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2nd semester nursing workshop Semester 2: 7 August 2017

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1 2nd semester nursing workshop Semester 2: 7 August 2017
Anthea Newport Student Learning Services

2 Today’s session Brief introduction to Student Learning Services
HLBN521: Focus on reflections, including the Wave Tool The importance of reading / reading logs Using an active reading strategy: SQ3R APA referencing – required text for module

3 Wintec offers services to help students find their way…

4 SLS, the hub Student Learning Services (SLS) is in the hub. As you are walking towards the hub from A block, you go in the far right entrance and you will see SLS on your right, before you go through to the library.

5 Disability Support Services
Academic Learning Consultations Reader / Writers Mobility parking Note takers Equipment Specialised software If you need support with either a permanent disability or a temporary disability (eg broken arm and can’t write exam, or broken leg and you need a car park close on the Wintec campus), then come to Student Learning Services. You can book an appointment with our Disability Support Co-ordinator, Wade Limpus.

6 Student Learning Services… We build students’ academic capability.
Our mission statement is to build students’ academic capability. Whether you are struggling to pass, or you an A student, you are welcome to come and see us. No matter where you are in your studies, we can help you build from that place to improve your results.

7 Student Learning Services (SLS) FREE!
Appointments Drop-in times Study & writing workshops Study & writing information We help with: Assignment writing APA referencing English language* *Including LearningWorks English Study skills Understanding maths & science With the assignment writing, please note that we don’t do proof reading. We can teach you how to proof read and edit your work. We are allowed to closely look at a few of your paragraphs in an essay and provide plenty of feedback about those. You would then go away and edit the rest of your assignment based on our feedback. You would then be welcome to return to show us your editing and receive more feedback. In the hub, near the Library

8 Student Learning Services
Drop-ins: Mon to Thurs 8 - 9, , 3 - 4 Fri and You do not need an appointment for a drop-in. Drop-ins are for approx. 15 minutes with a tutor. There are limited appointments available (up to 30 minutes with a tutor). If you would like a 30 minute appointment with a Learning Advisor, it’s best to book an appointment 1-2 weeks before you would like that appointment. If you come in only a day before you would like the appointment, the Learning Advisors’ calendars will probably already be full. In that case, at least you will be able to come to a drop-in session.

9 LearningWorks English
Courseware recommended for your class: The Academic Word List Course is based on 570 of the most commonly used academic words. Also available is English for Health, English for Living Abroad and General English courses. The English for Nursing course is for when you are in the second year of the Bachelor of Nursing. This course has a focus on clinical practice. One resource you can get now which isn’t listed on the flyer is a Nursing Picture Dictionary. These courses are useful for ALL students – whether you are Kiwis or if English isn’t your first language. To register for one or more online courses, come to SLS, give us a few details and we will you with login details. These courses are FREE and there is no time limit.

10 LearningWorks English
This is what the website home page looks like. The username and password are the same. It’s usually just the first 2 letters of your first name, together with your family name. This information will be sent to you after your register at SLS.

11 HLBN521 reflections Check regularly on Moodle in the News forum for your next topic (the first reflection is due Sun 13 August) Write a reflection (minimum 500 words) in response to the specified topics and one reading (4 reflections in total). Each reflection must follow a reflective structure. (Please see information in week 2 of 521 Moodle site.) Apply the ‘Wave’ tool (introduced in week 2): Reflect on your position / worldview in relation to the specified topics over the semester. (You will need to position yourself on one of the wave locations and explain why). All the instructions for the reflections are in your HLBN521 Moodle site, and they will also be discussed in your lecture and tutorials. (Remember to ask your tutors anything you are unsure about, and / or post your questions on the Moodle discussion forum.)

12 Reading Log Template Scheduled reading dates Start ………….….… Finish ……..…...…… Start ………….….… Finish ……..…...…… Record referencing details for each reading. Use APA Referencing Guide (6th ed.). Reading #1 Reading #2 Reading #3 Why did I choose this reading material? What are the themes relevant to my topic / question? What are the key points from the reading? How does it relate/link to other readings? What does it tell me about my topic (main points and important details)? What questions/concerns do I have about what it says? How can I use it support my research? Direct quotations (include page number) How does it link to my practice? It’s a good idea to use a reading log to help you summarise the readings you need to use for your reflections. Reading logs are also handy whenever you need to do multiple readings for assignments. You can have a reading log with more than one source on it, or you can have a reading log with only one source so that you can write more about that source. In the folder for this week on Moodle, you will find a reading log with 3 sources, and a reading log with one source. You can either print them out, or download and adapt if you would like to try them.) You can use one of these logs every time you make notes about a source. Record referencing details: You can either write the actual reference, OR just put the details of the book or source, eg: Book – author, year of publication, title, retrieval details ie place of publication, name of publisher OR if an e-book: doi, name of database or URL. Website – author, year, title, URL Note: With direct quotations, make sure you put the quotation marks (“ “) so that you know it is a direct quotation and not a paraphrase. You can paraphrase the quotation later if you need to.

13 SQ3R - Active Reading Strategy
Survey Skim & Scan Ask Questions Before (predict), during & after reading Read Read carefully / actively to find main idea of each paragraph Recall Write main ideas in margin Review Condense main ideas into summary Note: This is about ACTIVELY reading; it shouldn’t be a passive thing. Difficulties students may have: concentrating when reading a lot of text understanding information making connections with what you already know – info given in class or read elsewhere unknown vocab This strategy helps = SQ3R HANDOUT

14 Reflective online journal
Each reflection must follow a reflective structure that includes: A description of your thoughts / feelings / reactions to the topic and an analysis / exploration of your position / standpoint using the ‘wave’ tool (introduced in week two) plus use the recommended literature to increase your understanding of the concepts / information and conclude with one challenge for your developing practice as a nurse in relation to the topic and be submitted on time. Each time a reflection is due click on 'Edit my submission' to add your journal entry. Once you have finished editing your entry, click the 'Save changes' button at the bottom of the editing screen. To add each journal entry all you do is click 'Edit my submission' and you can update it with your next entry. Remember to include references of the recommended literature you have used in your analysis and try to use APA referencing, referring to the APA referencing guide for format guidelines. (Note that the hanging indent may not work in the journal). You do not need to reference the 'wave' tool but you must use it as part of your analysis. ********Always save a copy of your journal in a separate file********* Please note: Recommended and applicable literature does not include random websites/sources e.g. Wikipedia, Google or Google books, etc.

15 Wave tool This visual reflective tool will help you self-evaluate and formulate your analysis and will be introduced in more depth in week 2 of this module. You are asked to position yourself on the ‘wave landscape’ (you will receive a hardcopy of this) to self-evaluate standpoints you might hold in regard to the topics discussed throughout the module.

16 Some cue-questions to think about when you place yourself on the ‘wave landscape’ in relation to the topic… (You could use colours or label positions each week to note differences or commonalities throughout the semester.) Where do you stand? Has it changed from previous position / standpoint that you had before or during your analysis? If so why / why not? (Refer to the wave descriptions, if you are stuck.)

17 What new information might you need? Where could you find out?
Some cue-questions to think about when you place yourself on the ‘wave landscape’ in relation to the topic… What new information might you need? Where could you find out? How does this challenge your values / beliefs? How might this affect your personal and professional relationships? As part of your reflection, identify one reading that has supported your learning in this topic.

18 Wave tool reflection Choose a reflective tool appropriate to your topic, eg: Gibbs (description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, action plan) Driscoll (what, so what, now what) Rolfe, Freshwater and Jasper (2001) (what, so what, now what)

19 Exercise: Reference Lists Make up the reference list entry for the book required for the HLBN521 module. Use the Wintec APA Guide to help you. Answer Wepa, D. (Ed.). (2015). Cultural safety in Aotearoa New Zealand (2nd ed.). Port Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge University Press. Note: One chapter from this book: Ramsden, I. (2015). Towards cultural safety. In D. Wepa (Ed.), Cultural safety in Aotearoa New Zealand (2nd ed., pp. 5-25). Port Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge University Press. In-text citation from page 20: ……………… (Ramsden, 2015, p. 20). Hand out sheets for students to do this exercise. Use the Wintec APA guide to help you. Note that when an editor is in author position, it’s all the same except you put (Ed.). after the name (when giving a reference for a whole book, such as you see on a list of readings). HOWEVER, if you are quoting or paraphrasing from one chapter in an edited book, you reference as above, with the chapter author given, and also stating the page range of the chapter that included your quote or paraphrase. This book is the required text for HLBN521. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are using the first edition of this book, make sure you use the correct details; don’t use the details of the second edition book. For example, the first edition was published in 2005 by Pearson. The reference for the first edition of the book is: Wepa, D. (Ed.). (2005). Cultural safety in Aotearoa New Zealand. Auckland, New Zealand: Pearson.

20 SLS sessions next week Monday 14 August
9 am Workshop in Cg.17: Anthea – HLBN522 Presentations and referencing visual media 10 am Tutorial for new students in Cg.17: APA referencing for nursing students

21 We look forward to working with you.

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