 7.

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Presentation on theme: "Para Empezar- 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 Para Empezar- 7

2 Warm up: Write the names and times of three of your favorite programs, videos, movies etc.
1. Ejemplo= Example: Programa: 1. La pantera Rosa. Hora: A las ocho de la noche. 2. Respond to the question: ¿Que dia y estacion es hoy? Hoy es Viernes y es Verano.

3 The pink panter La pantera rosa:

4 Hoy- today Ayer- Yesterday Mañana- tomorrow

5 Nada= nothing No= no Si = yes
No se =I don’t now;) Si se = I know  No se nada!

6 ojo boca nariz Brazo cabeza Partes del cuerpo: dedo mano estomago
pierna Pie oreja ojo boca nariz Brazo cabeza

7 Al lado = to the side En frente de Detras= behind
Tell me the word, I’ll do the action, If I don’t know- correct me. Ej. No… encima Take turns with your partner, take turns, tell the word/ do the action. Debajo =under Encima = on top of Al lado = to the side En frente de Detras= behind

8 I have pain ___. Me duele ____ ______. la/el objeto

9 Encima de la mano. On top of my hand.
1.Simon dice: 2. (Do the action) If I /you don’t say Simon dice- don’t do the action

10 Simon dice: Encima del estomago. On top of the stomack.
1.Simon dice: 2. (Do the action - point) If I /you don’t say Simon dice- don’t do the action ,

11 ojo boca nariz Brazo Cabeza Debajo =under dedo Encima = on top of mano
1.Simon dice: Cita a las seis 2. (Do the action - point) Actividad: Simon dice: Encima de la mano. Debajo =under Encima = on top of Al lado = to the side En frente de Detras= behind dedo mano estomago pierna Pie oreja ojo boca nariz Brazo Cabeza

12 Me duele la mano. I have pain in my hand.
1.Simon dice: 2. (Do the action) If I /you don’t say Simon dice- don’t do the action

13 Wava Pg. 1- Actividad 2 Numero de casa: Hora de la Llamada:
House number : Time of call:

14 Cognates: most of the words that end in tion in English end in cion in Spanish.
Investigacion Exclamacion Introduccion Presentacion Distribucion Ubicacion

15 Project research presentation: Proyecto de Investigacion y presentacion,
Spanish Name:__________________________________________ Period:_________ Pronostico del tiempo- Create a PowerPoint, prezzi, thinglink presentation Research the climates in the two locations of your chosen / assigned country. Pretend you are the weather man broadcasting the news from one Spanish speaking country on Pgs. Xviii to xxxi. Your maps and weather reports should reflect the seasons of your country, therefore provide accurate slides and accurate writing. Please, give an effective presentation. Make sure you include all of the following points.

16 Project Presentation: Distribute the work assignments as given between all 4 members of your group. (I want to see you working from day 1). Remember to do a good research so we can understand the important facts of those countries. (Each student turns in script and pictures in powerpoint to group leader for each of their parts). (Please, upload projects to google/youtube) Student #1. Creates the greeting message before the news. Greeting, date, important dates in the current month, time of year, time, present the speakers. Student # 2. Weather in one location of your country and include one really interesting fact. (show pictures and accurate writing). Student # 3. The weather in the second location of your country and include one really interesting fact. (show pictures and accurate writing). Student # 4. Leader, Creates the PowerPoint, Makes sure all points are satisfied and deserves an “A” grade.

17 Rubrica: Each person is accountable and demonstrates to have done a good research, helps with the work throughout the planning, creation, and presentation of the project. Rubric 8 pts 20 pts 40 pts Evidence of planning You submitted no written draft Your draft was written but not corrected You submitted a corrected draft for all slides Use of illustrations You included no illustrations Your illustrations were inaccurate Your PowerPoint was easy to read, complete and accurate. Your presentation You did not include the majority of the required elements. You included some of the following, greeting, name, day, date, weather and temperature for two locations. You included all of the following, greeting, name, day, date, weather and temperature for two locations.

18 How do you say__? ¿Como se dice pencil? Se dice…
Whenever you want to know either the Spanish or English word for something, you can respond in the following manner: How do you say__? ¿Como se dice pencil? Se dice…

19 Cita a las tres: Talk with your partner about items in your classroom
1-ask. ¿Como se dice book? 2-respond. Se dice libro Pen, student desk, notebook, pencil, folder

20 Innapropriate cell phone behavior (in class, texting, video games etc
Innapropriate cell phone behavior (in class, texting, video games etc.) I might claim the phone and return the cell phone to the student/ parent by the end of the class day. Further discussion over inappropriate cell phone behavior may be required between the instructor, student, counselor and parents.

21 Late HW- If absent Is the student’s responsibility to obtain assignments missed while gone. Always check the edlioschool WEBSITE, call a friend, see me during my office hours.

22 Homework: To be checked Wednesdays and Fridays- Bring practice workbook to class everyday
Guided Pgs , 23, 24 Core 7- 10

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