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Welcome to Allied Health!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Allied Health!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Allied Health!!!
Please have a seat and complete the following statement in your notebooks: “I’m in this class because….. And I hope it will help me……”

2 About Ms. Davidson

3 What Will We Be Doing This Year?

4 What Else?

5 How Will I Be Graded? Marking Period Grades will be calculated as follows: Participation                                                       10% Quizzes*                                                              30% Tests                                                                      20% Homework/Classwork:                                  % Projects:                                                               20% *Any skills tested in the classroom will represent a quiz grade.  Due to the obvious importance of hands on skills in the health field, I apply more weight to quiz grades than test grades.

6 Classroom Guidelines

7 Guideline #1 Be in your seat and working when the late bell rings
Do Now work will count towards your classwork grade

8 Guideline #2 Follow directions the FIRST time they are given.

9 Guideline #3 Treat every person in this room with dignity and respect.

10 Guideline #4 Follow all procedures and policies as outlined in the UCVTS student handbook.  Student Life  Student Handbook

11 Guideline Infraction Notice
Read it Sign it Keep it until the end of class Guideline Infraction Notice Please: Correct your behavior and/or return to task. See me after class! Signature: ________________ Date: ____________ Offense: _____________________________________________ Conference result: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12 Following Guidelines will result in:
A stress free learning environment A pleasant and orderly classroom environment

13 Not Following Guidelines will result in:
1st Warning and documentation 2nd Parent contact 3rd Disciplinary Referral

14 Classroom Procedures

15 When you come into class:
Get your lab coat and have a seat Take out materials Review today’s objectives Begin Do Now assignment

16 When you are tardy: Enter quietly Place signed late pass on my desk
Get your lab coat, have a seat and take out your materials

17 Getting your attention:
I will: Stand in front of the class Raise my hand Wait for everyone to be quiet Begin speaking

18 After you are absent: Go to the homework notebook Copy the homework
Retrieve any handouts Sign the notebook Homework assignments and class notes can also be found online You will have 1 day per absence to complete work.

19 Absences UCVTS allows students 18 absences per year before credit is lost. Please make 3 copies of excuse notes One for the office One for me One to keep Perfect attendance awards will be given each marking period by me!

20 Student Responsibility Card
This is for students who do not have the assigned homework Fill it out Sign and date it Turn it in

21 Class Discussions PLEASE participate
I want to hear what you have to say Make all questions and comments relevant to the current discussion If your question is off topic write it down and ask later

22 Bathroom/Water fountain
Get my attention by raising 3 fingers Sign the sign out sheet

23 Firedrill Procedures Quietly exit classroom together!
Make sure you are wearing your student ID Walk to closest exit Wait together for drill to be over

24 Lockdown Procedures Stay quiet, sit on floor, away from door and windows. I will lock the door and cover the window If you are in the bathroom, stay in the bathroom If you are in the hallway, go to the nearest classroom If you are outside, go to the Police Academy

25 Looking the Part Healthcare professionals must look PROFESSIONAL
Lab coats Scrubs (one day per week) Color TBD

26 * Driving to school Only SENIORS may park on campus in designated student parking lot MUST fill out form and obtain parking pass from main office If you are not parked in a legal parking spot, your vehicle WILL be towed!!!!

27 Rutgers Testing Juniors: Anatomy and Physiology I (4 credits)
Dynamics of Healthcare (3 credits) Emergency and clinical care (not an actual test) – 1 credit

28 Rutgers Testing Seniors Anatomy and Physiology II (4 credits)
Medical Terminology (3 credits)

29 Weighted Average of All Requirements
Rutgers Grading All students must attain a C (73) or better to earn college credits. Minimum passing standardized exam grade for all students must be at least 70 before calculations of college transcript grade can be determined. Anatomy and Physiology 1 – 50% Rutgers, SHP standardized exam grade + 50% high school grade = Rutgers, SHP grade listed on transcript. Anatomy and Physiology 2 – 50% Rutgers, SHP standardized exam grade + 50% high school grade = Rutgers, SHP grade listed on transcript. Dynamics of Health Care in Society - 100% of Rutgers, SHP standardized exam grade = Rutgers, SHP grade listed on transcript. Medical Terminology - 50% Rutgers, SHP standardized exam grade + 50% high school grade = Rutgers, SHP grade listed on transcript. Weighted Average of All Requirements Final Letter Grade 93-100 A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D Less than 63 F

30 Let’s Have a Great Year!

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