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Finding Help from the Lord, by the Example of Alma and his People.

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Presentation on theme: "Finding Help from the Lord, by the Example of Alma and his People."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding Help from the Lord, by the Example of Alma and his People.
Mosiah 23-24 Finding Help from the Lord, by the Example of Alma and his People.

2 Insructions The following symbols will show you how to search for the answers to the questions presented on the projector. P> = work paired with the person next to you. P^ = work paired with the person behind you. T = work together with your team. I = work individually, answer questions in your journal when prompted.

3 Warm Up Questions Mosiah 23:1-3 1st P> How far did Alma and his people flee to get away from King Noah’s army? Mosiah 23:6-9 2nd P> Give two reasons Alma refused to be King?

4 A Little Background Info.
T Why do you think that the Lord allowed Alma’s people to be put into bondage even though they had already repented? (If you need help compare Mosiah 11:23 and 12:2) As a team write a principle in your journals or scriptures margins that involves sin and consequences.

5 Mosiah 24 Mosiah 24:1 P^ Who was appointed to be over Alma’s people by the Lamanites? Mosiah 24:8-9 P> Why did Amulon hate Alma so much? T Why do you think the wicked get so angry with those who try to do good?

6 3 reasons for trials Mosiah 23:21-23; 24:9-11 P^ Trials come into our lives for different reasons. We have already seen through Alma’s and Limhi’s people that we invite trials into our lives because of our own poor choices. What would be two other reasons trials come even when we are trying to make good choices?

7 Mosiah 24:12-15 P> Read and mark how the Lord assisted Alma’s people in their trials. I in journal In a paragraph describe briefly some things going on in your life right now, that you could use the Lord’s help with.

8 Inviting the Lord to Help
Mosiah 24:12-15 I Read again and mark what Alma’s people did to invite the Lord to help them in their trials? I in journals What are some changes you can make to show the Lord you desire His help?

9 Look at the Differences
1st P> Compare Mosiah 21:14-16 and Mosiah 24:12, to see what differences you can find in the way the Lord helped each group with their burdens. 2nd P> Compare Mosiah 22:9-13 and Mosiah 24:17-21 to see what differences you can find in the Lord’s involvement with Lamanite guards that allowed each group to escape.

10 Talking in the Team Share with the entire team the differences you found. Then discuss why do you think the Lord’s help and timing differed so greatly between the two groups? I in journal Thinking about your discussion take a minute and add some thoughts to your last journal entry regarding how you can show the Lord you desire His help in your trials.

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