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Multiply with decimals

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1 Multiply with decimals
Standard UW.GAP.5.M.NBT.07 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths using concrete models or drawing and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used.

2 Essential Questions 1. What is addition? How do you add decimals?
2. What is subtraction? How do you subtract decimals? 3. What is multiplication? How do you use a model and partial products to represent multiplying decimals? 4. What is division? How do you use a model and partial products to represent dividing decimals?

3 Set.... Think about the strategies we use to multiply whole numbers.... Take turns with your face partner and describe how we multiply and divide whole numbers.

4 Objective: I can multiply decimals to hundredths place.

5 Let’s Review Decimal - a number with a fraction of tenths, hundredths, etc. written after a decimal point. Decimal point - the (.) between a whole number and fractions of tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc. Digit- any of the numerals 0-9, which may be part of a larger number. x =

6 Think back to Adding and Subtracting Decimals
Step 1- line up the decimals Step 2- add any place holding zeros Step 3 - add or subtract like you always do Step 4 - bring the decimal straight down Multiplication is much different, let’s learn how...

7 Rules for Multiplying Decimals
When multiplying decimals, multiply just like normal then move decimal over to the right, then move decimal that many place in answer to the left.

8 Multiplying Decimals Example 1 Solve = 10.7 x 0.13 10.7
1 decimal place

9 Multiplying Decimals Example 1 Solve = 10.7 x 0.13 10.7 x0.13
1 decimal place 2 decimal places

10 Multiplying Decimals Example 1 Solve = 10.7 x 0.13 10.7 x0.13 321
1 decimal place 2 decimal places

11 Multiplying Decimals Example 1 Solve = 10.7 x 0.13 10.7 x0.13 321
1070 1 decimal place 2 decimal places

12 Multiplying Decimals Example 1 Solve = 10.7 x 0.13 10.7 x0.13
321 +1070 1.391 1 decimal place 2 decimal places 3 decimal places

13 Let’s watch how to multiply with models

14 Let’s try one together... 4.56 x .83

15 Now you try 16.73 x 4.89

16 Closure Think about what is different about multiplying whole numbers and multiplying decimals Repeat todays objective

17 Independent Practice 1. 45.2 x 2.3= 2. 98.01 x 7= 3. 6.6 x 4.9

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