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Presentation on theme: "WHAT ABOUT COMPLICATIONS OF DIABETES?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Pathophysiology of complications are THE SAME AS THOSE THAT DAMAGE THE Beta-Cell
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3 Pathophysiology of Diabetic Complications: Old Conundrum : why similar HgA1c in different folk give different risks I Metabolic Disorder Glucose, insulin hormones, enzymes, metabolites, etc (i.e., control) II Individual Susceptibility Genetic/ethnic ?Acquired III Modulating Factors Hypertension, diet, smoking, etc. Delayed Complications Retinal, renal neural, cardiovascular, cutaneous, etc. IV Early V Late Point of metabolic “no return” harry keen, chronic complications of diabetes mellitus, chapter 16, in monograph, ed. Galloway et al DM, lilly research labs, 1988

4 A Unifying Pathophysiologic Approach to The Complications of Diabetes in the Context of the Beta-cell Classification of Diabetes ALL COMPLICATIONS (Micro/MacroVascular Damage) Susceptibility to abnormal metab. envir. Genes (Some in common/ Some Different) Endogenous Fuel Excess (glucose/ lipids) (Brownlee’s Unified Theory of Complications Insulin Resistance Metab. Syn, BP, Lipid Circulating master metabolic REDOX regulators (L/P, β/A, SH/SS, ROS) miRNA Inflam./ Immune Mech. Epigenetics Environ ment Legend: The Primary Cause of the Complications of Diabetes is the damage wrought by Hyperglycemia and other excess fuels engendered by reduced insulin or insulin effect due to abnormal beta-cell function, primarily in tissues not dependent on insulin for glucose transport into the cell. We note that the same pathophysiologic mechanisms that damage the beta-cell are also involved with (help define) the risk of developing the complications of diabetes. The specific risk of developing complications even with similar degrees of hyperglycemia depend on genetic susceptibility to damage by the abnormal metabolic environment, , exogenous environmental factors, immune/ inflammatory factors and insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome genetically susceptible beta cells are damaged by environmental, inflammatory/immune mechanisms and IR /dysmetabolic syndrome factors. The resultant abnormal metabolic environment resulting from abnormal fuel excess (glucose, FFAs) can iteratively exacerbate beta cell dysfunction and damage genetically susceptible peripheral cells and tissues resulting in diabetic chronic complications. The presence or absence, or degree of damage is defined by the presence or absence of the same processes (environmental, inflammatory/immune mechanisms and IR /dysmetabolic syndrome factors) that are involved in beta cell dysfunction. The The Fuel Excess resultant from abnormal b-cell function iteratively further exacerbate b-cell dysfunction. The pathways organized by Brownlee, acting through miRNAs, oxidative stress, Barabra Corkey’s metaboloic REDOX regulators as well as epigenetics further exacerbate IR, inflammation and immune dysfunction and ,potentially, susceptibility to environmental factors Glucotoxicity / lipotoxicity Cause or permit susceptibility to damage MOST MECHANISMS OF B-cell Damage Overlap with Causes of ALL Complications: [ describe in 2 ways]

5 it’s CELLS/TISSUES affected by the pathophysiologic mechanisms
BTW: In Same Context of changing classification of DM, need to Change Classification/ Nomenclature of the Complications of Diabetes In order to reflect: ‘Microvascular/ Macrovascular ‘ terminology have lost their meaning given new understanding of Causes of Complications- it’s CELLS/TISSUES affected by the pathophysiologic mechanisms Complications of ‘T1DM’ and T2DM’ are the same, not different

6 FUEL EXCESS- hyperglycemia/hyperlipidemia
Circulating master metabolic REDOX Regulators L/P, β/A, SH/SS, ROS L/P (lactate/pyruvate); b/A (b-hydroxybutyrate/acetoacetate); SH/SS (reduced thiol cysteine/oxidized thiol cyst) Cascade of Mechanisms of Diabetes and its Complications: Complications are Cellular Based- not Vascular FUEL EXCESS- hyperglycemia/hyperlipidemia Acting via Polyol flux, PKC, Hexosamine flux, AGE’s, Transcription factors- Epigenetics DNA methylation, Histone modifications miRNA, Gene expression IncRNA ROS, Altered REDOX regulators Exacerbate: Insulin resistance/metabolic syndrome , inflammation/ immune system, environmental interactions Acting on/ in Susceptible Cell Types/ Tissues- Beta-cells , Endothelium, Cardiomyocytes, Renal Cells, Retinal Cells, Neurons, Vascular Smooth Muscle All complications of Diabetes- eye, kidney nerve, atherosclerosis Worsening Beta- Cell Function Adapted from: Evans, Brownlee, Corkey, P….

7 A Unifying Pathophysiologic Approach to The Complications of Diabetes in the Context of the Beta-cell Classification of Diabetes Defines Logic for Varied Risk of Complications in Individual Patients with similar , (poor) HgA1: Likely Genetically based ALL COMPLICATIONS (Micro/MacroVascular Damage) Susceptibility to abnormal metab. envir. Genes (Some in common/ Some Different) Endogenous Fuel Excess (glucose/ lipids) (Brownlee’s Unified Theory of Complications Insulin Resistance Metab. Syn, BP, Lipid Circulating master metabolic REDOX regulators (L/P, β/A, SH/SS, ROS) miRNA Inflam./ Immune Mech. Epigenetics Environ ment Legend: The Primary Cause of the Complications of Diabetes is the damage wrought by Hyperglycemia and other excess fuels engendered by reduced insulin or insulin effect due to abnormal beta-cell function, primarily in tissues not dependent on insulin for glucose transport into the cell. We note that the same pathophysiologic mechanisms that damage the beta-cell are also involved with (help define) the risk of developing the complications of diabetes. The specific risk of developing complications even with similar degrees of hyperglycemia depend on genetic susceptibility to damage by the abnormal metabolic environment, , exogenous environmental factors, immune/ inflammatory factors and insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome genetically susceptible beta cells are damaged by environmental, inflammatory/immune mechanisms and IR /dysmetabolic syndrome factors. The resultant abnormal metabolic environment resulting from abnormal fuel excess (glucose, FFAs) can iteratively exacerbate beta cell dysfunction and damage genetically susceptible peripheral cells and tissues resulting in diabetic chronic complications. The presence or absence, or degree of damage is defined by the presence or absence of the same processes (environmental, inflammatory/immune mechanisms and IR /dysmetabolic syndrome factors) that are involved in beta cell dysfunction. The The Fuel Excess resultant from abnormal b-cell function iteratively further exacerbate b-cell dysfunction. The pathways organized by Brownlee, acting through miRNAs, oxidative stress, Barabra Corkey’s metaboloic REDOX regulators as well as epigenetics further exacerbate IR, inflammation and immune dysfunction and ,potentially, susceptibility to environmental factors Glucotoxicity / lipotoxicity Cause or permit susceptibility to damage

8 Phenotypic Presentation of Each Complication is defined by:
Slope = ‘Natural History’ over time, i.e.= RATE OF Development of Comp. Slope is not linear, and may be intermittently relapsing, remitting, stabilized, and improved, until ‘point of no return’ when presence and damage irreversible no Comp. -- end Stage − DEPENDENT on Genes- which, how many Environmental Factors- which/how many Inflamatory/ Immune- which factors/ how many IR/ Cardiometabolic Syndrome For All DM Complication Risk/Presence Modifiable Irreversible Severity of Complication I I I I I/ ≈ / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Increasing Age/ Duration Age/ at presentation = tipping point when the combined pathophysiolocic processes are exposed as phenotypic functional/structural abnormalities

9 A Unifying Pathophysiologic Approach to The Complications of Diabetes in the Context of the Beta-cell Classification of Diabetes ALL COMPLICATIONS (Micro/MacroVascular Damage) Susceptibility to abnormal metab. envir. Genes (Some in common/ Some Different) Endogenous Fuel Excess (glucose/ lipids) (Brownlee’s Unified Theory of Complications Insulin Resistance Metab. Syn, BP, Lipid Circulating master metabolic REDOX regulators (L/P, β/A, SH/SS, ROS) miRNA Inflam./ Immune Mech. Epigenetics Environ ment Legend: The Primary Cause of the Complications of Diabetes is the damage wrought by Hyperglycemia and other excess fuels engendered by reduced insulin or insulin effect due to abnormal beta-cell function, primarily in tissues not dependent on insulin for glucose transport into the cell. We note that the same pathophysiologic mechanisms that damage the beta-cell are also involved with (help define) the risk of developing the complications of diabetes. The specific risk of developing complications even with similar degrees of hyperglycemia depend on genetic susceptibility to damage by the abnormal metabolic environment, , exogenous environmental factors, immune/ inflammatory factors and insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome genetically susceptible beta cells are damaged by environmental, inflammatory/immune mechanisms and IR /dysmetabolic syndrome factors. The resultant abnormal metabolic environment resulting from abnormal fuel excess (glucose, FFAs) can iteratively exacerbate beta cell dysfunction and damage genetically susceptible peripheral cells and tissues resulting in diabetic chronic complications. The presence or absence, or degree of damage is defined by the presence or absence of the same processes (environmental, inflammatory/immune mechanisms and IR /dysmetabolic syndrome factors) that are involved in beta cell dysfunction. The The Fuel Excess resultant from abnormal b-cell function iteratively further exacerbate b-cell dysfunction. The pathways organized by Brownlee, acting through miRNAs, oxidative stress, Barabra Corkey’s metaboloic REDOX regulators as well as epigenetics further exacerbate IR, inflammation and immune dysfunction and ,potentially, susceptibility to environmental factors Glucotoxicity / lipotoxicity Cause or permit susceptibility to damage Explains why some newer meds for DM decrease adverse outcomes without major drops in HgA1c

10 CV Benefits of DM Meds Driven By Other Mechanisms!!
study HgA1c drop eye nerve kidney MACE CV Mort MI CVA CHF All Cause Inferences on Value of Glycemic Control and Other Mechanisms of DM meds in Reducing Complications of Diabetes UKPDS 0.9 Glycemic Hypothesis Proven in Primary DCCT ~2.0 Prevention despite ‘wrong meds’ VADT 1.5 Glycemic Benefit could not be proven in face of ADV. 0.8 Metabolic memory ACCORD 1.1 Wrong drugs, wrong process of care BROMO-QR (pts <7) Benefits primarily driven EMPA-Reg ~0.5 By other mechanisms IRIS IR /pre-DM Besides glycemia, eg: LEADER 0.4  IR, Arterial Stiffness, Inflam.,Symp. Tone Glycemic Hypothesis Proven in Primary Prevention in both ‘T1DM, T2DM’; Success despite ‘wrong meds’ In Older patients with T2DM- longer duration DM, and many with prexisting complications; Achieved modest ‘microvascular benefit, no CV benefit, but increased mortality in ACCORD- likely due to ‘metabolic memory, and use of ‘wrong meds’ to point of excess hypoglycemia and undue weight gain But 4 agents recently shown to have reduction in complications-- likely due to benefits primarily driven by other mechanisms besides glycemia, eg:  IR, Arterial Stiffness, reduced Inflammation,  Sympathetic Tone Primary prevention Secondary Prevention Secondary Prevention- Drug trials with CV Benefit


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