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Sociology How does the Sociological perspective study human behavior?

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Presentation on theme: "Sociology How does the Sociological perspective study human behavior?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sociology How does the Sociological perspective study human behavior?
I will explain why Sociology is important and how the sociological perspective differs from the other social sciences.

2 Rules and Procedures BELL WORK
You Do NOT have to answer in full sentences. 1. What is the rule on cell phones in my classroom? 2. What is the policy on homework in this class? 3. What is the tardy policy? 4. How is your grade determined in this class? 5. How should your notebook be organized? 6. How often will you read from a textbook and write in this class?

3 Without knowing anything about this person—describe his
Religion Race Job Family Life Ethnicity/Language Social Class

4 Social Sciences 1. Define Sociology in your own words AND use the chart(PAGE 5) to pick two other Social Sciences and explain how they are different from Sociology. Use two different ones from your shoulder partner. Write them down. Share with shoulder partner your two Social Sciences that you picked and how they are different.

Psychology vs Sociology

NOT 1.Young man 2.Married woman 3.Teenager USE THESE 1.Young Men 2.Married Women 3.Teenagers

7 Video Clip(introducing Sociology)
List two specific things Sociology studies while watching.

8 Read pages 5-7: stop at word and explain in your own words
KEY VOCAB define in own words: sociological perspective, sociological imagination 1. Using the text, Why do sociologists focus on group behavior rather than on individual behavior? 2. According to the reading, how does applying the sociological perspective help us to develop a greater understanding of social issues? (perspective exercise after) 3. Explain the sociological imagination and why you think it’s important (use top of page 6).

9 Perspective 1.Brainstorm any issues that you may view differently from adults. 2. Choose one. You will write from either the perspective of the adult or child and explain your reasons. 3. Then you can share with your shoulder As social beings, our perspectives(or social maps) are all different.

10 Writing Prompt—From Today’s Lesson Exit Question
Explain how sociologists view and think about society and why the study of sociology is important. 3- 5 sentences Hand in with Scavenger Hunt,

11 How to write Thesis: restate the question and give a statement about your position Evidence: supporting detail from the TEXT (documents) with document citation Argument: connecting evidence to the thesis

12 You must… Write at least 5 sentences or more
NOT Use the word I (first person) I know you are writing it Cite If you use someone’s work give them credit. It also validates your argument Re-read and check your work for errors

13 Citing evidence from the text, which event most showed that the Civil War was coming?
The event that most showed that the nation was divided and the Civil War was coming was the Dred Scott decision. In this Supreme Court decision they ruled that all slaves were considered property and that they cannot be taken away because of the 5th amendment. The text states on page 163 that “Sectional passions exploded immediately.” The North was angry and the South rejoiced. Their reaction which most clearly showed the split in the United States.

14 Scavenger Hunt 1. You may write on this paper.
2. Use the textbook to answer the questions from your worksheet. 3. It will help you become familiar with the textbook.

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