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Professor Mads Andenæs JUS5240/JUR1240

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1 Professor Mads Andenæs JUS5240/JUR1240
Comparative Private Law

2 Lecture Outline Autumn 2011
1. Introduction 2. The proposal for a common European sales law 3. Overview of the topics of the course. Placing the proposal for a common European sales law and the DCFR in an international perspective. 4. The discipline of comparative law. Legal transplants and convergence of legal families

3 Lecture Outline Autumn 2011
5. European Contract Law and international contract law conventions 6. Applying comparative method in private law and contract law in particular. 7. Formation of contracts. 8. Interpretation, Reasonableness, Good faith. 9. Liability and other Remedies.

4 Updated reading list (on the web site)
With web links and other features that may be helpful. Moss, G.C.: Lectures on Comparative Law (160 pages) (to be found in the bookstore Akademika published in "Stensilserien for Institutt for Privatrett-nr 166 IfP " and M Andenas and D Fairgrieve, ‘There is A World Elsewhere’ — Lord Bingham and Comparative Law in M Andenas and D Fairgrieve (eds) Tom Bingham and the Transformation of the Law (Oxford University Press 2009), 402 (Available as ebook from the University Library by using "BIBSYS ASK" online-system and on Sacco, R.: Legal Formants: A Dynamic Approach to Comparative Law, in 39 American Journal of Comparative Law (1991), pages 1-34, (Available from the University Library by using "BIBSYS ASK" online-system) Sacco, R.: One Hundred Years of Comparative Law, in 75 Tulane Law Review (2001) (Available from the University Library by using "BIBSYS ASK" online-system)

5 Updated reading list Sir Basil Markesinis, Jørg Fedtke, Engaging With Foreign Law (Hart Publishing, Oxford 2009, Comparative Law in Commercial Practice, Ch 10, ISBN-10: ) p (Available as ebook from the University Library by using "BIBSYS ASK" online-system). Moss, G.C.: International Commercial Law, Institute of Private Law, Oslo 2010, pages (to be found in the bookstore Akademika published in "Stensilserien for Institutt for Privatrett"/"copy series from the Institute of Private Law" no 185) Kåre Lilleholt, «European Private Law: Unification, Harmonisation or Coordination», i Roger Brownsword, Hans-W. Micklitz, Leone Niglia and Stephen Weatherill (eds.), The Foundations of European Private Law, Oxford 2011, s. 353–361. Hans-W. Micklitz and Norbert Reich ’The Commission Proposal for a “Regulation on a Common European Sales Law (CESL)” – Too Broad or Not Broad Enough?’, EUI Working Paper LAW 2012/04. VI) and C (ca 430 pages).

6 Supplementary reading
Principles, Definitions and Model Rules of European Private Law, Draft Common Frame of Reference, DCFR See also: Proposal for EU Regulation on Common sales law with other materials on The EU Consumer Rights Directive, Sir Basil Markesinis, Jørg Fedtke, Engaging With Foreign Law (Hart Publishing, Oxford 2009, ISBN-10: ). (Available as ebook from the University Library by using "BIBSYS ASK" online-system) C (ca 430 pages).

7 Supplementary reading
Moss, G.C.: Contract or Licence? Regulation of Petroleum Investment in Russia and Foreign legal Advice, in Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law, 1998, pages Moss, G.C.: INTERNATIONAL CONTRACTS BETWEEN COMMON LAW AND CIVIL LAW: IS NON-STATE LAW TO BE PREFERRED? THE DIFFICULTY OF INTERPRETING LEGAL STANDARDS SUCH AS GOOD FAITH, Global Jurist: Vol. 7: Iss. 1 (Advances), Article 3 pp.1-38 Gordley, J., Von Mehren, A., An introduction to the comparative study of private law, Cambridge University Press, 2006. Tetley, W.: Mixed Jurisdictions: Common Laws vs. Civil Law (Codified and Uncodified), part I and part II, (56 pages) Joint network on European Private Law, with further links:  Schulze, R. (ed), “New Features in Contract Law”, Sellier European Law Publishers, 2007

8 Supplementary reading
Introduction to the Principles of European Contract Law, with further bibliographic references: UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, with further bibliographic references: Vogenauer, S., Weatherill, S., The Harmonisation of European Contract Law, Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law, 2006 Wilhelmsson, T., Paunio, E., Pohjolainen, A. (eds), “Private Law and the Many Cultures of Europe”, Kluwer Law International, 2007 Zimmermann, M., Reimann, The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law, Oxford University Press, 2006 Zweigert, K. and H. Kötz: Introduction to Comparative Law, 3rd ed Clarendon Press, Oxford 1998: Parts B (except chapter V and VI) and C (ca 430 pages).

9 The main topics: 2. The proposal for a common European sales law
The European Commission proposal for a Regulation on a Common European Sales Law (COM(2011) 635 final). Background and reactions ‘Legal base’ in the EU The Internal Market, consumers, business and contract law

10 3. Overview of the topics of the course
3. Overview of the topics of the course. Placing the proposal for a common European sales law and the DCFR in an international perspective. Follow up from today, and after Professor Lilleholt’s lecture on European Sales Law.

11 4. The discipline of comparative law
4. The discipline of comparative law. Legal transplants and convergence of legal families. What is comparative law and what functions may it serve? Law making: legislation, case law Understanding law and legal rules The normative and the factual, effects and context Legal transplants Legal families Convergence of legal families

12 5. European Contract Law and international contract law conventions
Return to the conventions, model laws, EU legislation, and different iniatives. What do they cover or let out? Some differences between international and EU instruments: the international focus on the commercial/professional EU law on consumer protection Conventions optional/declaratory/derogable (freedom of contract), EU directives mandatory

13 6. Applying comparative method in private law and contract law in particular.
The role of comparative law and method in private law Contract law: commercial and consumer law The autonomy of the national

14 7. Formation of contracts.
8. Interpretation, Reasonableness, Good faith. 9. Liability and other Remedies.

15 7. Formation of contracts.
Offer, accept, binding contract Do offers bind, is ’consideration’ required? To what extent is a universal model found in the conventions and model laws? EU law and the formation of contracts.

16 8. Interpretation, Reasonableness, Good faith.
Interpretation in different national traditions. The role of reasonableness and good faith.

17 Reading for the next two lectures:
2. The proposal for a common European sales law 3. Overview of the topics of the course. Placing the proposal for a common European sales law and the DCFR in an international perspective.

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