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Competition (Ch. 10) Ken Jennings: my hero! 74 wins (2004)

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Presentation on theme: "Competition (Ch. 10) Ken Jennings: my hero! 74 wins (2004)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Competition (Ch. 10) Ken Jennings: my hero! 74 wins (2004)
$2.52 million

2 Target-neighborhood experiment
Remove around “target” shrub Target monitored (water status) Result: little intraspecific comp. both sp. great Larrea-Ambrosia comp. Danger…

3 Danger for removal experiments: Apparent competition
Herbivore effects mimic competition Ex: Herbivore eats A and B Remove A, herbivore leaves, Interaction b/w A & B

4 Other points 1) Herbivory influences competition
Ex, chalk grassland (England) Lab studies: grass better competitor. How forbs persist? Rabbits (“killer rabbits?”) Plant Ecology Theatre!

5 Other points Rabbits prefer grass (help forbs)
Twist: Myxomatosis decimated rabbits 1950s—forbs declined Rare butterflies (ex, marsh fritillary) declined The marsh fritillary

6 Other points 2) Disturbance timing on competition species 1 numbers
No disturbance time

7 Other points Can allow coexistence Frequent disturbances numbers
species 1 species 2 time

8 Other points 3) Phenology can affect competition Ex, lab study
Germinate same time: sp. 2 Sp. 2 germinate 2 wk earlier: sp. 1

9 Allelopathy Allelopathy: chemical May be
Allelopathy: chemicals added to env.

10 Plants “leaky” Many ways rainwater leaches volatiles Root decay

11 Examples Ex, Salvia (sage): coastal sage scrub (CA)
Leaves release cineole & camphor camphor

12 Examples Chemicals inhibit germination & growth annuals “Bare zones”

13 Examples Ex, Juglans nigra (black walnut) Roots: juglone

14 Examples Ex, Ceratiola ericoides (beach rosemary) Sandy soils

15 Examples Ex, Ceratiola ericoides (beach rosemary) Releases ceratiolin

16 Allelopathy: Problems with proof
Need to: #3 hard! Allelopathy proof difficult

17 Allelopathy: Problems with proof
Other factors: herbivory Cages:

18 Weeds and allelopathy Ex, Centaurea maculosa (spotted knapweed)
Invasive exotic

19 Weed example Ex, Centaurea maculosa (spotted knapweed)
Releases catechin catechin

20 Ch. 10: Positive plant-plant interactions

21 Facilitation Facilitation: + effect ( Commensalism: Some epiphytes

22 Commensalism Nurse plant effect (+,0) Saguaro plant nurse……

23 Commensalism Nurse plant effect (+,0)
Ex, Saguaro cactus (Carnegiea gigantea)

24 Commensalism Seedlings under Palo Verde trees Provides:

25 Commensalism Ex, Marsh elder (Iva frutescens: salt marsh)
Juncus roemerianus shading decreases evaporation:

26 Commensalism Can help exotics Ex, chenopod shrubland

27 Mutualism (+,+) interaction: pollination, seed dispersal, N-fixation….

28 Mutualism Ex, root grafts connect

29 Mutualism Radioactive tracers Roots Danger!

30 Mutualism Danger: Disease

31 Lichens Mutualism (+,+) Lichen: fungus

32 Lichen Together:

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