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Florida International University, Miami, FL
γ e´ p Λ Z–1 A Z K+ Spectroscopy of Λhypernuclei in the (e,e´K+) reaction at Jefferson Lab For E01-011(HKS) Collaboration Paul Baturin Florida International University, Miami, FL XIII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy, Tallahassee, Florida, USA – Nov. 29 – Dec. 4, 2009 HADRON 2009
Physics Motivation # 1 Hypernucleus: complex nuclear system containing at least one bound hyperon strongly interacting with the nucleons. Λ Λ Λ,…,…,… (p , n) nucleus Λ hypernucleus Λ Λ hypernucleus Complex hypernucleus Why to Study Hypernuclei ? - Test the NN interaction models beyond S=0 realm ; - Λ brings new degree of freedom – strangeness ; - Λ is free of Pauli Blocking ; - Access to deeply bound states ; - Evidence of single particle orbits deep in the nucleus (cannot be seen by nucleons) ; - Central and spin dependent ΛN interactions ; - Possibility to study three body forces (3BF), which have sizable effect due to NΛ – N coupling channel ; - Charge Symmetry Breaking (CSB) ; - Precise lifetime measurements at different masses via non-mesonic weak decay NΛ NN ; - Strangeness in Neutron stars ; Properties of Λ Hypernuclei Λ feels weaker potential than N VΛN (≈-30MeV) <VNN (≈-50MeV) 1s 1p3/2 p n Λ 30 MeV 50 MeV Narrow width of excited states (≈ 100 keV) Requires High Resolution Spectroscopy
Hypernuclear Electroproduction
# 2 Meso-production (with K or π beams): n(K-,π -)Λ and n(π+,K+)Λ BNL, KEK - Both low and high momentum transfer to Λ - Large cross sections 10-3 and 10-6 b/sr - Limited Energy Resolution 1.45 MeV (due to energy resolution of secondary meson beam) Electroproduction (electron beam): p(e,e´K+)Λ JLAB - High momentum transfer to Λ - Small cross sections 10-9 b/sr (compensated by high intensity of electron beam) - Possibility of high resolution 400 keV (FWHM) - Spin-flip amplitude (unnatural parity hypernuclear states) - Neutron rich Λ hypernuclei H. Bando et al. Int. Jour. of Mod. Phys Schematic representation of electroproduction Quark flow schematic diagram (associated production mechanism)
Previous Experiment (HNSS - 2000)
# 3 11B(gs)×L(s) 11B(gs)×L(p) 12C(e,e´K+)12LB Binding Energy: BL(s) = 11.40.5 MeV (emulsion data BL(s) = MeV) Resolution: 720 keV (FWHM) 0 degree tagging geometry in electron spectrometer ; Large background rate associated with Bremsstrahlung and Moller scatterings ; Current limitation due to high background rate I = 1.6 A for C12 target (1-,2-) (2+,3+) core-excited states (1-,0-) (2-,1-) Needed to improve: 1. Spectrometer resolution 2. Reduce background 12C(e,e´K+)12LB HNSS, JLab, Hall-C, 2000
E01-011 (HKS) Experiment - 2005 HKS Experimental Setup HKS ENGE
# 4 1. ENGE spectrometer is vertically tilted to avoid background associated with Bremsstrahlung and Møller scattering events 2. HKS (high-resolution Kaon Spectrometer). High acceptance & high resolution. - Tilt Angle = 7.750 Reduced Bremss. rate Signal/Noise (S/N) ratio increased by 10 times Momentum resolution: GeV/c Acceptance: 12.5% Flight path ~ 10 m HKS Experimental Setup Splitter Magnet HKS (QQD) & ENGE (D) spectrometers HKS: Vacuum chamber Two Drift Chambers (DC) Set of Scintillators (1X, 1Y, 2X) Three Aerogel Cherenkov detectors Two Water Cherenkov Detectors ENGE: Two layers of hodoscopes Drift Chamber HKS ENGE SPLITTER
Targets and Trigger Conditions
# 5 Targets Hypernucleus Thickness (mg/cm2) Current Purpose CH2 Λ, 460 1.5 A calibration 6Li 6He 164 30 A production 7Li 7He 189 27 A 9Be 9Li 19 A 10B 10Be 100 26 A 12C 12B 101.7 28Si 28Al 50 18 A 51V 51Ti 59.6 rate study 89Y 89Sr 56 13 A 208Pb 208Tl 283 0.3 A Trigger Conditions HKS 1X & 1Y & 2X & AC & WC Rate 12 KHz ENGE 1X & 2X Rate 1.0 ÷1.2 MHz (HNSS 100MHz) COIN K+ and e´ in coincidence Rate 0.5 ÷ 1.0 kHz
Particle Identification (for Kaons)
# 6 Two approaches were utilized: Standard “hard cuts” method ( ∑AC < 10 & ∑WC > 75 & abs(beta-betak)<0.06 ) Likelihood approach (using the normalized pdfs for each detector and combining into final likelihood values)
12C(e,e´K+)12LB accidental Preliminary 12B 12C KEK E369 (2001) # 7
Hall-A, JLab E (2004) 12B gs~650 keV S (1-,2-) p (2+,3+) Yield (Counts/150 keV) gs~470 keV S p core-excited (1-,0-) (2-,1-) core-excited accidental Excitation Energy(MeV) -B MeV 12C KEK E369 (2001) gs~1.5 MeV 12B (Theor.) T. Motoba Mirror hypernucleus 12C (p=6, n=5)
28Si(e,e´K+)28LAl accidental Preliminary 28Al
# 8 28Al Preliminary p (4-,3-) d (5+,4+) S (2+,3+) First time a high resolution of d state. Yield (Counts/150 keV) gs~435 keV KEK E140a (1995) 28Si accidental -B MeV Theor. Motoba, 2003 Mirror hypernucleus 28Si (p=14, n=13)
7Li(e,e´K+)7He accidental Preliminary
# 9 Preliminary 7He “Gluelike role” of in 7He (neutron halo) 6He 7He 0+ +n+n ++n+n ½+ -0.69 <r-n>=4.6 fm -6.12 <rcore-n>=3.55 fm E. Hiyama, et al., Phys. Rev. C53, 2075,(1997) S (1/2+) Yield (Counts/150 keV) α n α n Λ gs~450 keV E (MeV) accidental -5 -B MeV -10 First experimental observation of 1/2+ state
Summary # 10 The hypernuclear experiments at Jefferson Lab aimed to obtain high precision hypernuclear spectroscopy in a wide mass range via electroproduction reaction. New high resolution, large acceptance spectrometers: ENGE and HKS. New experimental techniques: on-target splitter, tilted ENGE. Achieved the best resolution hypernuclear reaction spectroscopy for 12B, 7LHe and 28LAl ( keV FWHM) 12LB spectrum consistent with HNSS and Hall A experiment. 28LAl spectrum obtained first time with high energy resolution. It contains Λ in s, p, and d shells. 7LHe spectrum contains first time measurement of ½+ ground state binding energy.
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