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Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung

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Presentation on theme: "Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung"— Presentation transcript:

1 Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung
OSIRIS M42 Orion Nebula colour composite Horst Uwe Keller and the OSIRIS Team 23 Rosetta SWT – ESOC Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung

2 Team Status Last Science Team mtg. in Venice in Sep. 2007
Next mtg. in October 2008 after Steins flyby 4 OSIRIS working groups on calibration, asteroids and fly-bys, coma, and nucleus Next meetings of calibration and fly-by WG in January 2008 Calibration pipeline set up including geometric corrections of both cameras Analysis of MSB data (calibration and science) is still going on OSIRIS

3 Position is being advertised
Team Status Analysis of Earth - Moon data (calibration and science) started Michael Küppers (OSIRIS Science Coordinator at MPS) moved to ESAC Vacancy to be filled Position is being advertised OSIRIS

4 Instrument Operations
Passive Checkout (PC5) - May 2007 No problems Active Checkout (PC6) - Sep 2007 WAC no specific problems NAC shutter stability problem Problem of software with memory handling uncontrolled stop of normal thermal control weakness in high level (UDP) memory handling found requires low level software change Earth Swing-By #2 - Nov 2007 Temporary work around of memory problem implemented Only very limited NAC operation WAC and NAC no problems OSIRIS

5 Instrument Status Both cameras working
Some shutter errors during operations NAC in particularly (blade locking errors) Stray light in field of view and near field of view under investigation based on MSB and additional Earth flyby data OSIRIS

6 NAC Shutter Problem Two overall problem areas: NAC Shutter mechanical stability (parameter space drift) Solution: Implementation of a background continuous tuning algorithm Relaxation of shutter safe mode criteria General electronics problem (type D error condition) Origin of problem now found (1.6 ms window in 870 ms cycle of shutter electronics FPGA where logic break down occurs) Workaround for problem under development A major team effort started to solve the shutter problems. First major success is the understanding of error type D Target deadline – Early Feb test and update slot OSIRIS

7 Earth – Moon Observations
OSIRIS operations only during early approach (> 20 min before CA) No operations while within radiation belt Limited NAC operations Earth day side images from 106 km Several images useful for PR (web page) OSIRIS

8 Earth Swing-By #2 – Earth Nightside

9 OSIRIS Polar Lights? North Pole Japan Korea China Taiwan MPS England
India Nile Israel Italy ESTEC China Taiwan Hongkong MPS Japan Korea North Pole England Madrid Paris Delhi Singapore Equator ESA ©2005 MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/RSSD/INTA/UPM/DASP/IDA Bagdad Polar Lights? OSIRIS

10 Earth Swing-By #2 – Earth Nightside

11 Europe by Night - WAC OSIRIS

12 Europe by Night – Simulated

13 Europe by Night - WAC OSIRIS

14 The Earth and the Moon OSIRIS



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