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Odor Free Bio- Toilets Biological Solution_ An Easy Way Out.

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1 Odor Free Bio- Toilets Biological Solution_ An Easy Way Out


3 Introduction A next generation Bio-Enzymatic products for removing odor from source. All products utilizes natural process that are actually beneficial for environment. To promote a safe, secure and environment-friendly solution towards a Greener Life.

4 Our Partner NOVOZYMES Biologicals, USA, the world leader in Bio-Technology. More than 40% of global market (up to 60%). Strong R& D (13% spend ON R&D). Claims supported by peer-reviewed scientific published data. ISO 14001:2004 Certification.

5 Facts about Odor Control
Odor “control” often involves the use  of perfumes or other odor masking  chemical agents that do not eliminate odor but rather add a higher level of  less objectionable odor.  Most of the times chemical are used  that actually anaesthetizes the nose receptors so it does not function. These are actually masking agents and carcinogenic in the long run. These are temporary solutions.

6 Challenges in the Bio-Toilets
Washout of existing Bio Inoculums. Frequent charging / replacement of bio culture (2-3 months). Depletion of culture because of use of harsh cleaning chemicals. Foul Smell making the whole system unfriendly, unhygienic.

7 Challenges in the Bio-Toilets
Bio-Digesters are anaerobic and requires anaerobic culture for better organic degradation. Supportive fast acting culture to multiply bacterial colonies will withstand various shocks. All existing efforts are to control odor from the surfaces where as problem and source is elsewhere.

8 Bio Solutions for the challenges
Addition of multi strain anaerobic Bio Culture, Portakleen, in the inlet, once day. Portakleen utilises the capability of microbial consortium to produce extra cellular enzymes including Amylase/Protease/ Cellulase and lipase for fast degradation of these organics. The bacteria with most rapid production of these key enzymes, provides the best effects.

9 Bio Solutions for the challenges
Portakleen will complement the existing Inoculums to give better results. Freshin will be intermittently sprayed in the W C area to remove traces of odor from splashes while using toilet. Freshin sachets will be used in the collection bins to control any wet waste odor to keep wash basin area odor free.

10 Bio Technology Biology has increasing applications in he day to day life and Bio-products are perfect replacement for traditional technology like chemicals or so called Green Chemicals. Bio products gives causative solution, they are environment friendly, economical and safe to use.  For any issues, identifying of the source and than providing a proper Bio-solution is what we at Lemmens Shardlow (I) pvt Ltd is looking at with Bio-products. All our range of products are Environment friendly BIO-GREEN products. Novozymes products have EcoLogo certification and are accepted by US Green Building Council (USGBC), for LEED certification program to get credit rating points. 

11 Thanking You Jetchem international , Harbinder S. Oberai +919560220088
Thanking You

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