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September 15, 2016 Todd M. Halacy, P.E., Moderator

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Presentation on theme: "September 15, 2016 Todd M. Halacy, P.E., Moderator"— Presentation transcript:

1 Streamlining Project Delivery (Current Initiatives) Track A Breakout Session #4
September 15, 2016 Todd M. Halacy, P.E., Moderator Assistant Division Administrator – VDOT, Local Assistance Division

2 Distinguished Presenters
Streamlining Project Delivery Distinguished Presenters John Simmers - VDOT Central Office Local Assistance Division – Local Project Administration Section Manager Derrick Williams - VDOT Hampton Roads District Urban Programs Division – Project Coordinator Gregory Cooley Jr., P.E. - VDOT Culpeper District Design Build Area Construction Engineer Leonard (Bud) Siegel Jr., P.E. - VDOT Northern VA District NOVA District Local Assistance Program Manager Amir Salahshoor, P.E. - VDOT Northern VA District Assistant Manager NOVA District Local Assistance Program

3 Streamlining Project Delivery
VDOT Business Plan – LAD Action Items Overview (John) Project Scheduling Tool (Derrick) District Project Tracking Database (Derrick) Consultant/ Construction Procurement (Greg) LAP Starter Pack/ LAP MAP (Bud/ Amir) Agenda

4 LAD Action Items Overview
Streamlining Project Delivery VDOT Business Plan LAD Action Items Overview John Simmers

5 Streamlining Project Delivery
Streamlining Local Project Delivery has been included in the annual VDOT Business Plan as a Local Assistance Division Action Item for three consecutive fiscal years… FY2017 FY2016 FY2015

6 VDOT Business Plan – LAD Action item
Began in FY2015: “Establish a District Local Projects Advisory Group to complement the Local Project Stakeholders Group and establish a joint subcommittee from both groups to identify strategies for improving local project delivery”

7 VDOT Business Plan – LAD Action item
Strategies Identified: Strengthen project scheduling and accountability for project timelines Develop a Schedule Template for Local Government use Implement Hampton Roads District Tracking Database Include a Project Delivery Plan as a part of the RtA Implement District Locality Days Develop a “LAP Starter Pack” (quick-start guide to local project administration)

8 VDOT Business Plan – LAD Action item
Strategies Identified (continued): Streamline Procurement Consultants Contractors Local government access to VDOT applications Improve consistency among VDOT project coordinators Knowledge and application of policy statewide Clarification/identification of VDOT roles Resource/workload alignment Continue Local Government Stakeholder Groups

9 VDOT Business Plan – LAD Action item
Continued in FY2016: “The District Local Projects Advisory Group will work with the Local Assistance Division to lead the implementation of strategies previously identified to improve local project delivery”

10 VDOT Business Plan – LAD Action item
Major Accomplishments: Roll-out LAP schedule tool Identify options for streamlining consultant procurement Implement tools to facilitate District Locality Days Initiate pilot district testing of the HRD tracking database Identify options for streamlining contractor procurement Identify options for implementing a project delivery plan Develop a draft LAP Starter Pack (quick-start guide) Ongoing: Meet with Local Government Stakeholders groups - Local Government Stakeholders District Local Projects Advisory Group - UCI Municipalities (full group) - UCI Workgroup - Local Government Workgroup

11 VDOT Business Plan – LAD Action item
And extends into FY2017: “The District Local Projects Advisory Group will continue to work with the Local Assistance Division to lead the implementation of strategies previously identified to improve local project delivery”

12 Streamlining Project Delivery QUESTIONS and DISCUSSION

13 Project Scheduling Tool
Streamlining Project Delivery Project Scheduling Tool Derrick Williams

14 Project Scheduling Tool
Overview LAP Schedule Tool Hampton Roads Tracking Database

15 Project Scheduling Tool Purpose and Need for the LAP Scheduling Tool
Began as a UCI work group initiative Built with input from the localities and VDOT staff The scheduling tool helps localities develop a schedule based on a basic deliverable outline tailored to factors such as environmental document, public involvement, and funding type The tool is a starting point for schedule development. Your particular project may have more deliverables

16 Project Scheduling Tool LAP Schedule Tool - Factors
Project Deliverables for Federal and State funded projects Schedule Factors included which may impact delivery: Funding Phases Public Involvement Consultant Procurement Environmental Document

17 Project Scheduling Tool
LAP Schedule Tool - Factors

18 Project Scheduling Tool
Project Webb Application (PWA)

19 Project Scheduling Tool
LAP Schedule Tool Available on the LAD external forms website:

20 District Project Tracking Database
Derrick Williams

21 Why the HR Tracking Database was created ?
Large local program 13 Urban localities and 9 counties Span many different oversight / requirements Condense many elements in the LAP Manual into checklists and uniform delivery based on 5 criteria UCI Status CN Tier Funding type Roadway Maintained By On NHS Train new VDOT Project Coordinators

22 District Project Tracking Database
Currently being tested in Richmond, Staunton and NOVA

23 What does the HR Tracking Database seek to accomplish?
Improve consistency Keep projects updated when new information is submitted Keep locality and VDOT abreast of important documents that could delay Authorizations Teaching tool Continuity for VDOT Project Coordinators Provides new VDOT Project Coordinators the ability to quickly reference examples, guidance, and custom checklist tailored to the project type Example - RW Authorizations Identify areas where delays occur Track deliverable performance Track project status by locality

24 How does the HR Tracking Database benefit localities ?
Project deliverables Clearly identifies the items the locality needs to submit for Authorization VDOT Project Coordinator can clearly see if a submittals are complete and can address missing items without delaying review times significantly

25 How does the HR Tracking Database benefit localities ?
2. Improved timeliness for delivery Database measures baseline durations and dynamic durations

26 How does the HR Tracking Database benefit localities ?
3. Reporting capabilities Provides reports on reviews and Authorizations

27 How does the HR Tracking Database benefit localities ?
4. Snap Shot capabilities Provides reports on ongoing and upcoming submittals

28 District Project Tracking Database
Project Webb Application (PWA)

29 District Project Tracking Database
Questions ?

30 Consultant/ Construction Procurement
Gregory Cooley, Jr., P.E.

31 Consultant/ Contractor Contracts Agenda
Streamlining Project Delivery Consultant/ Contractor Contracts Agenda Consultant Contracts Goal/Objective Identified Options Next Steps Contractor Contracts Identified Option As Of: September 6, 2016 As Of: August 11, 2016

32 Consultant Contracts Goal/Objective – Streamline Procurement
Research – Michigan, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania Identified Options – On-Call Contract for Local Use Divided by Region, specialty, etc. Flexibility to Localities Pros/Cons Small Purchasing Procurement Option Contracts not exceeding $60k – not competitive

33 Contractor Contracts Goal/Objective – Streamline Procurement
Research – Contracting Law, VTCA, Urban and Rural Planning District Commission, ASD, and State Contracting Engineer Identified Options – Planning District Commission Regional On-Call Contractor PDC manages contract Pros/Cons VDOT On-call Contractor Revise Contracts for regional use Potentially use for Project Inspection Hired Equipment Contracting(Administrative Services Div) Time and Material Contract

34 Contractor Contracts – Cont’d.
Additional Identified Options – 4. Local on-call Contracts Option to group projects for regional use Potentially use for Project Inspection Pros/Cons

35 Consultant/ Contractor Contracts
Next Steps

36 LAP Starter Pack Beginners’ Guide to Locally Administered Projects
Leonard (Bud) Siegel, Jr., P.E.

37 LAP Starter Pack Development
VDOT FY 2016 Business Plan Goal (2.3.4): Develop a “quick start guide.” VDOT Team assembled Question: What are we trying to do with “Starter Pack”? - Provide LPA leadership an overview of LAP? - Advise LPA staff & consultants of LAP process?


39 Page 1- LAP Overview

40 Page 2 – Pre-LA Project Process

41 Page 3 – Roles & Responsibilities

42 Page 4 – LA Project Risk

43 Page 5 – Building the LAP Team

44 Page 6 - Detailed Process Overview

45 Starter Pack - Next Steps
Continue to solicit comments and continue to refine Starter Pack Possible incorporation into VDOT Board of Supervisors Manual or Resident Administrators Manual Possible Starter Pack Training Module for RAs and other liaisons with LPAs and elected officials.

46 Introduction LAP Map Amir Salahshoor, P.E.


48 What is LAP Map?? Simple Flow-chart base
Navigational Tool using Hyperlinks to LAP Manual Quick and easy access We are not deviating from LAP Manual

49 Why was LAP Map Created?? LAP Manual is… comprehensive but… is over 550 pages with 19 chapters A simplified guide was needed LAP Map allows you to easily see the process steps required for your specific project type

50 LAP Map Consists of 2 Sections
Section 1: Project Selector Section 2: Project Process Flowchart specific to each project type (with LAP Manual links)

51 We like your Comments/ Suggestions on our
DRAFT LAP-MAP Is there enough detail/ too much detail? Is there something additional you would like to see included? Suggestions for improvement

52 Questions??? Amir Salahshoor, P.E. 703-259.1957 (Office)
Assistant Manager NOVA Local Assistance Program (Office) Local Assistance Division

53 Streamlining Project Delivery
Presenter Contact Information John Simmers - VDOT Central Office - LAD or Derrick Williams - VDOT Hampton Roads District or Gregory Cooley Jr., P.E. - VDOT Culpeper District or Leonard (Bud) Siegel Jr., P.E. - VDOT Northern VA District or Amir Salahshoor, P.E. - VDOT Northern VA District or

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