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1 Governments

2 Constitutional Republic
A government of the ______________ for the people. People have a ________ in what laws are created. The people __________ for representatives to _____________ them in government. Country examples:

3 Theocracy A nation or state in which the ____________ exercise political power and which religious law is dominating over civil law. This is a government run by ________________ People who don’t follow the religion have their rights ______________ _____________ sometimes Country examples:

4 Absolute Monarchy Kings and Queens have ________ the power and tell people what they can and can’t do. Country examples

5 Dictatorship _________ person has _______ the power in the government and dictates what people can and can’t do. Usually come to power after _______________overthrowing the gov’t. Citizens who oppose a dictatorship may be thrown into _______, tortured or even _____________. Country examples:

6 Democracy The government is elected by the people. Everyone who is eligible to vote has a chance to have their say over who runs the country.

7 Direct Democracy Originated from Ancient Greece. Everybody can directly vote on all laws. Country: ____________________

8 Representative Democracy
Representative Democracy – People vote for people (representative) to go represent their opinions and vote for laws their behalf Country: _________________________

9 Constitutional Monarchy
Has a ____________________ and a parliament. King/Queen does _____________ make laws or tell people what they can or can’t do. _________________ and _____________________run the government. Country examples:

10 Communism/Socialism Government ___________and has ownership overall economy, businesses and ______________. People who have different opinions are often shut out of the political process and could have their rights taken away Countries:

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