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Illness, Diseases, and Burns Injuries

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Presentation on theme: "Illness, Diseases, and Burns Injuries"— Presentation transcript:

1 Illness, Diseases, and Burns Injuries
Integumentary System Illness, Diseases, and Burns Injuries *



4 Integumentary System Hair Nails Skin
Cutaneous Membrane – Skin, Epidermis, Dermis, Subcutaneous Layer

5 Facts about Skin Largest organ in the body.
Surface area of 18 sq. ft., weighs 6-10 lbs. 3000 sq inches of surface area. About 15% of total body weight.

6 Layers of the Skin Epidermis – “Horny Layer” Outermost layer
semi-permeable 5 Layers : Two main Layers: Stratum Corneum Stratum Germinativum

7 Skin Layers Dermis: “True Skin” Corium Elastic connective tissue
Contains blood vessels, lymph vessels, nerves, involuntary muscle, sweat and oil glands, and hair follicles. The top layer is papillae, fit into the layers of the stratum germinativum of the epidermis Forms fingerprints

8 Skin Layers Subcutaneous Fascia “Hypodermis”- the innermost layer.
Elastic and fibrous connective tissue and adipose tissue. Connects the skin to underlying muscles.

9 Functions of the Skin Protection :
Serves as barrier UV light, pathogens, and germs. Holds moisture in and prevents deeper tissues from drying out. Sensory Perception: Nerves in the skin help the body respond.

10 Functions of the Skin Body Temperature Regulation: Blood vessels
Sudoriferous glands cool by sweating and evaporation. Storage: Skin has tissues for temporary storage of fat, glucose, water, vitamins, and salts. Adipose is a source of energy.

11 Functions of the Skin Absorption: Medications Excretion:
Eliminates salt, small amount of waste, excess water and heat. Production: Production of Vit D using UV light.


13 Pigmentation Melanin - cells that create brown color
Carotin - Orange pigmentation Blood - pink pigmentation

14 Integumentary System Skin Condition *

15 Cyanosis

16 Ecchymosis

17 Albino

18 Erythema

19 Jaundice

20 Assessment Skin Condition: Temperature Moisture Color

21 Birth Marks Salomon Patches (Stork Bite, Angel Kiss) Congenital Moles
Café-au-Lait spots Mongolian Spots Hemaginomas Port-wine stain *

22 Salmon Patches

23 Congenital Moles

24 Café Au Lait *

25 Mongolian Spots

26 Hemanginoma *

27 Port-Wine Stain *

28 Disease Skin Eruptions

29 Macule *

30 Papule *

31 Papule

32 Pustule *

33 Vesicle

34 Wheals

35 Cyst

36 Cellulitis

37 Cellulitis / Infection

38 Integumentary System pg. 749-752

39 *

40 Decubitus Ulcer on Heel

41 Stage One Decubitus Ulcer

42 Stage Two Decubitus Ulcer

43 Stage Three Decubitus Ulcer

44 Stage Four Decubitus Ulcer




48 Beds for Tx of Decubitus Ulcers

49 Tx for Decubitus Ulcers

50 Integumentary System ILLNESSES *

51 Acne Vulgaris

52 Athlete’s Foot *

53 Eczema *

54 Eczema

55 Psoriasis *

56 Psoriasis *

57 Dermatitis *

58 Keloid

59 Ringworm *

60 Xerosis

61 Impetigo *

62 Impetigo


64 Verrucae (Warts) *

65 Tree Man *

66 Basal Cell Carcinoma

67 Squamous Cell Carcinoma

68 Basal Cell Carcinoma

69 Carcinoma

70 Malignant Melanoma

71 Integumentary System SOFT TISSUE INJURIES *

72 Avulsion *

73 Amputation *

74 Abrasion

75 Contusion

76 Hematoma

77 Degloving

78 Gunshot Wounds (GSW) Puncture/Penetration

79 Incision *

80 Lacerations *

81 Puncture

82 BURNS *

83 Burn Classification *

84 What type of burn caused this?

85 What type of burns do you see?

86 What type of burn do you see?

87 *

88 Electrical Burns *



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