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Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS z/OS Connector 8

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1 Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS z/OS Connector 8
Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS z/OS Connector 8.3 Installation Stefan Franke EMEA Lvl2 Support

2 Agenda Architecture Finding the installation image
Types of installations Install the z/OS connector Associate a RACF userid Define a new engine in JSC Problem Determination

3 Architecture

4 Architecture

5 Supported Platform table from the JSC Release Notes

6 Interoperability table from the fix pack readme file

7 Finding the installation image
Finding the installation image at Xtreme leverage server:

8 Available images to download
IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler 8.3 for z/OS Connector Installation (CD 1) Fix Pack 2 Refresh (AIX and Solaris), Multilingual (C97HRML) IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler 8.3 for z/OS Connector Installation (CD 2 ) Fix Pack 2 Refresh (Linux_ix86 and Windows), Multilingual (C97HSML) IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler 8.3 z/OS Connector Installation (CD 3) Fix Pack 2 Refresh for Linux_PPC, Linux_s390, Multiplatform (C97HTML) IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler 8.3 for z/OS Connector Installation (CD 4) Fix Pack 2 Refresh (HP/UX), Multilingual (C97HUML) IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler 8.3 for z/OS Connector Installation (CD 5) Fix Pack 2 Refresh (HP-UX 11iv2 for Integrity Itanium-based systems)

9 Available languages Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional English
French German Italian Japanese Korean Portuguese Brazilian Spanish

10 Types of installations
ISMP (Graphical Installation dialog, also known as ‘Wizzard‘) Run the setup according to the OS where you are installing: * Windows: setup.exe * UNIX: setup.bin Silent installation To install in silent mode on Windows, navigate to the directory where the setup.exe file resides and enter the following command: ‘setup.exe -silent -options filename‘ Note: The z/OS connector requires the embedded version of ‘WebSphere Application Server Express version 6.0 ‘(also known as Bobcat ) The installation image already includes ‘WAS‘ and install it undercover. If you have a previous version (1.3,1.4) of the z/OS connector installed, uninstall it before you install the new version.

11 Installing z/OS connector

12 Installing z/OS connector

13 Installing z/OS connector

14 Installing z/OS connector

15 Installing z/OS connector

16 Installing z/OS connector
Free of choice

17 Installing z/OS connector

18 Installing z/OS connector

19 Installing z/OS connector
In case of errors, refer to ‘summary.log‘ file.

20 Verify z/OS connector

21 Associate a RACF userid
Two ways are possible: Create a TMEADMIN RACF class. (see chapter ‘ Creating the TMEADMIN class to associate a RACF user ID‘ in ‘Customization and Tuning‘) Create ‘Usermap‘ file. For demonstration purposes we choose the ‘Usermap‘ way, even we recommend to use the RACF Class for security reasons.

22 Locating the ‘usermap‘ file
The member name is defined in the server option, and the dataset through the EQQPARM DD name in the Server STC JCL EQQPARM DD DISP=SHR,DSN=TWS.V8R3M0.C.PARM(JSCP) BROWSE TWS.V8R3M0.C.PARM(JSCP) ********************************* SERVOPTS SUBSYS(T83C) PROTOCOL(JSC) JSCHOSTNAME( ) USERMAP(USERS)

23 Defining userid to the usermap
Every changes to the usermap requires a JSC server restart

24 Define new engine in JSC
Note that the JSC Users Guide and help panels are totally confusing about Engine defintion. Please use Technote # for clarification. Technotes can be found when entering technote id into upper right search field of

25 Define new engine in JSC
Free of choice

26 Finish engine and users definitions
The blue cogwheel indicates a successful connection to the TWS z/OS controller through the z/os connector. Database objects can now be retrieved.

27 Connection Flow

28 Security flow UUser ‘Luisa‘ and localhostname are merged to

29 Managing z/OS engines using WebSphere Application Server tools
To list all the z/OS connector instances perform the following steps: 1. Log on to the computer where Tivoli Workload Scheduler is installed as the following user: UNIX root Windows Any user in the Administrators group. 2. Access the directory: wastools. (<installation_directory\wastools>) 3. From this directory run the following command: UNIX ”” Windows “listZosEngine”

30 Managing z/OS engines using WebSphere Application Server tools
To display a z/OS connector instance, perform the following steps: 1. Log on to the computer where Tivoli Workload Scheduler is installed as the following user: UNIX root Windows Any user in the Administrators group. 2. Access the wastools directory. 3. From this directory run the following command: UNIX ““ <engineName> Windows “displayZosEngine.bat“ <engineName>

31 Managing z/OS engines using WebSphere Application Server tools
OUTPUT of : “Programme\IBM\TWSZOS\Luisa\wastools\displayzosengine.bat Luisas_MVS“ More ‘WAS‘ commands can be found in chapter 62 of ‘TWS JSC 8.3 User‘s Guide‘

32 Problem Determination
Things to be considered first: Which Fix package of the JSC and connector you are running? Is the operating system supported for the JSC and Connector? Does the interoperability table list your configuration as a supported one ? Engine defintions matches the connector ones ? Erorr messages shown up in logs ? Logs des connectors und der JSC

33 Problem Determination
Messages are written in various log files at ‘<inst_dir>\appserver\profiles\twszconnprofile\logs\server1‘ directory. Logs des connectors und der JSC Following message prefixes are logged: AWS = TWS /dist TRAS/ADM = WAS EQQ = TWS z/OS

34 Activating JSC Trace Trace is written to <user_home_directory>\.twsconsole\userdata

35 Activating Connector Trace (found in ‘Troubleshooting‘ of TWS/dist )
1. Log on to the computer where Tivoli Workload Scheduler is installed as the following user: UNIX root Windows Any user in the Administrators group 2. Access the directory: <TWS_home>/wastools 3. Run the script: UNIX -user TWSuser_ID -password TWSUser password -mode trace_mode Windows changeTraceProperties.bat -user TWSuser_ID -password TWSUser password -mode trace_mode

36 Trace modes Where trace_mode is one of the following:
tws_all All Tivoli Workload Scheduler communications are traced. tws_db All Tivoli Workload Scheduler database communications are traced. tws_planner All Tivoli Workload Scheduler planner communications are traced. tws_cli All Tivoli Workload Scheduler command line communications are traced. tws_utils All Tivoli Workload Scheduler utility communications are traced. tws_conn All Tivoli Workload Scheduler connector communications are traced. tws_info No tracing - the default value. To reset the traces to null, either run the above procedure with trace_mode as tws_info, or just stop and start the server. Trace can be found in : <inst_dir>/appserver/profiles/twszconnprofile/logs/server1/trace.log Creating the TMEADMIN class to associate a RACF user ID

37 Determine the JSC Fix pack

38 Determine the Connector Fix pack
At Unix systems you find the connector registry under ‘/etc/TWS/‘

39 Where can you find connector fix packs ?
Anonymous Server ‘‘

40 Questions ?

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