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SRF Crabbing Cavity R&D

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1 SRF Crabbing Cavity R&D
JEFFERSON LAB ELECTRON-ION COLLIDER JLEIC Collaboration Meeting – Fall 2016 SRF Crabbing Cavity R&D Jefferson Lab – October 05-07, 2016

2 Outline Crabbing concept Crabbing cavities – History
KEK Crabbing Cavity TM110 class cavities New geometries RF tests on proofs-of-principle cavities Crabbing cavity R&D for LHC High Luminosity Upgrade RF properties HOM spectrum and HOM couplers Design and engineering of prototypes Crabbing cavity designs for JLEIC

3 Crabbing Concept Crabbing cavities:
Luminosity management in linear or circular colliders with head on collision  Crab crossing Emittance exchange in beams X-ray pulse compression Beam diagnostics Crab crossing – Proposed by R.B. Palmer R.B. Palmer, Energy scaling, crab crossing and the pair problem, SLAC-PUB-4707

4 The 1st Superconducting Crabbing Cavity
Beam E B KEK Crabbing Cavity* Frequency 508.9 MHz LOM 410.0 Nearest HOMs 630.0, 650.0, 680.0 Ep* 4.24 MV/m Bp* 12.23 mT Bp*/Ep* 2.88 mT/(MV/m) [R/Q]T 48.9 Ω Geometrical Factor (G) 227.0 RTRS 1.11×104 Ω2 At ET* = 1 MV/m Operating mode: TM110 mode Two crabbing cavities High energy ring (HER) Low energy ring (LER) *K. Hosoyama et. al., “Crab Cavity for KEKB”, Proc. of the 7th Workshop on RF Superconductivity, p.547 (1998) Complex HOM Damping Scheme

5 KEK Crabbing Cavity Performance
Global crabbing scheme Peak luminosity achieved: 2.1×1034 /cm2/s One crab cavity installed on each ring High energy ring (HER): 8 GeV e– Low energy ring (LER): 3.5 GeV e+ Crossing angle: 22 mrad Crab cavities operated under high current beam from Vt = 1.5 MV for LER Vt = 1.6 MV for HER K. Hosoyama et. al., “Development of the KEK-B Superconducting Crab Cavity”

6 Squashed elliptical design
TM110 Class Cavities Deflection mostly through interaction with magnetic field Presence of lower-order mode (TM010) TM110 mode is degenerate in cylindrical geometry Squashed cross-section Large with respect to wavelength compared to new designs Disadvantageous for low frequency Advantageous for high frequency Able to accommodate large apertures Squashed elliptical design Few degrees of freedom in the design Higher order multipole components Relatively low real estate gradient Couplers on beam line

7 Compact Cavities with New Geometries
55 cm 89 cm 7 cm Aperture 500 MHz 30 cm 46 cm 952.6 MHz 18 cm RF-Dipole Cavity 18 cm 38 cm Why we need compact cavities? Compact designs at low frequencies Dimensional constraints  Separation between two beam pipes Solution  Designs operating in TEM-like designs TE-like designs

8 New Geometries and Concepts
Cavities operating in TEM-like modes 4-rod cavity 4 quarter-wave resonators (deflection from both E and H) Parallel-bar cavity 2 half-wave resonators (deflection from E) Evolved into rf-dipole Cavities operating in TE-like mode (cannot be pure TE) RF-dipole Double quarter-wave Ridged waveguide 4-rod cavity Parallel-bar cavities RF-Dipole cavity Double quarter-wave cavity Ridged waveguide cavity

9 RF-Dipole Deflecting/Crabbing Cavities
499 MHz Deflecting Cavity for Jefferson Lab 12 GeV Upgrade Proof-of-principle cavities Frequency 499.0 400.0 750.0 MHz Aperture Diameter (d) 40.0 84.0 60.0 mm d/(λ/2) 0.133 0.224 0.3 LOM None Nearest HOM 777.0 589.5 1062.5 Ep* 2.86 3.9 4.29 MV/m Bp* 4.38 7.13 9.3 mT Bp*/Ep* 1.53 1.83 2.16 mT/ (MV/m) [R/Q]T 982.5 287.2 125.0 Ω Geometrical Factor (G) 105.9 138.7 136.0 RTRS 1.0×105 4.0×104 1.7×104 Ω2 At ET* = 1 MV/m 24 cm 44 cm 400 MHz Crabbing Cavity for LHC High Luminosity Upgrade 34 cm 53 cm 750 MHz Crabbing Cavity for MEIC at Jefferson Lab 19 cm 35 cm

10 499 MHz Deflecting Cavity Proof-of-principle cavity designed as the rf separator for Jefferson Lab 12 GeV upgrade Fabricated in-house at Jefferson Lab – HyeKyoung Park (JLab)

11 750 MHz Crabbing Cavity Proof-of-principle cavity designed initial frequency for Jefferson Lab MEIC Dissertation – Alex Castilla (ODU)

12 Crabbing Cavities for LHC High Luminosity Upgrade
Proton beam energy: 7 TeV Crossing angle: 0.59 mrad Requires two crabbing systems at: IP1 (ATLAS) – Vertical crabbing IP5 (CMS) – Horizontal crabbing Proof-of-principle cavity Luminosity increase due to crab cavities Specifications RF frequency (fc) = MHz Total transverse voltage per beam per side = 13.4 MV Total 16 crabbing cavities per type Transverse voltage per cavity = 3.4 MV Beam aperture = 84 mm

13 400 MHz Crabbing Cavity Surface treatment and rf testing done at Jefferson Lab Cavity reached a Vt of 7.0 MV Retested with Nb coated flanges provided by CERN Test I – April, 2012 Q0 increased by a factor of 3 from 4×109 to 1.2×1010 Test II – June, 2014 Test at CERN – October, 2014 Multipacting was processed easily and did not reoccur Low Q0 due no magnetic field compensation

14 LHC Crabbing Cavities Requires compact designs due to low operating frequency and beam pipe separation TM110 squashed elliptical geometries are not favorable Novel designs operating in TEM-like or TE-like modes 4-Rod Cavity Operating in TEM mode Double Quarter Wave Cavity Operating in TE-like mode E Field B Field RF-Dipole Cavity Operating in TE-like mode

15 RF-Dipole Crabbing Cavity
Proof of Principle Cavity P-o-P Cavity Prototype Cavity Frequency 400 MHz 1st HOM 590 633.5 Vt 3.4 MV Ep 37 33 MV/m Bp 64 57 mT [R/Q]t 287 430 Ω G 141 107 RtRs 4.0×104 4.6×104 Ω2 53 cm 34 cm Prototype Cavity 281 mm 194 mm Prototype cavity Well separated HOMs Reduced surface electric and magnetic fields High shunt impedance Improved multipacting levels compared to P-o-P cavity Reduced multipole components *S.U. De Silva and J.R. Delayen, PRAB 16, (2013) #S.U. De Siva and J.R. Delayen, PRAB 16, (2013)

16 HOM Coupler Designs of RFD Cavity
FPC H-HOM (Hi-pass filter) V-HOM (selective coupling) Collaboration – Zenghai Li (SLAC) Two HOM couplers Horizontal HOM (HHOM) coupler Vertical HOM (VHOM) coupler Modes up to 2 GHz are well damped below requirement impedance Couplers at locations of low field region on cavity body Minimizes RF heating on the coupler components Location preserves field symmetry Electrical center moved by only 50 microns H-HOM coupler with 30 degree hook orientation with no change to filter elements Selective coupling (V-HOM) to reduce the number of filters 7 mm offset incorporated into the probe tip to enhance coupling to the dipole modes at around 2 GHz Small RF power leakage through the coupler, ~1.5W, due to asymmetry

17 HHOM High Pass Filter High pass filter
50 Ω probe (Cu) T (Nb) Hook (Nb) High pass filter Simple filter design  Cuts off fundamental mode Damps horizontal deflecting and accelerating modes Demountable coupler Low fields in the filter Rejection of operating mode Multipacting trajectories in the gap removed dB

18 Thermal Analysis – HHOM Coupler
Courtesy – HyeKyoung Park (JLab) Thermal analysis of the filter for power dissipation at 3.4 MV from FPC and HOM of 752 MHz with 1 kW power 50 Ω probe (Cu) T (Nb) Hook (Nb) Gasket (A) (B) Filter Part Power Dissipation @ 3.4 MV Operating Mode HOM Hook (Nb) 60 mW 7 µW T (Nb) 2 µW 6 µW Probe (Cu) 49 mW 0.5 W Gasket 0.1 W 1 mW 2K on the surface where contacting the HV 2K on the coupler surface assuming heat stationing

19 HOM Damping for RFD Cavity
Qext calculated using Omega3P (SLAC ACE3P suite) for modes up to 2 GHz Solid lines are the impedance budget for dipole HOMs (blue) and accelerating HOMs (red) respectively Damping scheme meets the LHC High-Luminosity Upgrade impedance requirements

20 RFD Cavity & HOM Coupler Fabrication
Courtesy: Niowave Inc. Two cavities Completed fabrication of sub-assemblies Fabricated Cu prototypes of Demountable HHOM coupler VHOM coupler probe Cu HOM Couplers Nb H-HOM Coupler

21 RFD Cavity Manufacturing and Processing
Cavity Processing Plan End cap sub-assembly for Bulk BCP Tuner tab welding in Electron Beam Welder Frequency Measurement

22 Design and Engineering of Prototypes
Magnetic Shielding Courtesy – Nic Templeton (STFC, UK) Design for SPS Beam Test He Vessel Courtesy – Raphael Leuxe (CERN)

23 Fundamental Power Coupler Tuner Design Courtesy – Kurt Artoos (CERN)
Tuner Engineering Fundamental Power Coupler Tuner sensitivity – kHz/mm with 0.5 mm deflection each side Tuner Design Courtesy – Kurt Artoos (CERN)

24 SPS-CERN Cryomodule Design
Cryo Jumper Tuning System VHOM Coupler HHOM Coupler Warm Magnetic Shielding Helium Vessel Vacuum Vessel

25 Crabbing Cavity for JLEIC
Horizontal local crabbing system Two interaction points Four crabbing cavity locations – per interaction point (per beam - per side) Crabbing cavity frequency – MHz Luminosity > 1033 cm-2s-1 Parameter Electron Proton Units Beam energy 10 100 GeV Beam current 0.72 5.0 A Bunch frequency 952.6 MHz Crab crossing angle 50 mrad Betatron function at IP cm Betatron function at crab cavity 200 750 m Integrated transverse voltage per beam per side 2.8 14.5 MV e– p

26 952.6 MHz Cavity – Single Cell Cavity
Single cell cavity designs with varying beam aperture radii RF properties Peak surface fields increase Shunt impedance decrease 17.4 cm 16.7 cm 15.9 cm 5 cm 6 cm 7 cm (A) (B) (C) Frequency 952.6 MHz Aperture 50 60 70 mm 1st HOM 1431.0 1420.4 1411.5 Vt* 0.157 MV Ep* 4.2 4.8 5.4 MV/m Bp* 9.3 11.3 13.6 mT [R/Q]t 136 81 Ω G 145 155 166 RtRs 2.0×104 1.3×104 8.3×103 Ω2 * Et = 1 MV/m

27 952.6 MHz Cavity – Multi-Cell Cavity
A 3-cell design study with varying beam aperture Low surface fields High shunt impedance Presence of lower order modes Requires a notch filter in damping LOMs (A) (B) (C) Frequency 952.6 MHz Aperture 50 60 70 mm LOM 790, 879 773, 870 757, 862 1st HOM 1409 1383 1335 Vt* 0.157 MV Ep* 4.7 5.1 5.6 MV/m Bp* 8.7 10.0 11.4 mT [R/Q]t 494 323 219 Ω G 161 170 179 RtRs 8.0×104 5.5×104 3.9×104 Ω2 * Et = 1 MV/m

28 HOM and Wakefield Spectra
50 mm Aperture 60 mm Aperture 70 mm Aperture Single bunch wakefield excitation with a bunch length of 30 mm

29 Summary KEK crabbing cavity – First demonstration of successful implementation and operation of a superconducting crabbing cavity No crabbing cavity has been demonstrated on a machine with proton beam Promising compact crabbing cavity designs Concept has been successfully tested with Proof-of-Principle cavities Prototype cavity designing for LHC High Luminosity Upgrade including HOM couplers are completed Prototype cavities for SPS beam test at CERN are ongoing Next steps for crabbing cavities for JLEIC Dimensional constraints  Transverse and longitudinal Beam aperture size Specifications on HOM impedance budget Finalize on cavity beam aperture diameter Design of FPC and HOM coupler designing Prototype cavity fabrication and rf test

30 Acknowledgements ODU – Jean Delayen, HyeKyoung Park, Rocio Olave, Alex Castilla, Salvadore Sosa JLAB – HyeKyoung Park, Ed Daly, Tom Powers, Kirk Davis SLAC – Zenghai Li, Oleksiy Kononenko CERN Rama Calaga, Ofelia Capatina, Raphael Leuxe, Carlo Zanoni, Teddy Capelli and the team Benoit Salvant, Nic Biancacci Cockroft Institute / STFC, UK – Graeme Burt, Tom Jones, Nic Templeton, Jamie Mitchell Fermilab – Giorgio Apollinari, Tom Nicol, Leonardo Ristori LBNL – Alex Ratti

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