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Unit #8 Presidential Responses to the Great Depression

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1 Unit #8 Presidential Responses to the Great Depression

2 LESSON #8:9 – FDR’s SECOND TERM (3/31)
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Why did Court Packing hurt FDR? Why did the New Deal come to an end after the elections in 1938? VOCABULARY 8:9 Court packing (260) National Housing Act (261) Farm Security Administration Fair Labor Standards Act

3 LESSON #8-8 The Second New Deal (3/30)
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS 1. What was the goal of the New Deal of FDR? 2. What were some complaints people had about the New Deal? VOCABULARY 8:8 Deficit spending (255) Huey Long Father Charles Coughlin (256) Dr. Francis Townsend The Second New Deal Works Progress Admin (WPA) The Wagner Act (257) Social Security (258)

4 Intro thoughts List the ways… Why was FDR still so popular?
Read first paragraph on p. 259. List the ways…

5 Why was FDR still popular in 1956?
Glean three facts from the clip you’re about to see… The SECOND NEW DEAL explanation

6 The NEW DEAL rap The SECOND NEW DEAL explanation

7 Election of 1936 Analyze the map…

8 Court Packing With all this power… what do you think FDR thought of himself? When the Supreme Court saw some of his laws unconstitutional, what does that mean? That means they would no longer be laws How should he respond? Read the last par. on p to find out…

9 Recession of 1937 Economy had been slowly improving
Analyze the graph up to 1937 Unemployment had dropped by 1937 So, FDR decreased spending on New Deal – Why? What happened as a result? Unemployment immediately shot back up

10 FDR faces real opposition
Republicans won seats in Congress after recession in 1937 Southern Democrats turned on FDR - saw New Deal as challenging their traditions Together they blocked most new New Deal Legislation

11 Last New Deal Legislation
Why is pulling kids out of the work force good for the economy? (Fair Labor Standards Act) Family leaders (dads) would be making the $$ Kids could go to school Everyone benefitted!


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