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ALEPH Structure and Configuration Files

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1 ALEPH Structure and Configuration Files
הדרכת אוניב. בן-גוריון, הטכניון, והאוניב. הפתוחה מרץ-אפריל 2003 Jeff Stavsky

2 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
Overview components of the system (separate ppt) Users and groups on the Unix level Structure of ALEPH, Oracle & products Configuration files Oracle utilities and maintenance Tips What the lecture is all about ? Basic concepts - version structure, directories, where to put what, Activities - Daemon, Batch queue, Batch jobs, queues and processes Focus on server - All the configuration will be done on the server side. All these will be divided into : Node management - on the server, configure the station aleph_start, startup, directories, tables, Libraries management - directories, library tables ALEPH Structure & Configuration

3 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
Users and Groups Group-name gid Aleph Dba user-name uid gid m aleph oracle What the lecture is all about ? Basic concepts - version structure, directories, where to put what, Activities - Daemon, Batch queue, Batch jobs, queues and processes Focus on server - All the configuration will be done on the server side. All these will be divided into : Node management - on the server, configure the station aleph_start, startup, directories, tables, Libraries management - directories, library tables ALEPH Structure & Configuration

4 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
Users and Groups /etc/group //etc/passwd What the lecture is all about ? Basic concepts - version structure, directories, where to put what, Activities - Daemon, Batch queue, Batch jobs, queues and processes Focus on server - All the configuration will be done on the server side. All these will be divided into : Node management - on the server, configure the station aleph_start, startup, directories, tables, Libraries management - directories, library tables ALEPH Structure & Configuration

5 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
ALEPH Directory Structure: ../a50_5 ../u50_5 (for site-specific libraries + alephe) What the lecture is all about ? Basic concepts - version structure, directories, where to put what, Activities - Daemon, Batch queue, Batch jobs, queues and processes Focus on server - All the configuration will be done on the server side. All these will be divided into : Node management - on the server, configure the station aleph_start, startup, directories, tables, Libraries management - directories, library tables ALEPH Structure & Configuration

6 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
ALEPH Structure – a50_5 What the lecture is all about ? Basic concepts - version structure, directories, where to put what, Activities - Daemon, Batch queue, Batch jobs, queues and processes Focus on server - All the configuration will be done on the server side. All these will be divided into : Node management - on the server, configure the station aleph_start, startup, directories, tables, Libraries management - directories, library tables ALEPH Structure & Configuration

7 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
ALEPH Structure – u50_5 What the lecture is all about ? Basic concepts - version structure, directories, where to put what, Activities - Daemon, Batch queue, Batch jobs, queues and processes Focus on server - All the configuration will be done on the server side. All these will be divided into : Node management - on the server, configure the station aleph_start, startup, directories, tables, Libraries management - directories, library tables ALEPH Structure & Configuration

8 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
Oracle Structure Oracle directory structure ../app (oracle software) ../oradata (database files) What the lecture is all about ? Basic concepts - version structure, directories, where to put what, Activities - Daemon, Batch queue, Batch jobs, queues and processes Focus on server - All the configuration will be done on the server side. All these will be divided into : Node management - on the server, configure the station aleph_start, startup, directories, tables, Libraries management - directories, library tables ALEPH Structure & Configuration

9 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
Product Structure Product structure ../product /cobol4.0 /apache_1.3.26 /gcc_3.0.4 What the lecture is all about ? Basic concepts - version structure, directories, where to put what, Activities - Daemon, Batch queue, Batch jobs, queues and processes Focus on server - All the configuration will be done on the server side. All these will be divided into : Node management - on the server, configure the station aleph_start, startup, directories, tables, Libraries management - directories, library tables ALEPH Structure & Configuration

10 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
Product Structure What the lecture is all about ? Basic concepts - version structure, directories, where to put what, Activities - Daemon, Batch queue, Batch jobs, queues and processes Focus on server - All the configuration will be done on the server side. All these will be divided into : Node management - on the server, configure the station aleph_start, startup, directories, tables, Libraries management - directories, library tables On HP and Linux platforms, cobol is usually under /opt ALEPH Structure & Configuration

11 ALEPH Directory Structure & Aliases
Aleph root aleph alephe alephm oracle tmp Software executables, scripts Node management - tables, parameters files Software - development & maintenance programs Oracle Installation files temporary directory Usually alephe should be located not under aleph root, so node configuration wont be override on the next version upgrade. ap, ae, $alephe_root am, apm, ac $TMPDIR ALEPH Structure & Configuration

12 ALEPH Directory Structure & Aliases (con’t.)
Aleph root log usm01 uni01 Logs of web server Demo library usm01 Demo library uni01 Usually alephe should be located not under aleph root, so node configuration wont be override on the next version upgrade. $$LOGDIR ALEPH Structure & Configuration

What the lecture is all about ? Basic concepts - version structure, directories, where to put what, Activities - Daemon, Batch queue, Batch jobs, queues and processes Focus on server - All the configuration will be done on the server side. All these will be divided into : Node management - on the server, configure the station aleph_start, startup, directories, tables, Libraries management - directories, library tables Site-specific libraries ALEPH Structure & Configuration

14 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
a50.. Versus u50 /aleph a50_5 u50_5 With the above installation, a installation of a newer version (upgrade) has a consequence of replacing the a50_5 rot, whereas u50_5 root remains as is (unless data conversion or updates are required. aleph alephm … alephe (original) alephe (active) ndu01 …… ALEPH Structure & Configuration

15 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
/alephe (original) /alephm … Scripts & executables Development environment Node tables With the above installation, a installation of a newer version (upgrade) has a consequence of replacing the a50_5 rot, whereas u50_5 root remains as is (unless data conversion or updates are required. ALEPH Structure & Configuration

16 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
ALEPH Structure: /aleph/a50_5/aleph Directories Structure & aliases executables GUI version scripts ALEPH Structure & Configuration

17 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
ALEPH Structure - /aleph/u50_5/alephe Directories Structure & aliases Apache configuration Backup package Node tables ALEPH Structure & Configuration

18 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
Alephe During Upgrade Directories Structure & aliases Patch upgrade will normally use current alephe. Version upgrade will normally use new alephe (apply changes). Why old alephe on new patch/version may be problematic. ALEPH Structure & Configuration

19 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
Library Structure Directories Structure & aliases Each library has a separate root directory. Contains information relevant to the configuration of each library defined in the system. Each library is implemented as its own ORACLE user. ALEPH Structure & Configuration

20 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
Library Structure Directories Structure & aliases Library root files tab pc_tab print file_list prof_library Export file, dump files, batch queue, batch logs Library parameter and configuration tables. Clients parameter and configuration tables Print files dr df1 dt dp ALEPH Structure & Configuration

21 Library Structure Directories’ Structure & aliases Library root source
scratch www_x_lng form_lng Source data for conversion Intermediate and log files HTML files, per language for WWW/ ALEPH server Forms patterns per language, created from ALEPH server ds ALEPH Structure & Configuration

22 Database Users – UTIL O/9/1
ALEPH Structure & Configuration

23 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
Configuration Files aleph_start_505 aleph_start_505.private web related (+ apache configuration) aleph_startup_505 / aleph_shutdown_505 path_convert job daemon (UTIL E) ALEPH Structure & Configuration

24 Configuration Files - aleph_start_505
Located in the active alephe directory aleph_start_505 aleph_start_505.private symbolic link to aleph_start_505 /etc/aleph_start_505 - Invoked by every ALEPH process. Contains definitions and the logical assignments for all ALEPH libraries. Symbolic link - If alephe location will change then we need to change only the link, and not all the scripts. It is the only file in aleph which hold physical locations. ALEPH Structure & Configuration

25 aleph_start_505 - example (1)
# ### Version and/or platform dependent setting ################################## # Hostnames setenv ORA_HOST aleph01 setenv IO_HOST aleph01 setenv Z39_HOST aleph01 # Directories: ALEPH_MOUNT - software + demo libraries # USER_MOUNT - user libraries setenv ALEPH_MOUNT /aleph1 setenv USER_MOUNT /aleph2 setenv ALEPH_VERSION setenv PATCH_NUMBER setenv SUB_PATCH_NUMBER 2 setenv VERSION_NUMBER 0 setenv LAST_PATCH_NUMBER 05 U Tree ALEPH Structure & Configuration

26 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
aleph_start_505 # # EXU Training libraries. setenv exu01_dev ${USER_MOUNT}/u5${VERSION_NUMBER}_5 setenv exu10_dev ${USER_MOUNT}/u5${VERSION_NUMBER}_5 setenv exu11_dev ${USER_MOUNT}/u5${VERSION_NUMBER}_5 setenv exu12_dev ${USER_MOUNT}/u5${VERSION_NUMBER}_5 setenv exu20_dev ${USER_MOUNT}/u5${VERSION_NUMBER}_5 setenv exu30_dev ${USER_MOUNT}/u5${VERSION_NUMBER}_5 setenv exu50_dev ${USER_MOUNT}/u5${VERSION_NUMBER}_5 setenv exu60_dev ${USER_MOUNT}/u5${VERSION_NUMBER}_5 setenv usm01_dev ${ALEPH_MOUNT}/a5${VERSION_NUMBER}_5 setenv usm02_dev ${ALEPH_MOUNT}/a5${VERSION_NUMBER}_5 setenv usm10_dev ${ALEPH_MOUNT}/a5${VERSION_NUMBER}_5 setenv usm11_dev ${ALEPH_MOUNT}/a5${VERSION_NUMBER}_5 setenv usm12_dev ${ALEPH_MOUNT}/a5${VERSION_NUMBER}_5 setenv usm19_dev ${ALEPH_MOUNT}/a5${VERSION_NUMBER}_5 ALEPH Structure & Configuration

27 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
aleph_start_505 # setenv DEMO_LIBS "usm01 usm02 usm20 usm30" setenv DEMO_LIBS "$DEMO_LIBS usm10 usm11 usm12 usm19" setenv DEMO_LIBS "$DEMO_LIBS usm50 usm60" setenv DEMO_LIBS "$DEMO_LIBS mab01 mab10 mab11 mab12" setenv ALEPH_LIBS "$DEMO_LIBS“ setenv ALEPH_LIBS "$ALEPH_LIBS ndu01 ndu60" setenv pw_library PWD50 ALEPH Structure & Configuration

28 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
aleph_start_505 setenv v_library VIR01 setenv control_lng ENG setenv correct_852_subfields "hikm" # setenv QUE_STARTUP_LIBS "usm01 usm50" setenv WORD_STARTUP_LIBS "usm01 usm10 usm20 usm30 usm50" setenv REQUEST_STARTUP_LIBS "usm50" setenv ACC_AUT_STARTUP_LIBS "usm01" setenv MESSAGE_STARTUP_LIBS "usm01 usm10 usm50" setenv RLIN_STARTUP_LIBS "usm50" # If you want Aleph to connect to a remote Oracle DataBase # setenv BOTH 'aleph_db' and 'TWO_TASK' to the SAME service setenv ORACLE_SID aleph0 setenv ORACLE_OWNER oracle setenv ORACLE_VERSION setenv ORACLE_CONF /aleph/ora_aleph setenv EPC_DISABLED TRUE setenv aleph_db ${ORA_HOST}.${ORACLE_SID} Indexing ILL Authority Control Union Catalog messaging RLIN Loader ALEPH Structure & Configuration

29 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
aleph_start_505.private setenv hcl01_dev /aleph5/u5${VERSION_NUMBER}_5 setenv hcl02_dev /aleph5/u5${VERSION_NUMBER}_5 setenv hcl10_dev /aleph5/u5${VERSION_NUMBER}_5 setenv hcl50_dev /aleph5/u5${VERSION_NUMBER}_5 setenv hcl60_dev /aleph5/u5${VERSION_NUMBER}_5 # Add customer libraries to ALEPH_LIBS setenv ALEPH_LIBS "$ALEPH_LIBS hcl01 hcl10 hcl50 hcl60" # setenv QUE_STARTUP_LIBS "$QUE_STARTUP_LIBS hcl01 hcl50 " setenv WORD_STARTUP_LIBS "$WORD_STARTUP_LIBS exu01 ash01 hcl01" setenv RLIN_STARTUP_LIBS "$RLIN_STARTUP_LIBS hcl50" Configure carefully – Do not overload with processes. ALEPH Structure & Configuration

30 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
Aliases and Variables def_local_env Located in $aleph_mount/aleph/proc/def_local_env Executed on every process and user login Works across all libraries alias pc_server 'csh -f $aleph_proc/pc_server’ alias www_server 'csh -f $aleph_proc/www_server' alias s+ 'sqlplus \!:1/`get_ora_passwd \!:1`' setenv aleph_sort "gsort -y -T $TMPDIR" !! gsort works much faster on Solaris and Aix platforms. ALEPH Structure & Configuration

31 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
Aliases and Variables def_lib_env Located in /$aleph_mount/aleph/proc/def_lib_env Defines library environment Defined for each library alias dr 'cd $data_root/\!*’ alias ds 'cd $data_scratch’ alias dt 'cd $data_tab’ alias df 'cd $data_files’ alias dp 'cd $data_print’ alias util 'csh -f $aleph_proc/util' ALEPH Structure & Configuration

32 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
Aliases and Variables prof_master Located in /$aleph_mount/alephm/prof_master Defines profile for Unix user m505. alias xcob 'csh -f $alephm_proc/xcob’ alias iprou 'csh -f $alephm_proc/iprou’ alias netscape '/usr/local/netscape/netscape&’ alias am 'cd $alephm_root’ alias apm 'cd $alephm_proc' alias ae 'cd $aleph_exe' alias ap 'cd $aleph_proc' alias wa 'cd $alephe_root/www_a_eng’ set prompt = "M$ALEPH_VERSION>>" ALEPH Structure & Configuration

33 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
Aliases and Variables prof_library Located in each of the library’s root directory. # define usm01 directories setenv data_root $usm01_dev/usm01 setenv data_tab $usm01_dev/usm01/tab setenv data_pc_tab $usm01_dev/usm01/pc_tab setenv data_scratch $usm01_dev/usm01/scratch setenv active_library USM01 source $aleph_proc/def_lib_env set_symbol CON_START ENG set_symbol ACTIVE_LIBRARY USM01 ALEPH Structure & Configuration

34 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
Configuration Files aleph_startup_505 Located in $alephe_root directory. Used for starting the ALEPH servers and daemons Run at boot time and/or after backup aleph_shutdown_505 Backup, oracle operations and other system operations Works for ALL libraries ALEPH Structure & Configuration

35 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
aleph_startup_505 - example (1) #!/bin/csh -f source /etc/aleph_start_505 source $aleph_proc/def_local_env rm -f $TMPDIR/*.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] #******************************************* # jobd echo -n "starting jobd " csh -f $aleph_proc/jobd >& /dev/null & echo "" # servers echo -n "starting pc_server " csh -f $aleph_proc/pc_server 65${VERSION_NUMBER}5 & if ($Z39_SERVER_STARTUP == "Y") then echo -n "starting z39_server " csh -f $aleph_proc/z39_server 99${VERSION_NUMBER}9 & endif ALEPH Structure & Configuration

36 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
aleph_startup_505 - example (2) #******************************************* # lib_batch echo "starting library batch queues" echo "" if ($?QUE_STARTUP_LIBS) then set que_startup_libs = ($QUE_STARTUP_LIBS) else set que_startup_libs = "" endif foreach lib ($que_startup_libs) start_proc00 $lib echo -n "$lib " start_library_batch end # UE_01 echo "starting library update doc daemon" Defined in aleph_start_505 or aleph_start_505.private ALEPH Structure & Configuration

37 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
aleph_shutdown_505 - example #!/bin/csh -f source /etc/aleph_start_505 source $aleph_proc/def_local_env #******************************************* # jobd echo -n "shutdown of jobd" aleph_ps kill "$aleph_exe/jobd $ALEPH_VERSION" echo " " # servers echo -n "shutdown of servers" $aleph_exe/server_monitor -ks # stop all library processes for ALL ALEPH_LIBS if ($?ALEPH_LIBS) then set aleph_libs = ($ALEPH_LIBS) else set aleph_libs = "" endif # lib_batch echo "shutdown library batch queues" echo "" Shutdown lib_batch for ALL $ALEPH_LIBS ALEPH Structure & Configuration

38 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
Configuration Files path_convert Located in the active alephe/tab/ directory ($alephe_tab) Redirection of files, tables and directories Uses aleph_start_505 logical assignments Continuous loops are not allowed ALEPH Structure & Configuration

39 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
path_convert - example $usm01_dev/usm01/www_a_eng $alephe_root/www_a_eng $usm50_dev/usm50/www_a_eng $alephe_root/www_a_eng $usm50_dev/usm50/www_b_eng $usm01_dev/usm01/www_b_eng $usm50_dev/usm50/www_b_fre $usm01_dev/usm01/www_b_fre $usm50_dev/usm50/form_eng $usm01_dev/usm01/form_eng $usm50_dev/usm50/form_ger $usm01_dev/usm01/form_ger $usm50_dev/usm50/form_fre $usm01_dev/usm01/form_fre $usm50_dev/usm50/tab/rep_col $usm01_dev/usm01/tab/rep_col $usm50_dev/usm50/tab/pc_tab_col $usm01_dev/usm01/tab/pc_tab_col $ndu01_dev/ndu01/www_a_eng $alephe_root/www_a_eng $ndu01_dev/ndu01/www_b_eng $usm01_dev/usm01/www_b_eng $ndu01_dev/ndu01/www_c_eng $usm01_dev/usm01/www_c_eng $ndu01_dev/ndu01/form_eng $usm01_dev/usm01/form_eng $ndu01_dev/ndu01/head_foot $usm01_dev/usm01/head_foot $ndu01_dev/ndu01/tab/rep_col $usm01_dev/usm01/tab/rep_col $ndu01_dev/ndu01/tab/pc_tab_col $usm01_dev/usm01/tab/pc_tab_col ALEPH Structure & Configuration

40 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
path_convert Segmentation fault may occur when giving incorrect values. ALEPH Structure & Configuration

41 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
Web Related www_server_defaults Located in $alephe_root Contains definitions for the Web server Correct throughout Version 14 ALEPH Structure & Configuration

42 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
Web Related www_server.conf Located in $alephe_root Contains definitions for the Web server from Version 15 ALEPH Structure & Configuration

43 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
PC Related library.ini Located in ../alephcom/tab (on pc) Basic communication definitions ALEPH Structure & Configuration

44 ALEPH Structure & Configuration
- FIN - ALEPH Structure & Configuration

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