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American Sign Language is similar to Mandarin Chinese and Tagalog in that information is communicated following a structure that is called “Topic – Comment”

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Presentation on theme: "American Sign Language is similar to Mandarin Chinese and Tagalog in that information is communicated following a structure that is called “Topic – Comment”"— Presentation transcript:

1 American Sign Language is similar to Mandarin Chinese and Tagalog in that information is communicated following a structure that is called “Topic – Comment” This means that people communicating make choices about the order in which they will communicate their ideas

2 TOPIC- COMMENT In ASL signers often choose to indicate
First: the thing, event, or person they wish to talk about Second: then make a statement, a question, or a comment about that thing, event, or person. For this reason, ASL is described as having a structure known as: TOPIC- COMMENT

3 The description of the NMGS or facial grammar that indicates which is the topic and comment is defined below: Topic Phrase Raise Eyebrows Lean Head Forward Hold or Pause on Last Sign

4 The description of the NMGS or facial grammar that indicates which is the topic and comment is defined below: Comment Phrase Adjust Eyebrows to indicate *Statement *Y/N Question *Wh-Question Return Head to neutral position

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