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University of Texas at Houston Family Medicine Residency Program

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1 University of Texas at Houston Family Medicine Residency Program
Creating a Resident Performance Timeline: Facilitating the Work of the Clinical Competency Committee Rolf Montalvo, M.D. University of Texas at Houston Family Medicine Residency Program

2 Disclosures None

3 The Problem Fitting resident assessment tools into… A succinct performance description… And transforming it into a milestone level

4 Clinical Competency Committee
“Using a CCC will increase the chances of a more balanced summary evaluation of a resident”. “…advantage of a CCC is that more voices can lead to more faculty member interest and engagement in resident education”. ACGME, December 2013 Clinical Competency Committees

5 “…observable steps on the continuum of increasing ability…”
Milestones “…observable steps on the continuum of increasing ability…” ACGME, October 2013 FM milestones/NAS presentation

6 Assigning a Milestone Requires Knowledge of the Milestones
22 different milestones Each milestone has 5 narratives 22 X 5 = 110 narratives

7 Approximately 30-32 individual documents to assess
Per Resident, Per Year… 12 rotation evaluations 4 quarterly clinic evaluations 1 self evaluation 1 nursing evaluation 1 staff evaluation 1 patient evaluation 1 In-Training exam score report 4 quarterly didactic attendance records 1 procedure log/OB experience log +/- 2 unsolicited comments +/- 2 Academic letters (warning/probation/concern) “hidden landmines” +/- 2 Academic letters of excellence “hidden diamonds” Approximately individual documents to assess per resident.

8 A Lot of Data 110 possible milestones documents per resident This much data still requires a pre-review by one or two faculty.

9 Visualize Compare Participate
TIMELINES Visualize Compare Participate

10 Anatomy of a Timeline Larry Bird, M.D. End of PGY2 review
CCC meeting:6/1/14

11 Interacting with a Timeline
Displayed during a CCC meeting “Guided” by the faculty reviewer or by CCC chair TIKI-TOKI

12 POSITIVES Visually rich. Gives the “big picture”.
Reflects changes over time. Brings more faculty into a discussion. Picks up on “incidents” or one-time events. More information in less amount of TIME.

13 NEGATIVES It takes TIME to create a timeline (initially).
Requires WEB and a good projector set-up May oversimplify some events.

14 SUMMARY Milestones require review of a large amount of data on each resident. Purpose of CCC is to involve more faculty in discussions and educational activities. Milestones should be assigned based on a continuum of performance.

15 SUMMARY (continued) Timelines save time by reviewing same amount of information in less time. Timelines still require a faculty reviewer for each resident. Initial transfer of information is the most burdensome step.

16 References ACGME, December 2013 Clinical Competency Committees slide presentation, 2. Tiki-Toki Web-based timeline software,

17 Please evaluate this session at:

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