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Exploring Russia and the Republics

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1 Exploring Russia and the Republics
1. The Five Themes of Geography Home Location Place Movement HEI Region

2 Location 2. Location Major Cities Major Landforms Major Bodies of Water Russia is the world’s largest country – nearly twice the size of Canada. Russia stretches across Europe and Asia form the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean and from the Arctic Ocean to the Black and Caspian Seas. Asian Russia is often called “Siberia.” (It covers 11 time zones!!!!!) Major Landmarks This is a map of the Arctic Ocean, or North Pole. Russia stretches from 42° N latitude to 81° N latitude and from 30° E longitude to 170° W longitude.

3 Location Major Cities 3. Location
Major Landforms Major Bodies of Water Major Landmarks The major cities of Russia and the Republics stretch from Chernobyl, Ukraine, the site of the 1986 nuclear reactor disaster, to the southwestern port city of Vladivostok.

4 Location Major Bodies of Water
4. Location Major Cities Major Landforms Major Bodies of Water Major Landmarks In European Russia, the Volga River , Europe’s longest river, serves as a major trading route. Since the northern seas remain frozen most of the year, the Baltic and Black Seas remain extremely important for Russian shipping.. Lake Baikal is the world’s deepest lake.

5 Location Major Landforms
5. Location Major Cities Major Landforms Major Bodies of Water Major Landmarks West of the Ural Mountains, Russia is dominated by the fertile Northern European Plain. East of the Ural Mountains, lies the West Siberian Plain, then the Central Siberian Plateau. The Ural Mountains is a natural boundary between Europe and Asia.

6 Location Major Landmarks
6. The site of the Kremlin (below), in Moscow, has been inhabited by the czars for centuries. The current building was constructed in It now serves as the center for the Russian national government. It sits along the Moscow River and Red Square near St. Basil’s Cathedral. Location Major Cities Major Landforms Major Bodies of Water Major Landmarks St. Basil Cathedral (above), in Moscow, was built in by Ivan the Terrible.

7 Place 7. Human Characteristics Physical Characteristics
Language & Culture Soil Climate Economy Resources Government Vegetation & Wildlife Historical Background

8 Place Language & Culture
8. Mikhail Baryshnikov (left) is often considered the world’s greatest living dancer. In Russia, ballet is an important aspect of culture. Human Characteristics A Russian Folk Art, (left) nesting dolls have been popular toys for children since the 19th century. Language & Culture Economy Government Historical Background “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy (1865) is not only a classic piece of Russian literature, but is also considered one of the best novels in the world. Russia is also known for its love of sports. Maria Sharapova (above) is currently ranked 5th in the world. The Russian alphabet has 33 letters.

9 Place Climate 9. Russia has eight types of climate. Since it is so far north most of the country has a subarctic climate. Russia has four seasons with extremely long and cold winters.

10 Place Economy 10. Human Characteristics Language & Culture Economy
Russia’s per capita GDP was $12,200 in 2006. The Russian economy is made up of: 5% farming 40% industry 55% services Language & Culture Economy The Russian currency, or money, is called the ruble. Government Historical Background Russia produces 9.4 million barrels of oil per day, second in the world only to Saudi Arabia. Russia produces more natural gas than any other country in the world. Russia’s unemployment rate is rather high at 6.6%.

11 Place Government 11. Human Characteristics Language & Culture Economy
Historical Background Vladimir Putin is the President of the Russian Federation. Although Russia today is a representative democracy, President Putin has recently given more power to the central government. Democracy in Russia remains weak.

12 Place Historical Background
12. Human Characteristics Language & Culture Economy Government Historical Background Czar Nicholas II was czar from until the Communists overthrew him. Czar Nicholas II and his family who were all executed at Yekaterinburg in 1917. Vladimir Lenin, leader of the Communist Revolution in Russia and first head of the Soviet Union. Joseph Stalin was the head of the Soviet Union from He was best known for putting down anyone who criticized him and sending many people to prisons in Siberia. Mikhail Gorbachev was head of the Soviet Union from He is known for reforming the Communist Party which ultimately led to the fall of the Soviet Union.

13 Place Soil 13. In southwestern Russia, the soil is some of the most fertile in the world. Here they raise grain, sugar beets, fruits, vegetables, beef, and milk. Physical Characteristics Soil Climate Resources Vegetation & Wildlife

14 Place Resources 14. Physical Characteristics Soil Climate Resources
Vegetation & Wildlife Russia’s resources are plentiful, but they are spread out and difficult to get to and transport to populated areas.

15 Place Vegetation & Wildlife
15. Physical Characteristics Soil Climate Resources Scientists believe that climate change is making Russian bears more aggressive. The Siberian tiger is recovering after nearly becoming extinct. Vegetation & Wildlife Forests stretch across eastern Russia. Cranes live in wildlife reserves in eastern Russia.

16 Movement 16. People Goods Ideas

17 Movement People 17. The Trans-Siberian Railroad links Russia’s far east with the more developed west. Many people travel across Russia on this railroad. People Goods Ideas The Trans-Siberian Railroad travels from Moscow to Vladivostok in the far east.

18 Movement Goods 18. Russia exports a lot of lumber from its vast forests. They also export oil, natural gas, metals, chemicals, and manufactured military products to countries all over the world. People Goods Ideas

19 Movement Ideas 19. The biggest idea that has diffused from Russia is communism. During the Soviet Era, the Soviet Union influenced many countries to accept a communist government, including China, North Korea, Cuba, and others. People Goods Ideas Soviet propaganda posters

20 HEI 20. Depending on the Environment Environmental Change
Adaptations to Environment

21 HEI Depending on the Environment
21. Depending on the Environment Russians depend on their environment to grow a variety of crops, such as grain, sugar beets, fruits, vegetables, beef, and milk. Environmental Change Adaptations to Environment Russians depend on their environment for resources like oil, natural gas, lumber, and coal.

22 HEI Environmental Change
22. The nuclear reactor disaster at Chernobyl, Ukraine in 1986 destroyed the surrounding environment. The water, trees, and wildlife in the area all suffered, as did over 237 people, 31 of which died within 3 months of the disaster. People are still sick from the disaster even today. There have been many nuclear accidents in Russia, but Chernobyl was the worst. Depending on the Environment Environmental Change Adaptations to Environment Hydro-electric power is made by dams which flood the natural environment to create a reservoir of water. The electricity made by the dams provides many people with power for their homes.

23 HEI Adaptations to Environment
23. Russians need to adapt to the harsh weather conditions by wearing warm clothing and driving through snow and ice. Depending on the Environment Environmental Change Adaptations to Environment Region

24 Region 24. Human Regions Physical Regions Population Vegetation
Ethnic Groups Home Location Place Movement HEI Region

25 Region Population 25. Human Regions Population Ethnic Groups
Most people live in the southwestern European part of Russia because the climate is mild, the soil is fertile, there are resources, and trade with Europe is easier. Home Location Place Movement HEI Region

26 Region Ethnic Groups 26. Human Regions Population Ethnic Groups Home
There are many different and unique ethnic groups in Russia. Home Location Place Movement HEI Region

27 Region Vegetation 27. Physical Regions Vegetation Home Location Place
There are many different types of vegetation in Russia, but coniferous forests cover most of the land. Home Location Place Movement HEI Region

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