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Graphs Complete the graph using data from your field notes

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Presentation on theme: "Graphs Complete the graph using data from your field notes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphs Complete the graph using data from your field notes
1. What is the relationship between the density of a planet and its mass? 2. Why would some planets be so much more dense then others?

2 Relationships What is relationship between the mass of a planet and its length of day? What is the relationship between the diameter of a planet and its distance from the Sun? (Spilt into Mercury to Jupiter and then Jupiter to Neptune)

3 T-Chart Make a T-chart comparing general characteristics of Terrestrial and Jovian Planets Include the following characteristics (for both) in your T-Chart: Mass Diameter Density Mean Temp Atmosphere/Composition Moons Rings

4 Terrestrial Jovian

5 Why is Pluto not a Planet?
Use Pluto’s data and compare it to your data on Terrestrial and Jovian planets… Describe (using evidence-DATA) why you think Pluto is no longer considered a planet based on data alone (use 3-4 measures).

6 Pluto Bio/Facts Diameter: 2390 km Relative Mass (Earth = 1): Density (kg/m3): 1830 Distance from Sun (AU): 39.5 Length of Day: hours Length of Year: 90,588 days- 248 years! Mean Temp: -373 ⁰F

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