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Manage Resources and Make Student Learning More Effective

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1 Manage Resources and Make Student Learning More Effective
Destiny® Resource Manager™

2 Headlines or Headaches
Success stories Higher test scores, lower dropout rate General district improvement News stories highlight lost resources Districts with tight budgets are losing resources Success stories such as higher test scores, general improvement, or lower dropout rates are what should be the news we see on TV, however these accomplishments are often over shadowed by the headlines of too much stuff becoming lost by students, teachers, & staffs, and with such tight budgets, no district can afford to lose anything these days. Many local broadcast news stories on the internet illustrating the tens of thousands of dollars lost by individual schools to tens of millions of dollars lost by school Districts.

3 Audits show a typical school loses between 18-25% of district resources every 2-3 years
Impact: Students Don’t Have What They Need Budget Spent on Replacement Items Public Confidence Eroded A startling statistic (reference Infographic Follett created with Tech & Learning) 18-25% of district resources are lost or stolen every 2-3 years. The impact: students end-up not getting what they need in order to be successful, school budgets have to be spent replacing lost items rather than on new learning devices or materials, and lastly public confidence becomes somewhat “diminished” when so many items are reported missing. Textbooks, tablets, video cameras & projectors as expected may be lost but pianos, weight machines, 3D printers, shop tools, bus tires and lawn tractors are also being reported as lost.

4 The Goal Manage the Process for All Learning Resources
District-wide solution to manage all resources effectively and efficiently Assign accountability to stop losses and ensure availability Know the value of resources – purchase, replacement, depreciation Determine where and how resources are allocated Review what percentage of resources are being used Correlate investment to learning results The goal of resource management - provide District wide solution for managing ALL resources effectively and efficiently. A process that can assign accountability to stop losses and ensure resource availability for improved learning. Overall you need to know the value of what you have, where & how resources are allocated, how much of it is being used, and in time, be able to correlate our investments to Student Learning Results (or operating efficiencies). Looking forward, school districts will need to experiment with many new ways of teaching, new types of learning materials, etc. Therefore you need a solution that can manage this ‘trial & error’ process of ‘finding what works best’ in each district.

5 Strategic – Tactical – Operational
Know how much is invested, how it’s allocated and how much is being used Helps districts implement policies and procedures Manages the day-to-day activities Destiny Resource Manager is about managing a process, and works at all levels. From a Strategic perspective it allows educators to see their total ‘investment’ in what they have, how its been allocated across schools or subjects and what percentage are being used. And, you’ll want to be able to correlate these resource investments with educational results as you try new and better ways to provide a learning experience. On Administrative level, it is a solution that supports your policies and procedures to make you more effective. And lastly from an Operational standpoint, you want to make the day-today actives as easy and efficient as possible. Basically, its about gaining insight of what you do at all levels and all resources.

6 Manage all categories, all types of resources
Students – Teachers – Staff Textbooks (print or digital), Tablets, Digital Resource Access / Subscriptions SP. ED. Equipment, S.T.E.M. Resources Band Instruments, Sports Equipment Computers, IT Network Software Facilities, Busses, Desks, Lockers, etc. Services like Professional Development Confidential Records Destiny Resource Manager is a universal solution for managing ALL resources; educational items used directly by teachers & students or in the classroom, front office resources used by the admin staff and even those resources used as part of maintaining the school facility itself. Resources can be physical items like laptops or textbooks, digital items such as eTextbooks, interactive courseware or learning databases and/or even services such as tutoring services or professional development.

7 Destiny Resource Manager Helps You With:
Warehouse – Support warehouse order/ship/receive operations from schools using barcodes, quantities, or both Transfer – Encourage & illustrate sharing of resources across the organization with transfer reports Liquidation – Record that resources are properly disposed, salvaged, or sold Integration – Import information easily from any other system (Students, Class Schedules, Mobile Device Mgmt) Mobile/RFID – Utilize Mini-Destiny on the Follett 7100 or Follett RFID UHF device for fast inventory scanning Single View Summary – Administrators/Students/Teachers can see all resources assigned to them in a single page view (including Destiny Library books)

8 LeeAnn Taylor, District Media Services Director, Barrington CUSD
“Destiny is a great resource for Barrington CUSD 220. The compilation of textbooks, library books and education resources has greatly increased our efficiency as a district. Not only does Destiny keep track of all of our valuable assets, it helps us generate reports, manage inventories and accurately order more equipment. We are looking forward to using it toward other resources in our school (e.g., musical instruments, lab equipment, etc.).” LeeAnn Taylor, District Media Services Director, Barrington CUSD LeeAnn started with a 1:1 program and is growing the number of areas she is tracking and managing with the use of Destiny Resource Manager

9 “We can prove we’ve cut waste and inefficiency, and we can allocate the money saved to other areas of the district.” Diana Freeman, Executive Director of Media and Instructional Technology, Johnston County School District District’s asset loss is reduced by 75%





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