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Ian Dunican (MBA,MMineEng,GCASSc,BA) 

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1 Optimization of Sleep, Travel & Training Schedules in an Elite Rugby Team
Ian Dunican (MBA,MMineEng,GCASSc,BA)  Centre for Sleep Science, School of Anatomy Physiology and Human Biology, The University of Western Australia Mobile  

2 What I will cover in this presentation:
Basic functions of bio mathematical modeling –Fatigue Avoidance Scheduling Tool(FAST). Application of retrospective modeling to a competitive Super Rugby Competition. Development and modeling of potential countermeasures during a Super Rugby Competition. Potential “effectiveness” improvement in the 2016 Super Rugby Competition.

3 Basic functions of bio mathematical modeling, Fatigue Avoidance Scheduling Tool (FAST).

4 Science of bio mathematical modeling
S =Sleep C =Circadian Process S (Sleep), homeostatic pressure, where sleep onset occurs when process S reaches a high threshold (H) and wake-up occurs when S drops below a low (L) threshold. During sleep, process S decreases in an exponential fashion. Process S is therefore directly related to sleep loss and produces the so- called “sleep pressure” that builds up over time awake. Lack of sleep and/or extended duty time directly increase process S. The duration of this pattern is around 24 hours and is called the Circadian Rhythm. Whereas this process has its own internal period (slightly greater than 24 hrs), it is influenced by external factors – the “time givers” such as the light / dark cycle of the local environment. This process operates independently from the time awake which is associated with Process S. Process C is directly impacted under certain conditions typically met in aviation such as rapid time zone transition and/or irregular hours of work and night duties The Three-Process Model of Alertness (TPMA; Åkerstedt & Folkard, 1995, 1996) extended Borbély’s initial model by predicting the level of alertness and by adding the process W (Waking), relating to sleep inertia. Sleep inertia refers to the transient state of lowered arousal occurring immediately after awakening from sleep and producing a temporary decrement in performance (Tassi & Muzet, 2000). The TPMA estimates sleep and predicts alertness as depicted in Figure 2 below. W=Wake Tassi & Muzet, 2000,Borbély,1982 & Akerstedt & Folkard,1995

5 Baseline schedule Training/working 09:00-17:00 1 hr commute each way
8 hrs of excellent sleep No time zone changes

6 Reduction in sleep duration
8 hrs 6 hrs 4 hrs 2 hrs 8 hrs per night Sleep onset at 23:00 Wake time at 07:00 Training between 09:00-17:00

7 Interstate travel to Sydney
Travel time to Sydney

8 International travel to Auckland
Depart Perth Overnight flight from Perth Crossing 5 time zones Eastward direction Not enough recovery time on arrival Arrive Auckland

9 Application of retrospective modeling to a competitive Super Rugby Competition 2015.

10 Super rugby season overview 2015
L W South Africa New Zealand

11 Development and modeling of potential countermeasures during a Super Rugby Competition.

12 Countermeasures Training times to occur between 09:30-17:30.With travel specific training schedules to be utilized for away. Flights: Changes to flights direction, timing etc. Sleep environment changes-rooms, players, sleep hygiene. Players to attain a minimum of 8 hrs sleep per night. Players to wear actigraphy during the season to assess effectiveness and verify predictive modeling. Supported by General education session for players and coaches (2-3 hours).

13 What if we applied countermeasures to 2015?

14 Potential “effectiveness” improvement in the 2016 Super Rugby Competition.

15 Western Force season overview 2016
South Africa New Zealand Japan



18 Acknowledgements Questions and Answers Equipment/Software
Fatigue Science, Vancouver. PhD Supervisors Professor Peter Eastwood Professor Brian Dawson Dr David Martin Dr Shona Halson Dr John Caldwell UWA Dr Michael Clarke Aaron Gazzola Maddison Jones Alan McNamara Western Force Charlie Higgins David Joyce Michael Foley The Western Force squad and staff

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