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Hal Plotkin Introducing... Senior Open Policy Fellow

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Presentation on theme: "Hal Plotkin Introducing... Senior Open Policy Fellow"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hal Plotkin Introducing... Senior Open Policy Fellow
at Creative Commons USA CC by 4.0 Career Highlights Senior Policy Advisor, Office of the Under Secretary, U.S. Department of Education under U.S. President Barack Obama ( ) Member and President, Foothill-De Anza Community College District Governing Board of Trustees ( ) Proposed/enacted first Community College Board Policy on OER.  Helped oversee the design and implementation of the $2 billion Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College Career Training Grants (TAACCCT). Swap photo

2 What legal tools does CC provide, and why?
ffff What is Creative Commons (CC)? What legal tools does CC provide, and why? Global non-profit 10 years old ARR copyright – public domain …. Copyright keeps getting extended CC – keep copyright – share under the terms and conditions you choose Licenses and 2 x public domain tools (CC0 / Public domain mark) “Using the strength of copyright to Share” by Giulia Forsythe is licensed under CC BY 2.0

3 CC-BY image by Creative Commons

4 CC-BY image by Creative Commons




8 Source: Harvard University and Asian Development Bank
Surging Global Demand 6.7 percent of the world’s population has some type of post-secondary degree. But globally, the average number of years of schooling for people age 15+ = just 7.76 years. Source: Harvard University and Asian Development Bank

9 The Demographic Bulge “To meet surging demand for post-secondary studies the world needs to open three new colleges serving 30,000 students every week for the next 12 years.” – Sir John Daniel, Commonwealth of Learning.


11 $2 billion over four years
CC BY required

12 White House issues directive supporting
White House Public Access Policy Effort to return scholarly publishing to its original purpose: to spread knowledge and allow that knowledge to be built upon. policy introduced Feb 22, 2013 allowable embargo 12 months 19 federal agencies agencies must coordinate and have plans in place by Aug 22, 2013 John Holdren, Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, “has directed Federal agencies with more than $100M in R&D expenditures to develop plans to make the published results of federally funded research freely available to the public within one year of publication and requiring researchers to better account for and manage the digital data resulting from federally funded scientific research.” Open Access FASTR legislation introduced Feb 14, 2013 public access to publicly funded research after allowable 6 month embargo federal agencies with extramural research over $100M/year State level California passed Assembly, now debated in Senate 12 month embargo Illinois New York OER new U.S. GAO report shows textbooks becoming increasingly expensive (textbook costs to students at higher education institutions are rising 6% per year on average, and have risen 82% over the last decade). Openly licensed textbooks can be a piece of the solution.  California Senate Bill 520 -  This bill would establish the California Online Student Access Incentive Grant program. The bill would require the online courses supported by incentive grant funds to be placed in the California Virtual Campus. Online courses means educational materials that been released with an intellectual property license that permits their free use or repurposing by others.  Open Data Obama Executive Order on Open Data Project Open Data Open licenses (aligned with Open Knowledge Definition) may be used by agencies for data outside of that in public domain under Section 105 White House issues directive supporting public access to publicly funded research

13 What does this mean for you?

14 An Experiment in Open Content
“We don't know where this kind of experiment will lead but that's exactly why we ought to try it.” President Barack Obama, 2009



17 K-12 OER Collaborative 11 States Building a New Future Together

18 Two Big Wildfire Ideas (that will rock our world)
Open Flight Simulator-Like Assessments And Global Project-Based Learning Collaborations

19 We Know How to Do This

20 It’s Already Happening


22 Foldit Alternatives = Opportunities to Lead

23 The Best Protection for Freedom
Protecting and Expanding the Freedom to Learn is the Best Possible Protection for Freedom Itself.

24 Why Open Education Matters
Why Open Education Matters

25 Thank You Credit for Slides: Cable Green, PhD and Timothy Vollmer, Creative Commons

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