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Can you find the KT knight in each photo?

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Presentation on theme: "Can you find the KT knight in each photo?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Can you find the KT knight in each photo?
KT Bear welcomes you to Knights Templar and looks forward to meeting you in September. Here are some photos to show you what KT Bear does at school. Can you find the KT knight in each photo?

2 I have found my name on my peg!
KT hangs up his coat. I have found my name on my peg!

3 KT has a drink from the water fountain.
I was thirsty and my teacher suggested I have a drink. It’s lovely and cold.

4 KT enjoys a story with his friends
I really like stories and it’s great looking at the pictures.

5 KT puts his book bag into the box at the start of the day.
I like having new books to share at home.

6 KT enjoys playing outside.
This is my favourite! Some of my friends prefer the digger and some love the trikes.

7 KT makes a castle with his friend.
It’s fun making different things especially with these blocks.

8 KT has fun in the role play house.
I like dressing up and pretending stories.

9 KT remembers to wash his hands after he goes to the toilet.
I can go to the toilet whenever I need to go. If I want, my class assistant will help me.

10 KT goes to visit Mrs Milton in the office. He gets a token!
Mrs Milton likes to say hello when I go to visit. Can you see Mrs White behind her?

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